- For other variants of Zebstrika belonging to Elesa, see Elesa's Zebstrika.
This Zebstrika is an electric-type Pokémon owned by Elesa.
As Blitzle[]
One day, Elesa, when she was a little girl, rode on her Blitzle to her grandmother's house. On her way, she encountered the Legendary Pokémon, Thundurus, which left an impression Elesa to catch it.[1]
As Zebstrika[]
Elesa, at the Pokémon Musical Dome, was dressing up her Zebstrika.[2]
Elesa sent Zebstrika to battle Black's Tula. As Black was moving on the cart with Tula, the latter fired Electro Ball. However, Zebstrika resisted the attack and its speed was increased, due to Motor Drive ability. Zebstrika used Flame Charge, which defeated Tula. Black sent his Nite out, who went to attack Zebstrika. However, Zebstrika used Volt Switch, hitting Nite, and was switched with Emolga, who used the same combo, creating a loop. To counter this loop, Nite used Bulldoze when Zebstrika was sent out, who was quickly defeated.[1]
Elesa was accompanied by Zebstrika and Emolga, as she tried to clear the traffic jam at the Driftveil Bridge.[3]
When Elesa was released from Team Plasma's castle, she sent Zebstrika to battle the Team Plasma sages at the Pokémon League. Zebstrika used Wild Charge to attack the Team Plasma forces.[4]