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Dark Crater is the last dungeon in the second story line of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Explorers of Darkness, and Explorers of Sky. After it is revealed that Darkrai is the mastermind behind the distorting of space, he challenges the Player, Partner, and Cresselia to face him at Dark Crater.

Dark Crater is located at the northwesternmost end of the Wonder Map on the volcanic island.


Dark Crater[]

Mewtwo can only be found in Explorers of Darkness

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0004Charmander MD Charmander B1-10 5-7 8.2%
0155Cyndaquil MD Cyndaquil B1-10 5-7 8.2%
0390Chimchar MD Chimchar B1-10 5-7 8.2%
0450Hippowdon MD Hippowdon B1-10 33-35 8.2%
0322Numel MD Numel B1-11 14-16 6.4%
0218Slugma MD Slugma B1-12 15-17 8.2%
0058Growlithe MD Growlithe B1-13 16-18 8.2%
0077Ponyta MD Ponyta B1-13 17-19 8.2%
0255Torchic MD Torchic B1-14 5-7 8.2%
0005Charmeleon MD Charmeleon B1-15 43-46 -10%
0136Flareon MD Flareon B1-15 49-52 -12%
0256Combusken MD Combusken B1-15 45-48 -10%
0391Monferno MD Monferno B1-15 43-46 -10%
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt B3-15 46-49 -12%
0078Rapidash MD Rapidash B4-15 48-51 -4.5%
0150Mewtwo MD Mewtwo B6 50 -22% *
0059Arcanine MD Arcanine B6-15 49-51 -12%
0156Quilava MD Quilava B11-15 50-51 -10%
0219Magcargo MD Magcargo B13-15 51-52 0.5%

*Only appears if there is a Secret Slab or Mystery Part in the bag

Deep Dark Crater[]

Entei can only be found in Explorers of Time and Darkness

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0005Charmeleon MD Charmeleon B1-5 46-47 -10%
0156Quilava MD Quilava B1-5 51-52 -10%
0391Monferno MD Monferno B1-5 46-47 -10%
0323Camerupt MD Camerupt B1-6 49-50 -12%
0256Combusken MD Combusken B1-8 48-49 -10%
0059Arcanine MD Arcanine B1-9, B11-14 51-53 -12%
0078Rapidash MD Rapidash B1-9, B11-14 51-53 -4.5%
0136Flareon MD Flareon B1-9, B11-14 52-54 -12%
0219Magcargo MD Magcargo B1-11 52-54 0.5%
0464Rhyperior MD Rhyperior B5-14 53-54 -12%
0467Magmortar MD Magmortar B5-14 52-53 -10%
0006Charizard MD Charizard B6-9, B11-14 53-54 -12%
0157Typhlosion MD Typhlosion B6-9, B11-14 53-54 -12%
0392Infernape MD Infernape B6-14 52-53 -12%
0324Torkoal MD Torkoal B7-14 53-54 6.4%
0429Mismagius MD Mismagius B7-14 52-53 8.2%
0257Blaziken MD Blaziken B9-14 53-54 -12%
0306Aggron MD Aggron B9-14 52-53 -10%
0244Entei MD Entei B10 47 6.4% *

*Only appears if there is a Secret Slab or Mystery Part in the bag

Dark Crater Pit[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0491Darkrai MD Darkrai Pit 53 Unrecruitable
0024Arbok MD Arbok Pit 36 Unrecruitable
0219Magcargo MD Magcargo Pit 36 Unrecruitable
0306Aggron MD Aggron Pit 36 Unrecruitable
0429Mismagius MD Mismagius Pit 35 Unrecruitable
0464Rhyperior MD Rhyperior Pit 36 Unrecruitable
0467Magmortar MD Magmortar Pit 36 Unrecruitable


Language Name
English Dark Crater
Spanish Cráter Oscuro
Italian Cratere Oscuro
French Cratère Obscur
German Dunkelkrater
Japanese やみのかこう
Korean 어둠의 화구