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Pokémon Wiki
For other versions of Hypno belonging to Faba, see Faba's Hypno.

This Hypno is a Psychic-type Pokémon owned by Faba.


After an Aether Foundation employee referred Faba as "Mister Faba", Hypno used its psychic powers to bash the employee to the wall. Faba pretended that Hypno did this on its own and tried scolding it, since he demanded to be referred as "Branch Chief Faba".[1]

Plumeria went to Faba, to speak to him about Guzma's disappearance. When Faba had Hypno attack her to take Cosmoem from her, Plumeria's Salazzle sneak-attacked Hypno by firing some venom at it, poisoning it and it fell down.[2]

Known moves[]

None of Hypno's moves are known.

