Exciting Pokémon Relay (Japanese: ポケモンはらはらリレー, Hepburn: Pokémon Hara Hara Riree) is the eighth Japanese ending theme of the original Pokémon Anime series.
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♪ ポケモンはらはらリレー! ごきげんななめのピチュー みんなはらはら ごきげんななめのピチュー とてもしんぱい なにがあったかしらないけれど こまったもんだのだいもんだい!
ピチューがおこりだすと でんきビリビリながれだす でんきビリビリながらだすと そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃう そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃうと ガイコツまるみえ
ガイコツまるみえだと カラカラがなかまとまちがえる カラカラがなかまとまちがえると ホネをふってあいずする ホネをふってあいずすると マリルがおもわずうたいだす
マリルがおもわずうたいだすと たのしいリズムがうまれる たのしいリズムがうまれると キレイハナがおどりだす キレイハナがおどりだせば (キレイハナがおどりだせば?) ピチューのごきげん ハイ もとどおり!
ジャン! ♪
Full Version[]
♪ ポケモンはらはらリレー! ごきげんななめのピチュー みんなはらはら ごきげんななめのピチュー とてもしんぱい なにがあったかしらないけれど こまったもんだのだいもんだい!
ピチューがおこりだすと でんきビリビリながれだす でんきビリビリながらだすと そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃう そばにいたニャースがしびれちゃうと ガイコツま〜るみえ
ガイコツま〜るみえだと カラカラがなかまとまちがえる カラカラがなかまとまちがえると ホネをふってあいずする ホネをふってあいずすると マリルがおもわずうたいだす
マリルがおもわずうたいだすと たのしいリズムがうまれる たのしいリズムがうまれると キレイハナがおどりだす キレイハナがおどりだせば (キレイハナがおどりだせば?) ピチューのごきげん ハイ もとどおり!
いまにもなきそんなトゲピー みんなはらはら いまにもなきそんなトゲピー とてもしんぱい なにがあったがこんどもしらないけれど こまったもんだのだいもんだい2!
トゲピーがなきだすと なみだでちいさなうみができる なみだでちいさなうみができると ギャロドスよろこびおよぎまわる ギャロドスよろこびおよぎまわると おおきななみがザザザザザブン!
おおきななみがザザザザザブンだと ピカチュウなみのりくるくるタン ピカチュウなみのりくるくるタンすると みていたみんながたいはくしゅ みていたみんながだいはくしゅすると コダックかんちがいしておもわずうたいだす
コダックかんちがいしておもわずうたいだすと とぼてたリズムがうまれる とぼてたリズムがうまれると ヤドキングがおどりだす ヤドキングがおどりだせば (ヤドキングがおどりだせば?) トゲピーのなきがお ホラ わらいがお!
ピチューがたのしくうたいだすと みんなたのしくおどりだす みんなたのしくおどりだすと おやつのじかんをわすれちゃう おやつのじかんをわすれちゃうと? (おやつのじかんをわすれちゃうと?) ピチューのごきげん あら またななめ?
ジャン! ♪
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♪ Exciting Pokémon Relay! Pichu's in a bad mood And it makes everyone nervous Pichu's in a bad mood And that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, a big problem!
When Pichu gets angry It releases a burst of electricity When Pichu released a burst of electricity The Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked When the Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked Meowth's skeleton shines through
When Meowth's skeleton shines through Cubone thinks it is one of his friends When Cubone thinks it is one of his friends It waves its bone around as a signal When Cubone waves its bone around as a signal Marill suddenly begins to sing
When Marill suddenly begins to sing A fun rhythm is born When a fun rhythm is born Bellossom begins to dance When Bellossom begins to dance (When Bellossom begins to dance?) Yes, Pichu is once again in a good mood
Ta-da! ♪
Full Version[]
♪ Exciting Pokémon Relay! Pichu's in a bad mood and it makes everyone nervous Pichu's in a bad mood and that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, a big problem!
When Pichu gets angry It releases a burst of electricity When Pichu released a burst of electricity The Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked When the Meowth beside Pichu gets shocked Meowth's skeleton shines through
When Meowth's skeleton shines through Cubone thinks it is one of his friends When Cubone thinks it is one of his friends It waves its bone around as a signal When Cubone waves its bone around as a signal Marill suddenly begins to sing
When Marill suddenly begins to sing A fun rhythm is born When a fun rhythm is born Bellossom begins to dance When Bellossom begins to dance (When Bellossom begins to dance?) Yes, Pichu is once again in a good mood
Now, there's a sad, crying Togepi and it makes everyone nervous Now, there's a sad, crying Togepi and that's concerning No one knows what happened But it's a problem, big problem no. 2
When Togepi starts crying It produces a little sea of tears When it produces a little sea of tears Gyarados merrily swims around When Gyarados merrily swim around It make really, really, really big waves
When Gyarados makes really, really, really big waves Pikachu takes a board and goes surfing When Pikachu takes a board and goes surfing Everyone who looks bursts wildly into applause When everyone who looks bursts wildly into applause A Psyduck confusedly thinks they are begging it to sing
When Psyduck confusedly thinks they are begging it to sing A silly rhythm is born When a silly rhythm is born Slowking begins to dance When Slowking begins to dance (When Slowking begins to dance?) Look, Togepi's no longer crying, but smiling!
Pichu is singing happily Everyone dances happily When everyone was dancing happily They all forget they have to stop for snacks When they all forget they have to stop for snacks (When they all forget they have to stop for snacks?) Oh dear, is Pichu in a bad mood again?
Ta-da! ♪