This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "Familiarity Breeds Strategy!".
- [The crowd cheers as Ash and Paul enter the battlefield.]
- Announcer
The first quarter-final battle of the Sinnoh league tournament at Lily of the Valley Island is about be waged on a dirt battlefield, and now in a six-on-six full battle format!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup! Pip-Pip-Piplup!
- Announcer
Representing Kanto is Ash from Pallet Town, facing off against Paul from Veilstone City. The tension is formidable indeed. And their first Pokémon are?
- Ash Ketchum
All right, ready Pikachu?
- Ash's Pikachu
(Competitive) Pikachu!
- [Pikachu steps in, zapping electricity from its cheeks.]
- Paul
Aggron, stand by for battle!
- Paul's Aggron
- Dawn's Piplup
- [Dawn scans the Pokemon with her Pokedex.]
- Pokédex
Aggron. The Iron Armor Pokémon, and the evolved form of Lairon. Aggron claims a large mountain for its territory, and fiercely defends it from those who trespass.
- Paul's Aggron
- Narrator
Ash and Paul are finally face to face in this first quarter-final battle! And with everything they're sure to have learned since their full battle on the banks of Lake Acuity, you can be certain this will be the ultimate battle of rivals.
- [The opening theme "We Will Carry On!" and title card plays.]
- [Outside the stadium, Gliscor soars about, practicing.]
- Ash's Gliscor
- Ash Ketchum
Ready Gliscor? Now, use Giga Impact!
- [Gliscor obeys. Brock and Barry gasp in awe.]
- Barry
Awesome! Amazing!
- [It attacks Mamoswine, who tries to resist the move. Gliscor retreats, proud of its attempt.]
- Ash Ketchum
Way to go! Now make sure you don't forget that timing, okay?
- Barry
That Giga Impact was the best! (Stretches arms out wide, flinching brock) And landing that cool pose afterwards like that made it even better!
- Brock
Yeah, but still, there's a catch when you use Giga Impact. Gliscor's not able to move for a short while afterwards, but knowing that, Gliscor backed away quickly for easier defense.
- Ash Ketchum
Awesome, huh? Gliscor learned a lot from battling the air battle master. (Stroking Gliscor) Training with him was a really good thing for you, wasn't it?
- [Gliscor plays with Ash, excited. The latter laughs, before they tumble to the ground. Barry hops on two feet, excited and desperate.]
- Barry
Oh man, oh man, I wish your quarter-final match against Paul were happening right now! I'll bet you already know which Pokémon you're going to use, right?
- Ash Ketchum
Barry, of course I do! I've given it a ton of thought, and I've got the whole thing figured out.
- [Ash flashes back to his Pokemon battling at Lake Acuity.]
- Ash Ketchum
Man, does this remind me of Lake Acuity? Paul and his Pokémon were so strong.
- [The flashback ends.]
- Ash Ketchum
So, ever since our full battle, I've been thinking about how Paul got that way.
- Barry
So, how did he do it?
- Ash Ketchum
Paul takes everything he's ever experienced and uses it to get stronger.
- Barry
Yeah, tell me something I don't know...
- Brock
The point is it's a lot easier said than done.
- Barry
Hm... OK, but turning experience into strength applies to you too, doesn't it?
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, but it's gotten me thinking. If I'm wondering about everything Paul's been through to get stronger, then I need to look at what I've been through to get stronger as well.
- Barry
So, did you figure it out yet?
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, you'll see. Soon as I'm out there battling Paul. Right, Pikachu and Gliscor?
- [Pikachu and Gliscor call out, agreeing.]
- Barry
(Desperate) Ash, if you're going to keep me hanging like that I'm going to have to fine you big time!
- [Inside Dawn's bedroom, Dawn completes Piplup's fancy dress.]
- Dawn
There you go!
- [Piplup turns around, faces Dawn and calls out, outstretching his arms, holding pompoms. Dawn claps in excitement.]
- Dawn
You look absolutely handsome in that outfit, Piplup!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Smug, balancing on one leg) Piplup!
- Dawn
You're the best cheerleader ever. Let's go show everyone your outfit!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Proud) Piplup!
- [Inside the Pokemon Center, Paul is speaking to Reggie on-screen.]
- Reggie
I wish I could be there.
- Paul
I know that, you have work.
- Reggie
Right. So, tell me, have you given any thought to changing your Pokémon lineup?
- Paul
I'm keeping it as is.
- Reggie
I'm really happy for you.
- Paul
Uh, for what?
- Reggie
That you and Ash got to know each other. There's not another trainer who's influenced you the way he does. I have one last thing to tell you...
- Paul
- [At the corner, Dawn arrives with Piplup wearing the fancy dress, and ducks under the bench, hiding.]
- Reggie this. Don't underestimate Ash's skill, then win the whole thing!
- Paul
I will.
- Reggie
Later, Paul.
- [Reggie's screen cuts off. Paul turns to see something in the distance, confused. Dawn, in Paul's view, becomes embarrassed and sweatdrops. She stands up, revealing Piplup's new outfit. She laughs nervously. Paul walks away.]
- Dawn
That was Reggie you were talking to, so is he coming here today?
- Paul
So, how is he doing?
- Dawn
Uh... You mean, how is Ash?
- Dawn's Piplup
(Confused) Lup?
- [Dawn catches up to Paul.]
- Dawn
Wait! If you ask a question, don't you want to hear the answer?
- [Outside the Pokemon Center, Dawn catches up with Paul.]
- Dawn
Ash's doing some last-minute training with his Pokémon. Want me to get him?
- Paul
Please don't. No need.
- Dawn
Why did you ask about him, then?
- Dawn's Piplup
(Confused) Pip-Piplup?
- Paul
(Walks off) I don't know.
- Dawn
Oh, great!
- [Dawn catches up to Paul again.]
- Paul
I just don't like him.
- Dawn
- Dawn's Piplup
(Confused) Pip-Piplup?
- Paul
He talks just like my brother. Friends, trust. My brother says those things all the time, too.
- Dawn
But Paul, Ash isn't Reggie. Ash is Ash, and that's that.
- Barry
(Off-screen) Paul!
- [Ash, Brock and Barry face him in the distance, the former waves.]
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, Dawn! Paul!
- [Ash runs to Paul.]
- Paul
(To Dawn) Look, Ash is like any other trainer I'd have to battle in the quarter-finals. And I'm going to have to beat him if I want to win the Sinnoh League.
- [Ash and Paul meet up.]
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pikachu.
- [Dawn nervously switches over to Ash's side.]
- Barry
So, Dawn, I'll bet you were trying to find out which Pokémon Paul's going to use, right?
- Dawn
(Provoked) No. Wro-ong!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Provoked) Piplup!
- Ash Ketchum
Cynthia's going to be watching, Paul! Let's make it a great battle!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Paul
I plan to.
- [Paul walks off.]
- Dawn
I remember; "When every life meets another life, something will be born."
- Ash & Pikachu
- [Paul stops.]
- Barry
Hold on! I didn't know you were a poet!
- Brock
It's a quote... From the Sinnoh time space legend. And they're also the exact same words Cynthia used to describe Ash and Paul.
- Dawn
All right, so when Ash meets Paul, let's see, or Paul meets Ash, Something will be born. But, now I'm wondering what that "something" is. Maybe we'll find out in today's battle.
- Dawn's Piplup
- Barry
(Desperate, steamed) I'm beginning to get really, really tired of you guys not filling me in and leaving me hanging all the time! I want to find that something too!
- Paul
Ash, I'll see you on the battlefield.
- Ash Ketchum
- [Cut to the outskirts of the stadium, with the carnival empty. The crowd cheer and applaud. Inside the stadium, the battle between Ash and Paul is underway.]
- Paul
Now, Aggron, go! Use Metal Claw!
- [Aggron glows its claws and approaches the target.]
- Ash Ketchum
Pikachu, draw Aggron in with Iron Tail!
- [Pikachu jumps to dodge the first attack and swings its tail. Both moves collide and bounce off each other.]
- Announcer
And Pikachu's Iron Tail stops Aggron's Metal Claw, showing their strength to be about even!
- Paul
Use Metal Sound!
- [Aggron glows and shakes its horns, causing a high-pitched screeching sound. Blue shockwaves ring towards Pikachu, who flinches and tries to hold on.]
- Announcer
There's Metal Sound, and it's definitely having an effect on Pikachu!
- [Meowth covers his ears.]
- Meowth
- [Jessie and James check on Meowth.]
- Meowth
It's smacking my sensitive ears!
- Jessie
(Annoyed) Concentrate on something really important like making money!
- James
We've worked hard to sell here inside the inner Sinnoh League sanctum!
- Jessie & James
And, of course we do it all for the boss!
- [Piplup covers his ears. Dawn checks on him.]
- Dawn
Piplup, are you okay?
- Brock
Metal Sound is a move that's used to lower your opponent's Special Defense. And if it's reaching all the way up here, it must be really powerful.
- [Metal Sound lingers. Pikachu calls out, hurt.]
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Pikachu, Thunderbolt, let's go!
- [Pikachu hits Aggron with a quick Thunderbolt.]
- Ash Ketchum
Pikachu, now use Volt Tackle!
- [Pikachu glows an electric aura and charges forward.]
- Paul
Aggron, Flash Cannon!
- [Aggron shoots a bright beam which hits Pikachu, causing him to roll along the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
Oh no, Pikachu!
- Announcer
That Flash Cannon stopped Volt Tackle cold, and it did a lot of damage.
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Pikachu, time out!
- [Pikachu agrees, returning to Ash.]
- Announcer
Pikachu gets switched out in the middle of some brave battling.
- Ash Ketchum
Pikachu, you were great.
- Barry
That was close. For a second I thought Pikachu was unable to battle.
- Dawn's Piplup
(Annoyed) Piplup-Piplup!
- Barry
It sure is impressive that Paul knows how to raise some powerful Pokémon, though!
- Dawn
It must be confusing to cheer for both sides.
- Barry
Yeah, weird huh?
- [Dawn becomes annoyed, sweatdrops.]
- Dawn
Weird? Yeah.
- Ash Ketchum
All right, you're up next!
- [Ash deploys Infernape from his Pokeball.]
- Ash's Infernape
- [In the crowd, James rises up, holding a tray of goodies.]
- James
My stars!
- Meowth
Pal 'o mine!
- Jessie
Infernape, the Pokémon with issues!
- Team Rocket
This team's on a selling break!
- Announcer
And Ash's second Pokémon is Infernape!
- Cynthia
So Ash's Chimchar has evolved.
- [A flashback of Chimchar's appearance shows.]
- Ash Ketchum
Infernape! Let's show Paul just how powerfully awesome you've become, okay?
- Ash's Infernape
- Paul
Now Aggron, use Double-Edge!
- [Aggron glows its whole body and charges.]
- Announcer
And Paul continues to battle with Aggron.
- Ash Ketchum
All right! Flare Blitz, let's go!
- [Infernape surrounds itself in blue flames.]
- Announcer
And Infernape counters with an equally powerful move!
- [Infernape takes off.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [The two Pokemon collide together, causing the crowd to gasp.]
- Announcer
And the moves of two powerful Pokémon collide centerfield!
- [Both Pokemon groan, trying to outmuscle one other. Eventually, Infernape gets blown back. Infernape strains as blue sparks surround him, indicating Recoil damage.]
- Announcer
Look out! Infernape's shaken by Flare Blitz's recoil! And Aggron?
- [Ash gasps. Cut To Aggron, okay.]
- Announcer
It appears Aggron is unaffected!
- Ash Ketchum
But, how come?!
- Dawn
Why isn't Aggron affected?
- Brock
That's because Aggron has the ability called Rock Head. So even if a move causing recoil damage is used, Rock Head blocks it.
- Barry
Oh wow! What a handy ability to have!
- [Aggron roars. Suddenly flames surround him, indicating the Burned status effect.]
- Paul
Wait. Is that...?
- Announcer
Flare Blitz's additional effect is causing Aggron burn damage, and is it potent?!
- [Dawn and Barry gasp in excitement.]
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup! Piplup! Pip-Piplup!
- Brock
Sometimes you have to take a hit to return an even bigger one. Flare Blitz has an additional effect that can inflict its opponent with a burn.
- Meowth
Infernape's sure rocking the house!
- James
This calls for a poem. When times are tough, Infernape defines the phrase 'ready and rough'!
- Jessie
(Embarrassed) That's 'rough n' ready', rhyme king.
- Ash Ketchum
Now, Infernape, use Mach Punch!
- [Infernape executes Mach Punch and charges.]
- Paul
All right, Aggron, Flash Cannon, let's go!
- [Before Aggron can pull of its move, it is hit and blasted into the wall, fainting.]
- Announcer
Talk about a fast Mach Punch!
- Paul's Aggron
(Weakly) Aggron...
- Referee
Aggron is unable to battle. Infernape wins!
- Announcer
And Ash gets the first win of the match!
- [Paul returns Infernape back to his Pokeball.]
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, Infernape, you did it!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pikachu!
- Ash's Infernape
- Meowth
(Teary eyed, voice breaking) My hero! Infernape drips cool!
- James
And another poem. No matter the goal, Infernape is always on a winning roll!
- Jessie
With five more Pokémon in its complete control!
- Wobbuffet
- [In the crowd, Piplup cheers.]
- Dawn's Piplup
Piplup. Pip-Piplup!
- Dawn
All right, way to go, Infernape and Ash!
- Barry
(Flapping arms, annoyed) I can't believe I'm saying this Paul, but since you let Ash get the first win, I've got no choice but to fine you!
- Brock
It's still early. Much too early to be able to predict how this will all turn out.
- Paul
Gastrodon, stand by for battle!
- [Paul deploys Gastrodon (East Sea) from his Pokeball.]
- Announcer
And Paul's second Pokémon is Gastrodon!
- [Dawn scans the Pokemon on her Pokedex.]
- Pokédex
Gastrodon. The Sea Slug Pokémon, and the evolved form of Shellos. A sturdy shell covered Gastrodon's back long ago. Its cells still contain evidence of it today.
- Ash Ketchum
Wow, a Gastrodon. Infernape, return. I'm going to switch you out, so get a good rest.
- [Cut to Team Rocket, annoyed.]
- Jessie
Hey! Why put Infernape into early retirement?!
- James
Perhaps the twerp's switching antics will enable us to work during a break in the battle action.
- Meowth
So while Infernape takes five, let's get to some merchandising jive!
- Wobbuffet
- Barry
Ash really knows his stuff! If Gastrodon's up now, switching out Infernape's best.
- Dawn
Since Gastrodon's a Water and Ground-type Pokémon, a Fire type like Infernape is clearly at a disadvantage.
- Ash Ketchum
Staraptor, I choose you!
- Ash's Staraptor
- Announcer
And Staraptor is Ash's third Pokémon!
- Paul
First Pikachu, Then Infernape, then Staraptor. I get it now.
- Reggie
So far, Ash has used the same Pokémon he used at Lake Acuity.
- Reggie
And if that's true, I'll bet I can guess Ash's last three Pokémon.
- Paul
Use Muddy Water!
- [Gastrodon unleashes a wave of brown water.]
- Ash Ketchum
Quick Attack, now!
- [Staraptor hits Gastrodon with the move.]
- Announcer
They don't call it Quick Attack for nothing. What speed!
- Paul
Gastrodon, let's go!
- [Gastrodon twirls its head in a circle. A dome of Muddy Water is circulated up in the air, being used as a shield.]
- Announcer
What kind of move is that? Gastrodon's moving its head in a circle!
- Ash Ketchum
What's going on?!
- [The Muddy Water hits and knocks down Staraptor.]
- Ash Ketchum
Could that be counter shield?
- Announcer
A unique attack indeed! Gastrodon created a barrier against Staraptor using Muddy Water!
- Dawn
No way!
- Dawn's Piplup
- Barry
Hey, I've seen that!
- [Barry flashes back to Ash's Buizel and Chimchar twirling around, creating barriers.]
- Barry
It looks exactly like the counter shield technique Ash used when he battled Fantina!
- [Cut to Pikachu, twirling around creating a a barrier of electricity against Paul's Magmortar.]
- Dawn
And Pikachu used it during the Lake Acuity battle.
- [The flashback ends.]
- Dawn
So who would've thought Paul would've used a counter shield?
- Brock
Paul's adapted Ash's battle techniques. He took what he saw from their battle and made it his own.
- Barry
(Excited) Now that's the kind of brilliant stuff I expect from a guy who's good enough to be a true rival of mine, Paul!
- Reggie
There's a side of Paul that hasn't changed. Putting Ash off balance with his own moves before he starts gaining momentum is Paul through and through. So how is Ash going to battle back now using those six Pokémon?
- Ash Ketchum
We can't get near them!
- [Gastrodon continues moving, creating its shield.]
- Ash Ketchum
Got it! Staraptor, aim for Gastrodon's belly! Aerial Ace!
- [Staraptor obeys, swooping downwards away from the barrier.]
- Announcer
And Staraptor counterattacks with Aerial Ace!
- Ash's Staraptor
(Squawking louder)
- [Staraptor swoops across, close to the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
Do i-i-it!
- Paul
Gastrodon, Body Slam!
- [Gastrodon drops its shield and jumps to dodge Aerial Ace.]
- Announcer
And Gastrodon poises directly above Staraptor!
- Ash Ketchum
(Annoyed) Now what?!
- [Gastrodon slams and pins Staraptor with the move. Staraptor tries to get off, unable to do so.]
- Announcer
And Gastrodon's got Staraptor pinned down, making full use of its soft body. A brilliant move!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Worried) Pika!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Shocked) Piplup!
- Brock
And it's not that Gastrodon is a heavy Pokémon, but that wouldn't stop Paul from training it or any of his Pokémon for different battle situations.
- Meowth
That move makes my back hurt.
- James
That Gastrodon's no slouch.
- Jessie
There is life after Infernape.
- Wobbuffet
- Ash Ketchum
Get Gastrodon off your back, Staraptor, and do it right now!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Supporting) Pika!
- Ash's Staraptor
(Struggling) Star! Star!
- Paul
All right, use Water Pulse and shoot it straight up!
- [Gastrodon shoots a blue ball up in the sky.]
- Announcer
Gastrodon fires with Water Pulse!
- Ash Ketchum
(Annoyed) What's Paul up to?
- Ash's Pikachu
- [The crowd watch the blue ball.]
- Dawn's Piplup
- Dawn
Staraptor, fly away!
- Barry
It can't with Gastrodon plastered to its back!
- [Paul waits as Gastrodon hangs on.]
- Paul
No, not yet, Gastrodon.
- Ash Ketchum
Is he?
- Brock
Of course! Paul's strategy is to pull Gastrodon off at the very last minute, so that Water Pulse will land directly on Staraptor!
- Dawn
(Calling) Hurry up, Staraptor!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Panicking) Piplup-Piplup-Piplup!
- [Staraptor yelps in panic. The blue ball falls down faster and grows bigger.]
- Announcer
Water Pulse's descending speed is increasing and gaining strength at the same time!
- [Gastrodon focuses on its own blue ball. Cut to a double-screen of Ash and Paul, with concerned and determined expressions respectively.]
- Ash Ketchum
I've got it! All right, Staraptor, use Close Combat by banging hard on the ground!
- Paul
Wait a minute. That move...
- [Staraptor pounds the ground with the move. It pulls away just before Water Pulse hits the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
All right! It worked perfectly!
- Announcer
And Staraptor escapes with Close Combat!
- Paul
Ice Beam, let's go!
- [Gastrodon hits Staraptor with Ice Beam, knocking it down to the ground.]
- Announcer
And Gastrodon unleashes a lightning quick mid-air attack on a dazed Staraptor!
- Ash Ketchum
Man, what a hit. Staraptor, return!
- Reggie
I'm sure even Ash wasn't expecting Paul to use Ice Beam while his Pokémon was in mid-air. At the same time, I can tell Paul had Gastrodon's move planned out in case Staraptor somehow got away.
- Ash Ketchum
It's not over. Nope. Let's go, Buizel, I choose you!
- Ash's Buizel
- Announcer
And Ash switches Staraptor with Buizel!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup-Piplup-Piplup!
- Dawn
Yeah, Buizel, you can do it!
- Paul
Number four is Buizel. Wow, you're pathetic and predictable!
- Ash Ketchum
- Paul
So you're trying to turn the frustration your Pokémon felt when I beat you then into your advantage now. That's why you're using the same Pokémon this time.
- Ash Ketchum
Right, Paul! This is just what my Pokémon and I all want. We may have lost to you once, but it's not over 'cause I'm beating you no matter what, get it?!
- Ash's Buizel
- Paul's Gastrodon
- Paul
All right, Ice Beam!
- [Gastrodon shoots Ice Beam.]
- Ash Ketchum
We'll take that Ice Beam and use Aqua Jet!
- [Buizel surrounds itself into a Watery Aura, absorbing Ice Beam and converting it into an Iced Aqua Jet.]
- Announcer
Buizel's Aqua Jet is frozen solid and heading straight for Gastrodon!
- Dawn
That's it! It's an Ice Aqua Jet!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup! Pip-Pip-Piplup!
- Barry
I've never seen an Ice Aqua Jet before! Ice Aqua Jet is so awesome!
- [Gastrodon is hurt and blasted up in the air by Buizel's attack as Buizel crashes to the ground, generating dust.]
- Paul
Body Slam, let's go!
- [Gastrodon enlarges its body and slams toward Buizel. Brock, Dawn and Barry gasp.]
- Ash Ketchum
Now, use Ice Punch!
- [Buizel strikes Gastrodon with Ice Punch, freezing its body and shattering it. Gastrodon faints.]
- Referee
Gastrodon is unable to battle. Buizel wins!
- Announcer
And Gastrodon is eliminated, putting Ash on the board twice!
- Ash Ketchum
Yes! That's two Pokémon down! Buizel, that was an awesome job!
- Ash's Buizel
- Dawn
Amazing! Ash got two wins before Paul even got one!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup! Pip-Pip-Piplup...
- Brock
Let's just hope that Ash can keep his momentum up.
- Barry
(Desperate) If you don't get it together soon Paul, I'm going to have to fine you big time!
- Jessie
Touché. The twerp is totally on top.
- James
Hm. His protruding pokér face hasn't shown a thing!
- Meowth
Something must be cooking in that pea brain of his.
- Wobbuffet
(Quietly) Wob-buffet.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Requesting) Pika-pi.
- Ash Ketchum
You're right. We're battling Paul. I know what that means. The real battle starts now!
- Ash's Pikachu
- [Paul returns Gastrodon.]
- Paul
Hm. Drapion, stand by for battle!
- [Drapion growls and shows off his pincers.]
- Reggie
So Drapion's Paul's third Pokémon. I wonder if Ash has finally figured out that Paul's first two Pokémon losing is all part of his plan? He needs to.
- Announcer
And Paul's third Pokémon is Drapion!
- [Dawn scans the Pokemon on her Pokedex.]
- Pokédex
Drapion, the Ogre Scorp Pokémon, and the evolved form of Skorupi. With its sturdy body, Drapion takes pride in its strength, defeating opponents without the need for poison.
- Ash's Buizel
- Paul
Drapion, Pin Missile!
- [Drapion aims high with Pin Missile, allowing it to rain toward the ground. Ash and Buizel watch over it in anticipation.]
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, what's up with that Pin Missile?! All right then, Buizel, use Water Gun as a counter shield to defend yourself!
- [Buizel obeys, shooting Water Gun while spinning on its back, blocking Pin Missile.]
- Announcer
Wow! Buizel's Water Gun is defending against Drapion's attack!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash Ketchum
- Paul
Drapion, use Cross Poison!
- [Drapion shoots Cross Poison.]
- Ash Ketchum
Now, Buizel, use Sonic Boom, go!
- [Buizel dodges the attack, sliding in behind Drapion before using Sonic Boom.]
- Announcer
And Buizel dodges Drapion's Cross Poison, and then unleashes Sonic Boom from behind!
- [Drapion flicks its tail, intercepting the attack.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [Drapion grabs Buizel with its pincer tail and pulls him towards it. Buizel is struggling to get off.]
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Pikachu
(Shocked) Pika!
- Announcer
Obviously Drapion has no blind spot, because Buizel's in a bind.
- [Drapion threatens Buizel by clattering its pincers.]
- Ash Ketchum
Buizel, get out of there, quick!
- Narrator
As one would expect when Ash goes up against Paul, their second full battle is raging, with Ash initially in the lead, but Paul's counterattack has begun. Will Ash taste victory, or Paul? The answers are soon to come, as the Sinnoh League continues.
- [The caption "To Be Continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]