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Pokémon Wiki

Darla is a character appearing in Pokémon: Indigo League.


For unknown amount of time, Darla was the assistant of the unlucky magician, Melvin. She was wearing Vulpix girl costume when she was working for him. She was irate by the fact that he wasn't giving her payment for quite long time. Because of this she decided to quit working for him. When he begged her to stay, she started demanding her payment right away. Melvin started promising to pay her as soon as he gets the audience. Darla was very doubtful about it, claiming that nobody would want to watch Melvin's lousy show. Melvin then hugged her, promising to pay her as soon as possible but Darla, irritated by his behavior, knocked him to the ground, claiming that she heard his promises before and leaves him, much to his chagrin.


  • In Japanese version, when she beats up Melvin, she orders him to let her go while in English version she says that she heard his promises before.