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Pokémon Wiki

Desolate Canyon is a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity.


The player and their partner come to Desolate Canyon to find Dunsparce after he is tricked by two Pawniards by the promise of becoming stronger fast. Dunsparce realizes he is being trick some time into the dungeon and the Pawniard reveal their scheme to mug hum. Emolga, the Player, and the Partner arrive to help Dunsparce, but the Pawniard reveal they have reinforcements. Fortunately, Virizion appears with Gurdurr and his Timburr apprentices and together, they defeat the baddies and send them running. Afterward, Dunsparce and Emolga join the Player and Partner's team and even Virizion asks to join after recalling Gurdurr telling her about his recent reform from crime thanks to the Player and Partner's efforts.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recr. Rate
0453Croagunk MD Croagunk 1-7 9 ?
0522 Blitzle 1-7 10 ?
0548 Petilil 1-7 9 ?
0556 Archen 1-7 13 ?
0590 Foongus 1-7 14 ?
0600 Klang 1-7 ? ?
0607 Litwick 1-7 12 ?
0629 Vullaby 1-7 12 ?


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recr. Rate
0543 Venipede x 2 - 12/13 Unrecruitable
0596 Galvantula x 2 - 16/17 Unrecruitable
0624 Pawniard x 2 - 14/15 Unrecruitable