This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "Battling a Thaw in Relations!".
- Narrator
As the Sinnoh league quarterfinal battle between Ash and Paul rages on from Lily of the Valley Island, Ash has three of his six Pokémon remaining, while Paul has only two. Those numbers may appear to give Ash the advantage, but the damage taken so far by his Pokémon may, in fact, tell a different story...
- [The opening theme "We Will Carry On!" and title card plays.]
- [Gliscor and Drapion both set up their X-Scissor and Pin Missile respectively as Gliscor closes in on Drapion. Several pins hits Gliscor and sends it back. Ash and Pikachu grunt in shock.]
- Announcer
Gliscor's X-Scissor is powerless against those Pin Missiles!
- Dawn
Gliscor, no!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Worried) Piplup...
- Barry
Man, Gliscor's X-Scissor attack just wasn't enough.
- Brock
No doubt one X-Scissor against multiple Pin Missiles wouldn't stand much of a chance.
- [Gliscor falls to the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
Hang in there, Gliscor! You can do it!
- Paul
Cross Poison, now!
- [Drapion sets up Cross Poison.]
- Ash Ketchum
Quick, use Fire Fang!
- [Gliscor fires up its fangs. Drapion releases Cross Poison, but Gliscor dodges and his Drapion with Fire Fang, causing an explosion.]
- Announcer
Gliscor's Fire Fang scores a direct hit!
- [As the smoke clears, Drapion is burned.]
- Announcer
With an added effect that has Drapion wrapped in flames!
- [As Drapion roars and tries to shake off the flames, it gives in and faints on the ground.]
- Referee
Drapion is unable to battle. Gliscor gets the win!
- Announcer
And Drapion goes down, as Ash reduces Paul's remaining Pokémon to just one!
- Reggie
Great Ash, nice work.
- [Paul returns Drapion.]
- Barry
Wow, Gliscor did it!
- Dawn
Come on Ash! Take out his last Pokémon!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup!
- Brock
This is no time for Ash to relax...
- Dawn & Barry
- [Gliscor lands, struggling.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gliscor, are you okay?
- Ash's Gliscor
- Dawn
Oh no... Gliscor doesn't look good.
- [Piplup starts chanting.]
- Brock
Gliscor's taken lots of damage for sure.
- Barry
Yeah, and since Paul's last Pokémon hasn't battled yet, it'll be starting out fresh. That means Paul still has the advantage.
- Dawn
No need to worry. Ash is gonna win!
- Ash Ketchum
Gliscor, take a good rest!
- [Ash is interrupted before he returns the Pokemon.]
- Paul
Electivire, stand by for battle!
- Paul's Electivire
- Announcer
Paul brings out his last Pokémon, Electivire!
- Ash Ketchum
Electivire... (To himself) Electric-type moves have no effect on Gliscor. But still...
- [Gliscor speaks up to Ash, confident and determined.]
- Ash Ketchum
But Gliscor... (Accepts) OK, you've got yourself a deal!
- Announcer
And it looks like Ash is sticking with Gliscor!
- Ash's Gliscor
- Dawn
All right, Gliscor! Stay focused!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Pip-Piplup!
- Brock
Because Gliscor's a Ground type, Electric-type moves won't have any effect on it at all. I think it was a good call, but I'm still concerned about the damage Gliscor's taken so far.
- Barry
Then Ash had better finish this up quick.
- Paul
Use Thunder on the battlefield!
- [Electivire extends its tails and pounds the ground ahead of it with them.]
- Ash Ketchum
Oh, man!
- Barry
(Annoyed) All right, what in the world is Paul trying to do?!
- Brock
Not sure.
- [Reggie smiles. Meanwhile, Electivire charges and destroys the ground with electricity. Rocks are hurled into the air. The rocks fall onto and hurt Gliscor, downing him.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gliscor, no!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Concerned) Pika!
- Announcer
And that's a surprising way to use that move against Gliscor, who's immune to Electric-type attacks!
- Dawn
Paul using Thunder that way.
- Barry
Just like before, when Infernape used Flare Blitz from underground.
- Brock
I guess it's Paul's way of getting back at Ash for using the field to his advantage.
- [Gliscor, still down, struggles to get up.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gliscor, are you all right?
- Ash's Gliscor
- Ash Ketchum
(To himself) Paul's tough for sure! (Aloud) Let's finish this up, Gliscor, with Giga Impact!
- [Gliscor glows an aura and charges.]
- Paul
Block it!
- [Electivire blocks the move as the two Pokemon strain at each other. An explosion is caused.]
- Ash Ketchum
Oh, no!
- [As the smoke clears, Gliscor is trapped by Electivire's tails, struggling to break free.]
- Announcer
And Electivire's tails have Gliscor firmly trapped!
- Barry
I can't believe Gliscor's caught again!
- Brock
Paul likes to take his opponent's attacks and then wait for just the right moment to strike back.
- Ash Ketchum
Gliscor, get out of there!
- Announcer
Although struggling mightily, Gliscor can't break loose!
- Paul
Brick Break, go!
- [Electivire chops Gliscor, tumbling him to the ground and fainting.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gliscor, no!
- Referee
Gliscor is unable to battle. Electivire wins!
- Announcer
Gliscor is out! Leaving Ash with just two Pokémon.
- Paul
A job well done, Electivire.
- Paul's Electivire
- James
Electivire's pure power.
- Jessie
Are there any twerp Pokémon left who aren't down for the count?
- Meowth
(Miserably) Pikachu and Infernape. Count 'em!
- Wobbuffet
Wob-bu, Wob-bu!
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Gliscor, return. Now you take a good rest, and I'll make sure we win this.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Asking, determined) Pika-Pika?
- Ash Ketchum
OK, Pikachu.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pikachu!
- [The crowd cheers.]
- Announcer
And Pikachu's up for Ash once again!
- Barry
So Pikachu's back for more.
- Dawn
They'll use speed to try and confuse Paul!
- Brock
Yeah, if it works.
- Dawn & Barry
- Brock
See, Electivire's special Ability is Motor Drive, so when it gets hit by an Electric-type attack, it takes no damage and its speed increases. If a powerful Pokémon like Electivire can boost its speed, it becomes a real threat.
- Barry
Wait, then Ash should avoid using electric-type attacks.
- Dawn
You're right, Barry. Nice.
- Paul
Use Thunder on the battlefield!
- [Electivire obeys. Ash grunts in annoyance. More rocks are hurled into the air.]
- Ash Ketchum
I thought he'd do that again. Use Quick Attack, now!
- [Pikachu slaloms through the falling rocks with Quick Attack, still not affected..]
- Paul
(Annoyed) What?!
- Ash Ketchum
Pikachu, jump!
- [Pikachu jumps from rock to rock as he closes in on the target.]
- Announcer
Pikachu leaps from rock to rock, closing in with every step!
- [A double screen of a focused Pikachu and a shocked Electivire shows.]
- Ash Ketchum
That's it!
- [Pikachu dives and hits Electivire on the head with Quick Attack.]
- Announcer
And Quick Attack hits Electivire right on the head!
- [Paul notices Pikachu still in mid-air.]
- Paul
Electivire, grab Pikachu!
- [Electivire grabs Pikachu with its tails.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Annoyed) Now what?!
- Announcer
Now Pikachu gets caught in Electivire's tails!
- Reggie
What is it with Ash falling for the same trick over and over like that? Unless he's up to something.
- Jessie
Poor Pikachu is stuck but good.
- James
A formidable sticky wicket, no doubt.
- Meowth
We'd need a crowbar to get out!
- Wobbuffet
(Upset) Wob-bu-bu!
- Paul
It looks like you knew I was going to use Thunder, Ash. But Pikachu has taken lots of damage, while Electivire hasn't! Pikachu has to be close to its limit.
- Ash Ketchum
Pikachu's fine! Pikachu, Iron Tail!
- [As Pikachu sets up Iron Tail, Electivire uses its tails to fling Pikachu to the ground, hurting him.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [As Electivire tries to fling him down a second time, Pikachu hits the ground by swinging its tail, breaking free of Electivire's grasp. Pikachu returns to Ash's side of the field.]
- Paul
What strength!
- Ash Ketchum
Way to go, Pikachu!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Determined) Pika!
- Paul
Use Brick Break!
- [Electivire charges and sets up Brick Break.]
- Ash Ketchum
Intercept it with Quick Attack!
- [Pikachu charges too. The two Pokemon collide together and strain, causing a bright light, forcing Ash to shield his eyes.]
- Ash Ketchum
The power!
- Paul
They're even!
- Brock
This has turned into a grueling battle for Paul, too.
- Dawn
- Brock
Since they're both Electric-types, their Electric-type attacks won't be very effective, which means the only moves they can use...
- [Electivire bounces off, skidding to a halt.]
- Brock
..are Brick Break, Iron Tail...
- [Pikachu bounces off and halts.]
- Brock
..and Quick Attack.
- Ash Ketchum
(To himself) We'll have to go for broke, even if Electric-type moves aren't effective (Aloud) Pikachu! Volt Tackle, go!
- [Pikachu takes off.]
- Barry
Wait! Ash knows good and well that won't work!
- Reggie
- Announcer
Pikachu blasts off, using Volt Tackle. What could Ash be thinking?
- Paul
Hm! Electivire, block it!
- [Electivire obeys. The contact causes another bright light which rocks the stadium, and an explosion. As the smoke clears, Electivire is seen moving its arms much faster.]
- Announcer
As expected, Electivire's taking advantage of its special ability, Motor Drive.
- Paul
All right, Thunder Punch, go!
- [Electivire charges toward Pikachu with an electric fist.]
- Ash Ketchum
I thought so. Pikachu, use Iron Tail, now!
- [The two Pokemon collide with their moves.]
- Announcer
And what an impact!
- Ash Ketchum
But how? is Electivire more powerful after all?
- Paul
Remember, Ash? This is the exact same situation as when we battled the first time.
- Ash Ketchum
- [A flashback of an earlier Paul vs Ash battle plays, with Elekid's Thunder Punch coming in contact with Pikachu's Iron Tail.]
- Paul
You must've wanted to get in close so you could finish the battle with Iron Tail.
- [The flashback ends.]
- Paul
But now Pikachu's stuck, and if it lets up even a little, it will be overcome by Thunder Punch. And there is a move Electivire can still use using its left hand.
- Ash Ketchum
(Sweats) That's Brick Break!
- [Electivire sets up its other hand.]
- Paul
Correct! Brick Break, let's go!
- [Electivire glows its other fist.]
- Ash Ketchum
Get out, Pikachu!
- [Electivire chops and blasts Pikachu on the head with Brick Break. He crashes to the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [Pikachu faints.]
- Ash Ketchum
- Referee
Pikachu is unable to battle. Electivire wins!
- Announcer
Number five's out. And Ash's only remaining Pokémon is Infernape.
- Barry
Pikachu tried as hard as it could.
- Brock
Electivire was just a little bit stronger.
- Dawn
(Optimistic) No need to worry. Infernape's up!
- Jessie
(Whimpers) Our Pikachu pounded to a pulp!
- Meowth
Infernape will show them a thing or two.
- Jessie & James
Woo woo!
- James
Infernape, good for you!
- [Ash lays Pikachu down on the ground.]
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash Ketchum
Pikachu, you did your best. (To Pikachu) I promise, this battle isn't over yet. (Faces forward) Watch. (Talks to his final Pokeball) It's all up to you. Hey, Paul! Truth is, your strategy made all the difference, even though my numbers looked better! But...I'm still gonna win this!
- Paul
Then give it your best shot!
- Ash Ketchum
Infernape! I choose you!
- Ash's Infernape
(Angrily) Infernaaaape!
- Announcer
And it's a critical moment for both of our competitors, as Infernape faces off against Electivire. While Electivire only took some damage in its battle with Pikachu, Infernape has suffered quite a bit of damage from multiple battles, on top of being hurt by the Toxic Spikes' poison. Who will be the last Pokémon standing?
- [Team Rocket eat their lunch quickly.]
- Jessie
(Mouthful) Just because it's all on Infernape's shoulders doesn't make me nervous!
- Meowth
(Mouthful) Infernape, show that bucket of volts who's the boss!
- James
(Mouthful) And hand that hulk a loss!
- Wobbuffet
(Mouthful) Uuu-uu!
- Paul
All right, Electivire, Thunder Punch, go!
- [Electivire glows an electrified fist and gets ready to punch.]
- Ash Ketchum
Infernape, use Mach Punch!
- [As Infernape stares down with its move against Electivire, the two moves collide together, causing an explosion. Both Pokemon bounce off.]
- Ash Ketchum
Flamethrower, go!
- [Infernape fires Flamethrower.]
- Paul
- [Electivire protects itself using a dome.]
- Paul
- [Electivire uses Thunder, striking over the battlefield.]
- Ash Ketchum
Infernape, Dig!
- [Infernape digs under the ground.]
- Announcer
And both Pokémon use powerful moves!
- [Infernape hits and blasts Electivire from below with Dig.]
- Announcer
A great example of a perfect Dig! Super effective!
- [Infernape is hurt by Poison.]
- Ash Ketchum
Did it work?
- [As the dust clears, Electivire stays standing.]
- Announcer
Amazing! Electivire is still standing!
- Paul
- Ash Ketchum
- Dawn
I know I've seen battles between Ash and Paul before, but for some reason there's something completely different about this one.
- Ash Ketchum
Use Flamethrower!
- Paul
Brick Break, go!
- Brock
It may be because they're finally facing off against each other in the same state of mind.
- Dawn
What do you mean?
- Brock
Reggie once called them two sides of the same coin, mirrors of each other. They may have had the same goals, but they've always taken different paths to reach them. Now, they're really battling face-to-face head-on! And I think they both realize that...
- Announcer
Neither side is giving an inch!
- Ash Ketchum
Let's finish this up with Mach Punch!
- [Infernape sets up Mach Punch.]
- Paul
Now grab Infernape!
- [Electivire dodges Mach Punch and wraps Infernape's arm with its tail.]
- Announcer
Mach Punch misses, and Electivire's now holding on tight!
- Ash Ketchum
Oh, no!
- [Ash's friends and Team Rocket gasp in shock.]
- Reggie
Ash, don't get caught in that trap again.
- Paul
- [Electivire electrocutes Infernape with Thunder.]
- Announcer
Infernape's getting pummeled by that Thunder, while locked tight in Electivire's grip! Not good.
- Ash Ketchum
Hang in there! (To himself) You've just got to...
- [Cut to Team Rocket, praying for Ash.]
- Meowth
Man this looks bad.
- [Cut to Ash's friends.]
- Dawn
- Dawn's Piplup
(Worried) Piplup!
- Brock
Talk about a lot of damage.
- Barry
Guess it's over for Ash.
- [Electivire stops attacking. Everyone watches in anticipation. Infernape falls onto its knees and head.]
- Announcer
Infernape is down!
- James
It can't be...
- Jessie
Come on, Infernape! Show us some of that fighting spirit!
- Meowth
You've never thrown in the towel with anything you've ever done, so don't start throwing it now!
- Wobbuffet
(Upset) Wob-buffettt!
- Dawn
Poor Infernape...
- [Infernape stays down.]
- Referee
Infernape's unable...
- [Electivire angrily hushes him. Infernape slowly gets up, which the referee notices. His eyes open; he sees a blurred view of Electivire signaling to get up, willing him on.]
- Paul
So, I guess that's the best you can do then. You're pathetic, just like always.
- [Infernape's eyes twinkle.]
- Ash Ketchum
Afraid not!
- Paul
- Cynthia & Reggie
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Infernape, time to show Paul just how strong you are!
- [Infernape gets fully up, surrounds itself with fire and roars with a determined pose.]
- Ash Ketchum
- Announcer
And Infernape is back with a vengeance, showing the entire stadium incredible will and fighting spirit!
- Barry
It's Blaze!
- Brock
Reaching the absolute limits of Infernape's endurance has actually brought out its greatest strength.
- Dawn
But with all of the damage Infernape's taken, they'd better finish this up quickly!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Impatient) Piplup-Piplup!
- Team Rocket
Infernape's up, and so are we, a happier team you'll never see! Help that twerp, make the bad guy drool and slurp!
- Reggie
So, this is what Ash was going for all along!
- Ash Ketchum
Time for the real battle! All right Infernape, Flamethrower!
- [Infernape fires a Blaze-boosted Flamethrower which breaks the ground.]
- Paul
Infernape's more powerful than ever, so heads up! Thunder!
- [Electivire is forced to block Flamethrower.]
- Ash Ketchum
Mach Punch, go!
- [Both Pokemon bounce off.]
- Ash & Paul
Let's finish this!
- Paul
Use Thunder Punch!
- [Electivire electrifies both fists and gets ready to punch.]
- Ash Ketchum
Flare Blitz go!
- [Infernape's fiery aura turns blue. They charges toward each other with their moves, straining. The two moves create a cyclone above the stadium. Ash and Pikachu are forced to brace themselves. Cut to the two Pokemon. A double screen shows Electivire's and Infernape's facial expressions. Infernape roars as the cyclone enlarges. They stop attacking, with Infernape ahead of Electivire. Infernape is stunned. An explosion rocks Electivire. As the smoke clears, Electivire is also stunned. Infernape grunts and turns to Electivire, a heartbeat sounds as a view of the two competitors and the referee on a white background pans across, followed by a double screen of Ash and Paul. Electivire crashes down and faints.]
- Referee
Electivire is unable to battle. Infernape wins, which means the victory goes to Ash of Pallet Town!
- Ash Ketchum
(Jubilant) All right!
- [The crowd cheers.]
- Announcer
And that's all she wrote! After a fantastically fierce, full six-on-six battle, the winner of today's attack fest is Ash!
- [Ash's friends laugh and cheer.]
- Dawn
All right! Ash won!
- Barry
I'm so stoked! I can't stand it! Those two are awesome! They're the coolest!
- Brock
You finally beat him. Wow!
- [Team Rocket burst into tears.]
- Jessie
Ah! Our sweet little Infernape tastes victory!
- James
Then let us now taste victory in our work!
- Meowth
We did! We tasted all the grub we had!
- Jessie
We need more inventory.
- James
We'll restock and sell up a storm!
- Meowth
And getting filthy rich will be the norm!
- [Team Rocket share a handstack.]
- Team Rocket
- Ash Ketchum
Thanks so much, Infernape. (They hug) Wow, you were the best!
- Ash's Pikachu
- [Ash, Pikachu and Infernape look over to Electivire. Paul kneels to his Pokemon.]
- Paul
Thank you. Good battle, Electivire.
- [Paul returns Electivire.]
- Ash's Infernape
In! Infernape!
- Paul
Well... Huh?
- [Infernape suddenly yelps, felling pain.]
- Ash Ketchum
Infernape, you okay?
- Ash's Infernape
(Reassuring) Infernape!
- Ash & Pikachu
- Paul
- [Paul walks away.]
- Announcer
Now that today's quarterfinal battle is history, tomorrow's matchups are...on screen!
- [Ash is up against Tobias.]
- Barry
That's him. That's the trainer that uses Darkrai!
- Ash Ketchum
Man, Darkrai.
- [Tobias sees his match-up and walks away. Reggie reveals the news to his six Pokemon.]
- Reggie
I'm sorry, but Paul lost.
- [The Pokemon call out, disappointed.]
- Reggie
But you know the battle will just make Paul stronger still. Soon as Paul gets back, then we'll have a battle!
- [The Pokemon cheer. Inside the stadium, Barry runs, but stops suddenly as he meets up with Brock and Dawn.]
- Barry
Whoa, Dawn!
- Dawn
Hi, Barry!
- Barry
So, did you see Ash?
- Dawn
(Shakes) Mm-mm. Not a sign.
- Brock
Yeah, we've been looking for him too.
- Barry
Here I want to congratulate him on what an awesome job he did and he's nowhere to be found! He's gonna pay a fine!
- Cynthia
Now, now, that's not very nice.
- [Barry looks at Cynthia, amazed.]
- Barry
It's Cynthia, the champion!
- Dawn
- Cynthia
If you're looking for Ash, he ran out of here in a hurry. Probably looking for Paul, I would guess.
- [At sunset, Ash is running along the village and finds Paul.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [Paul and Ash look at each other.]
- Cynthia
"When every life meets another life, something will be born." Today's battle certainly gave birth to something between those two as well. And that's connection.
- Brock
When they met, Ash and Paul hated each other. But now they've grown. Bound together with respect.
- Barry
That's why their battle was so great.
- Dawn
And the one thing that made it all possible.
- Paul
Infernape's gotten a lot stronger.
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, sure has, Paul! Huh? Are you going?
- Paul
I lost, Ash, didn't I? So, there's no reason to stay. I'm going to go back to Snowpoint City and request another battle there with Brandon.
- Ash Ketchum
Got you. Good luck, Paul.
- Paul
Yeah, thanks. You too.
- Cynthia
Paul and Ash. Someday soon they'll both be entering the Champion League, and how I look forward to that day.
- Paul
So, I'll see you.
- Ash Ketchum
One more thing, Paul! Let's battle again really soon!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pikachu!
- Paul
- [Paul smiles and waves.]
- Narrator
And so, with the Sinnoh League battle against his greatest rival behind him, Paul continues on toward his next challenge. And Ash, after his victory against Paul, prepares to move on to his next battle against Darkrai. Will the Sinnoh league fates allow our hero to taste victory again? The answer is coming soon, as the journey continues.
- [The caption "To Be Continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]