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Episodes from Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation to the first 62 episodes of Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes!, and some episodes of Pocket Monsters (2019 series), feature generic eyecatches (Japanese: アイキャッチ, Hepburnaikyatchitrans. eyecatching), due to the removal of the Dare da? and Pocket Monster TV segments. The special episode, "The Legend of Thunder", features them as well. The following is a list of said eyecatches.

Pocket Monsters: Advanced Generation[]

Variant(s) Episode(s) Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)
RS Eyecatch Groudon 1 RS Eyecatch Kyogre 1
2 "AG003" RS Eyecatch Groudon 2 RS Eyecatch Kyogre 2
3 "AG004"–"AG105" RS Eyecatch Groudon 3 RS Eyecatch Kyogre 3
4 RS Eyecatch Rayquaza A RS Eyecatch Rayquaza B
5 RS Eyecatch Registeel A RS Eyecatch Registeel B
6 RS Eyecatch Regice A RS Eyecatch Regice B
7 RS Eyecatch Regirock A RS Eyecatch Regirock B

Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl[]

4:3 era[]

Variant(s) Episode(s) Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)
1 "DP001" DP Eyecatch 4;3 1A DP Eyecatch 4;3 1B
2 "DP002" DP Eyecatch 4;3 2A DP Eyecatch 4;3 2B
3 "DP003" DP Eyecatch 4;3 3A DP Eyecatch 4;3 3B
4 "DP004"–"DP010" DP Eyecatch 4;3 4A DP Eyecatch 4;3 4B
5 "DP011"–"DP120" DP Eyecatch 4;3 5A DP Eyecatch 4;3 5B

16:9 era[]

The 16:9 era of Diamond and Pearl episodes includes four eyecatch screens for all episodes from "The Lonely Snover!" to "Memories Are Made of Bliss!" with five combinations used before and after the commercial break, with two separate eyecatch screens for the bonus episode specials "Dawn—Setting Off on a New Journey!" and "Pewter Gym—The Greatest Crisis Ever!" (which use the same screen both before and after the commercial break).

Variant(s) Episode(s) Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)
1 DP Eyecatch 16;9 1 DP Eyecatch 16;9 2
2 DP Eyecatch 16;9 2 DP Eyecatch 16;9 1
3 DP Eyecatch 16;9 3 DP Eyecatch 16;9 1
4 DP Eyecatch 16;9 1 DP Eyecatch 16;9 3
5 DP Eyecatch 16;9 4 DP Eyecatch 16;9 1
6 DP Eyecatch 16;9 1 DP Eyecatch 16;9 4
7 "DP164" DP Eyecatch 16;9 4 DP Eyecatch 16;9 2
8 "DP192" DP Eyecatch 16;9 5 DP Eyecatch 16;9 5
9 "DP193" DP Eyecatch 16;9 6 DP Eyecatch 16;9 6

Pocket Monsters: Best Wishes![]

Variant(s) Episodes Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)
BW Eyecatch 1A BW Eyecatch 1B
BW Eyecatch 2A BW Eyecatch 2B

Pocket Monsters (2019 series)[]

Variant(s) Episode(s) Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)
1 PJ Eyecatch A PJ Eyecatch B
2 "PM('19)044" PJ044 Eyecatch A PJ044 Eyecatch B
3 "PM('19)045" PJ045 Eyecatch A PJ045 Eyecatch B
4 "PM('19)106" PJ106 Eyecatch A PJ106 Eyecatch B
5 "PM('19)111" PJ111 Eyecatch A PJ111 Eyecatch B
6 "PM('19)132" PJ132 Eyecatch A PJ132 Eyecatch B

Pocket Monsters: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master[]

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Variant(s) Episode(s) Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)
1 "PM('19)142" File:PJ142 Eyecatch A.png File:PJ142 Eyecatch B.png
2 "PM('19)143" File:PJ143 Eyecatch A.png File:PJ143 Eyecatch B.png

Pocket Monsters (2023 series)[]

For the eyecatches of Pocket Monsters (2023 series), see here.

"The Legend of Thunder"[]

Variants(s) Character(s) Img(s).
1 Jimmy TLoT Eyecatch Jimmy
2 Marina TLoT Eyecatch Marina
3 Hun TLoT Eyecatch Hun
4 Attila TLoT Eyecatch Attila
5 Professor Elm TLoT Eyecatch Professor Elm
6 Vincent TLoT Eyecatch Vincent
7 Eusine TLoT Eyecatch Eusine
8 Kudo TLoT Eyecatch Kudo
9 Misdreavus
TLoT Eyecatch Misdreavus Typhlosion Meganium
10 Raikou TLoT Eyecatch Raikou

"Distant Blue Sky!"[]

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Variant(s) Episode(s) Img(s). (before) Img(s). (after)