This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "Working on a Right Move!".
- Narrator
The third round of the Sinnoh league tournament at Lily of the Valley Island is off and running at a fever pitch. The first match pitted Barry against Paul, resulting in Paul's landslide victory and leaving Barry eliminated from the tournament. We now join Ash as he prepares to battle Conway, an unpredictable opponent, to be sure.
- [Ash and Brock are practicing their battling skills outside on an open field.]
- Brock
I'm counting on you, Sudowoodo.
- Brock's Sudowoodo
- Brock
OK, Ash, ready when you are!
- Ash Ketchum
Infernape! Use Flame Wheel!
- [Infernape curls into a ball and rolls toward the target.]
- Brock
Sudowoodo! Block it, quick!
- [Sudowoodo blocks the attack. Infernape bounces off and lands.]
- Ash Ketchum
Awesome! Nice power, Infernape!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika!
- Dawn
Ash and Infernape are looking great!
- Dawn's Piplup
- Ash Ketchum
OK, let's give it another go. now, Flame Wheel again!
- [Infernape jumps and doesn't curl. It strains while in a fiery aura.]
- Ash Ketchum
What's going on?
- [Infernape lands back down and roars angrily, shocking Ash & friends.]
- Brock
Is that?
- [Infernape is still surrounded in fire.]
- Ash Ketchum
Is it? Let's try it, then! Infernape, use Flare Blitz, go!
- [Infernape glows light blue and roars.]
- [The opening theme "We Will Carry On!" and title card plays.]
- [Infernape charges toward Sudowoodo, who tries to block the move. Sudowoodo is blasted, crashing to the ground.]
- Brock
- [Infernape groans in pain, with red crackles surrounding it.]
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Infernape
(Confident) Infernape!
- Ash Ketchum
(Smiles) Infernape! Looks to me like you learned Flare Blitz! Is that true?
- Ash's Infernape
(Confident) Infernape!
- Barry
That was amazing, Ash! What's up with that?
- Ash Ketchum
- Barry
So, that was Flare Blitz, right?
- Ash Ketchum
- Brock
Instead of using Flame Wheel, Infernape powered up by learning Flare Blitz. That was great!
- Ash Ketchum
Thanks. Wow, nice work, Infernape!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika-Pika!
- Ash's Infernape
- Dawn
Flare Blitz looked really powerful, too!
- Dawn's Piplup
- Brock
It is a powerful move, but you need to be careful using it. Like Pikachu using Volt Tackle, Infernape will sustain recoil damage.
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Infernape
- Barry
So, you're training hard to beat Paul, aren't you?
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, but I've got to defeat Conway first.
- Barry
Right, I forgot! So, this is your Pokémon team for're going for pure power with those three.
- Dawn
I sure hope powerful Pokémon are enough to beat Conway.
- [Behind the tree, Conway overhears the conversation.]
- Conway
Kudos to Ash for Infernape learning Flare Blitz. So, it appears we'll be facing off against the team of Infernape, Torterra, and Glalie.
- Announcer
And Tangrowth has rendered Hippowdon unable to battle, which means that wraps up the fifth match of round three!
- [Inside the stadium, Team Rocket are wearing summer gear attempting to sell goods to customers.]
- Jessie
Come on, customers. Any time now!
- Meowth
Yeah, boss lady said this spot was primo for making piles of dough!
- James
Ho ho! It's grand to have landed such a lovely location for our way with a savvy snack! Customers please!
- Jessie
(Bored) Deadsville. Not even a peep.
- [Jessie overhears chatting.]
- Jessie
- [In the corner, a group of kids surround Cynthia, excited.]
- Children
Wow, Cynthia! You're so cool!
- James
Well, look what we have here!
- Meowth
It's Cynthia, the champion, in the flesh!
- Jessie
Who needs food! Oh, champion?
- James
I'll just bet you're famished!
- Meowth
We've got grub to die for!
- Cynthia
You know, I am getting just a little bit hungry.
- Team Rocket
Course you are!
- [Cynthia looks at the goods, unable to decide.]
- Jessie
Excuse me, Champion?
- James
Indecisive, are we?
- Cynthia
It all looks delicious. Do I want a sandwich? Oh, that ice cream looks good, too!
- [Two customers watch behind Cynthia, excited.]
- Man 1
Whoa, it's the champion!
- Woman 1
She's so funny!
- Man 1
She can't make up her mind!
- Man 2
I'm getting kind of hungry as well...
- Woman 2
Yeah, I want to get something to eat, too!
- [Hordes of customers start flooding the counter.]
- Man
Bag of popcorn please!
- Woman
Can I get a candy bar?
- Crowd Member
Excuse me, coming through.
- [Jessie and James work hard to keep up with orders.]
- Meowth
Ka-ching! I'm sure glad chowing down's their thing!
- Jessie
Nothing like having a champion customer magnet!
- James
Don't decide all you want!
- [Cynthia is still unable to decide.]
- Announcer
The trainers who will battle it out on the grass battlefield are Conway and Ash! This will be a three-on-three battle, and it will be over when all three Pokémon on either side are unable to continue.
- [Cut to Cynthia, eating her ice-cream sat on the bench.]
- Announcer
So now who will win this match and advance to the next exciting round? We used coin toss to determine who gets the first attack, so time to reveal your Pokémon!
- Conway
All right, Shuckle, here we go!
- Shuckle
- Dawn
Cool, Shuckle!
- [Dawn scans the Pokemon using her Pokedex.]
- Pokédex
Shuckle, the Mold Pokémon. Shuckle stores berries inside its shell, and the berries eventually turn into a delicious juice.
- Ash Ketchum
Noctowl, I choose you!
- [Ash deploys his shiny Noctowl.]
- Ash's Noctowl
- Conway
I guess my prediction was a little off...considering Ash's personality, I figured he'd use the Pokémon that had recently learned a new move.
- Barry
A Noctowl? Wow!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn's Piplup
- Dawn
I think that's one of the Pokémon Ash caught while in Johto.
- Pokédex
Noctowl, the Owl Pokémon, and the evolved form of Hoothoot. Noctowl's eyes have a special power that allows it to see in the faintest light as if it was the middle of the day.
- Barry
Brock, Ash's Noctowl's a different shiny color!
- Brock
- Barry
Wait. Why isn't Ash using Infernape, now?
- Brock
He may be planning to use Noctowl's speed to shake things up.
- Referee
Conway gets the first move. Begin!
- Conway
Shuckle! Use Withdraw!
- [Shuckle hides inside its shell, which glows.]
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, he raised its Defense! Okay Noctowl, use Sky Attack!
- [Noctowl glows its 'horns' and prepares to attack.]
- Conway
Use Withdraw once more!
- [Shuckle's shell glows again.]
- Announcer
And Shuckle uses Withdraw again, to try and withstand Noctowl's attack.
- Ash Ketchum
- [Noctowl glows its whole body and charges.]
- Conway
Withdraw, one more time!
- [Shuckle's shell glows again. Noctowl crashes into the shell and bounces off, hurt.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [Ash's friends are shocked.]
- Barry
No way!
- [Noctowl falls to the ground.]
- Announcer
And Noctowl is stopped cold!
- Conway
Come on Ash. What did you expect with an incredible defense like Shuckle's?
- Ash Ketchum
Noctowl! Are you all right?
- Ash's Noctowl
- Ash Ketchum
- Conway
Shuckle, now! Power Trick, let's go!
- [Shuckle opens out and glows a rainbow aura briefly.]
- Ash Ketchum
What's that?
- Barry
I knew Shuckle would use that move.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
Hey what's Power Trick?
- Dawn's Piplup
(Confused) Pip-Piplup?
- Brock
It's a move that switches a Pokémon's attack and defense stats. In Shuckle's case, its defense is really high and its attack power is really low, but if that were to be switched using Power Trick...
- Dawn
..Then Shuckle's attack power would become really high!
- Barry
That's right, but then its defense would be really low. Conway wants to win this with one shot.
- Ash Ketchum
Noctowl, quick! Use Air Slash!
- [Noctowl generates a ball and shoots it.]
- Conway
Gyro Ball, go!
- [Shuckle withdraws inside its shell and starts spinning, jumping into the air and wiping out Air Slash, shocking Ash.]
- Announcer
Whoa! Air slash is knocked away in midair, causing Shuckle zero damage!
- [Gyro Ball hits Noctowl.]
- Announcer
Now, using its elevated attack power from Power Trick, Shuckle launches a blistering attack!
- [Noctowl falls to the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
Noctowl, no!
- [Shuckle lands back down.]
- Ash Ketchum
What power, Wow!
- [Noctowl gets up.]
- Conway
Say, Noctowl got up after that?
- Barry
- Dawn
That Conway. He's strong!
- Ash Ketchum
OK, Noctowl, return!
- [Ash returns Noctowl.]
- Ash Ketchum
Get some rest for now. All right, it's head-to-head battle time. Donphan, I choose you!
- Ash's Donphan
- Announcer
And Ash switches his Pokémon from Noctowl to Donphan.
- Conway
So, Ash has chosen a Pokémon with a lot of power. All right, Shuckle, Sludge Bomb, now!
- [Shuckle shoots Sludge Bomb from inside its shell.]
- Ash Ketchum
Donphan, Rollout!
- [Donphan starts rolling, intercepting Sludge Bomb and closing in on Shuckle.]
- Conway
Huh? Shuckle, use Gyro Ball, go!
- [Shuckle spins, hitting and knocking Donplhan off course with the move. Donphan crashes into a mound.]
- Ash Ketchum
Donphan, return!
- [Ash returns Donphan.]
- Barry
Gyro Ball is a tough move to counter.
- Dawn
Yeah, and Conway sure knows how to make total use of its spin.
- Brock
The big problem is, Donphan's attack is only half as effective if it ever gets deflected. Did Ash switch Pokémon because of a strategy change?
- Ash Ketchum
Now, Gible, I choose you!
- Ash's Gible
- Announcer
And Ash's third Pokémon is Gible.
- Conway
As, I didn't think it had mastered Draco Meteor let's just see what Ash has up his sleeve.
- Barry
(Excited scream) Gible! Yes!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Cheering) Pika!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Cheering) Piplup!
- [Cut to Team Rocket, watching Ash's match on their laptop.]
- Jessie
There's never a dull moment when Gible attacks.
- Meowth
Thank you, come again. (To Jessie and James) Lose the loafing and get back to work!
- James
What? And miss battle bliss?
- Conway
Honestly, who cares? We'll see if you can handle Shuckle. Use Gyro Ball!
- [Shuckle spins toward Gible.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, here it comes! Catch it!
- [Gible opens its mouth out wide, trapping Shuckle and its shell inside it. Ash's friends yelp in shock.]
- Announcer
Now there's a surprise move! Gible's caught Shuckle in its giant mouth and is holding on tight!
- [Shuckle is struggling to get off, while Gible tries to hang on.]
- Ash Ketchum
What do you know? Gible's habit of biting everything's sure coming in handy now!
- Conway
(Shocked) Talk about a strong-armed tactic. Even I couldn't have predicted this!
- [Cut to the crowd, Pikachu is amused.]
- Barry
Now that I think of it, Gible does like to chew on stuff.
- Dawn
Yeah, works in this case!
- [Gible chomps repeatedly, hanging on to Shuckle.]
- Ash Ketchum
Awesome job, Gible! Hold tight!
- Conway
Not for long, Ash! Shuckle, use Sludge Bomb in Gible's mouth!
- [Shuckle moves around its shell toward the side inside Gible's mouth. It shoots Sludge Bomb repeatedly in short bursts, causing it to pour out of Gible's mouth and hurt Gible itself.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [Cut to a close up of Sludge Bomb.]
- Announcer
And Shuckle unleashes Sludge Bomb in a most unusual way!
- Conway
Now please let go of Shuckle.
- [Cut to Gible's eye, which changes to a more aggressive look as Gible hangs on to Shuckle.]
- Ash Ketchum
OK, Gible, spit it out!
- [Gible levers its mouth, facing the sky.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, no, wait!
- [Gible and Shuckle stick together.]
- Ash Ketchum
Stay where you are and shoot out Shuckle using Draco Meteor!
- [Gible takes Shuckle all the way up and releases Draco Meteor, taking Shuckle up into the air.]
- Conway
But Gible hasn't mastered Draco Meteor!
- [The meteor explodes into meteorites. Shuckle, caught by the explosion, yelps in pain.]
- Ash Ketchum
It worked! Gible, you're the best!
- Ash's Gible
- [The meteorites crash to the ground around the arena.]
- Announcer
Draco Meteor and Shuckle soar into the air. A powerful move!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Jubilant) Piplup!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Jubilant) Pika!
- Dawn
It worked!
- Barry
Way to go! All right!
- [As the smoke clears, Shuckle faints. The crowd cheers.]
- Shuckle
(Weakly) Shuck-k-kle...
- Referee
Shuckle is unable to battle. Gible wins!
- Ash Ketchum
All right! Gible, we did it!
- Ash's Gible
- Conway
Shuckle, return. You were just amazing. And thanks to all your help, I now know which Pokémon Ash is going to be using today. Lickilicky, let's go!
- Announcer
And Conway's second Pokémon is Lickilicky!
- [Lickilicky contently extends its long tongue.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, look out for that tongue!
- Ash's Gible
- Conway
Now, Lickilicky, use lick!
- [Lickilicky extends its tongue.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, Dragon Pulse, let's go!
- [Before Gible can attack, Lickilicky licks Gible repeatedly. Ash flinches and shudders in shock, along with his friends.]
- Dawn
Lick overload!
- Barry
Hope Gible can breathe.
- Dawn's Piplup
(Disturbed) Piplup.
- Brock
I know lick can sometimes cause opponents to become paralyzed, but this seems like something more...
- [Lickilicky continues licking. Team Rocket have disturbed looks. Gible wobbles dizzily.]
- Announcer
What an incredibly effective move! Gible can barely stand up!
- Ash Ketchum
Get a hold of yourself, Gible! Now use Dig!
- [Gible digs down.]
- Announcer
And Gible escapes by using Dig. But will Gible be able to attack?
- Conway
Don't let it go! Use Power Whip!
- [Lickilicky glows and digs with its tongue, scooping Gible out and up into the air.]
- Announcer
Lickilicky's versatile tongue is not your ordinary tongue for sure, as it digs out Gible from underground, using Power Whip!
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, return!
- Ash Ketchum
You're up again, Noctowl! I choose you!
- Ash's Noctowl
- Conway
A Flying-type, of course. All right, Power Whip!
- [Noctowl flies up high. Lickilicky is unable to reach Noctowl with its glowing tongue.]
- Announcer
It's not enough to reach Noctowl!
- Conway
(Shocked) Ah!
- Ash Ketchum
Air Slash, go!
- [Air Slash hits Lickilicky. Conway growls.]
- Conway
Use Thunderbolt instead!
- [Lickilicky uses Thunderbolt.]
- Ash Ketchum
Quick, Noctowl, dodge it!
- [Noctowl obeys. Thunderbolt misses.]
- Announcer
Quick is right, as Noctowl dodges Lickilicky's Thunderbolt!
- Ash Ketchum
All right! Extrasensory!
- [Noctowl levers Lickilicky up into the air with the move.]
- Ash Ketchum
Now, throw it down!
- [Noctowl obeys and forces Lickilicky to the ground. Lickilicky faints.]
- Referee
Lickilicky is unable to battle. Noctowl wins!
- Announcer
Lickilicky has been eliminated, and Conway is down to his last Pokémon!
- Ash Ketchum
Yes! Thanks, Noctowl! We did it!
- Ash's Noctowl
(Proud Cooing)
- Barry
Ash is on a roll!
- Dawn
He's amazing!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Cheering) Pika-Pika!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Cheering) Piplup!
- Brock
Gible mastering Draco Meteor has really given Ash some serious momentum!
- Meowth
I can totally dig why you guys ditched working with all this twerp action happening on the tube!
- James
The twerp may well win it in one fell swoop!
- Jessie
But he is still a twerp.
- Conway
Lickilicky, return. Excellent work. Dusknoir, let's go!
- [Conway deploys Dusknoir.]
- Conway
Dusknoir, Trick Room!
- Conway's Dusknoir
- [Dusknoir creates a mysterious cage inside the battlefield.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Grunts) What's going on?
- Conway
Ash, welcome to Trick Room. Its effects last even if it's no longer visible, so I would suggest you keep that in mind.
- [The cage disappears.]
- Barry
This is the first time I've seen that move.
- Dawn
It really looked like they were trapped inside a room.
- Brock
It's possible Conway used Shuckle and Lickilicky just so he could figure out which Pokémon Ash was going to use, so Conway could turn around and use Trick Room.
- [Dawn and Barry gasp.]
- Ash Ketchum
OK, Extrasensory!
- Ash's Noctowl
- [Noctowl obeys.]
- Conway
Use Thunder Punch!
- [Dusknoir zips behind Noctowl and punches it, knocking it down.]
- Ash Ketchum
No, Noctowl!
- [Noctowl crashes to the ground and faints.]
- Ash's Noctowl
(Weakly) Noctowl...
- Referee
Noctowl is unable to battle. Dusknoir wins!
- Announcer
Conway fires back fiercely, as Dusknoir eliminates Noctowl with a single move and leaves Ash with just two Pokémon.
- Ash Ketchum
Dusknoir moved so quickly I didn't see it coming.
- Conway
Hm! Noctowl's super flying speed, and Donphan's spinning speed, as well as Gible's Dig. Their speeds are all incredible, and that makes this Trick Room all the more useful, of course. You see, this powerful move enables the slowest Pokémon to launch an attack first. Which means while Trick Room is in effect, my slow Dusknoir has an always having the opportunity to strike before any of your Pokémon has a chance!
- Ash Ketchum
I've never even heard of that move.
- Barry
Trick room sounds really scary!
- Brock
Up until now, it looked like the wind was at Ash's back, but it was all happening according to Conway's plan.
- Ash Ketchum
Noctowl, return. Thanks a lot. Now, you get a good rest.
- Conway
So, which of your Pokémon are going down next?
- Ash Ketchum
Look, the battle's not over yet! Donphan, I choose you!
- Ash's Donphan
- [The cage appears again.]
- Announcer
And Trick Room is still in effect. Will Ash be able to counter it?
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Donphan, use Rollout!
- Conway
Use Shadow Punch!
- [Dusknoir reacts quickest and hits Donphan with Shadow Punch, blasting it to the ground.]
- Ash Ketchum
Donphan! Oh man. No matter what I do, Dusknoir's able to strike first! I'd better switch! Donphan, return!
- [Before Ash is able to return Donphan...]
- Conway
Mean Look!
- Ash Ketchum
- [Dusknoir's eye glows purple. It sends a black ring which absorbs into Donphan. The return mechanism fails.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Shocked) Oh no!
- Announcer
Donphan is hit with Mean Look, so Ash won't be able to switch Pokémon.
- Barry
If Donphan's been hit with Mean Look, there's nowhere to run! What's Ash going to do?
- Conway
It's the end of the line, Ash. Shadow Punch!
- [Dusknoir hovers up high and hits Donphan on the ground with Shadow Punch.]
- Ash Ketchum
No, Donphan!
- [Donphan faints.]
- Ash's Donphan
(Weakly) Donphan...
- Referee
Donphan is unable to battle. Dusknoir wins!
- Announcer
Dusknoir takes out two of Ash's Pokémon! both sides have one left.
- Conway
I hope you're enjoying the effects of Trick Room...and, it's still going strong!
- Ash Ketchum
Donphan, return. You were totally awesome, thanks. All right, here we go! Gible, I choose you!
- Ash's Gible
- [The cage appears again.]
- Announcer
And Trick Room reveals itself again! How will Ash deal with it this time?
- Conway
Draco Meteor may have beaten Shuckle, but it won't work this time!
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, use Dig!
- Conway
Use Shadow Punch!
- [Just as Gible jumps to execute Dig, Dusknoir punches him to the ground with the move.]
- Announcer
And Dusknoir strikes first again. Gible has been hurtled into the ground!
- Ash Ketchum
We're just fine! Gible, go!
- [Gible continues digging until he's directly below Dusknoir.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, straight up!
- [Gible jumps out.]
- Ash's Gible
- Conway
I don't think so! Use Shadow Punch!
- [Dusknoir prepares the move.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, bite that Shadow Punch!
- Conway
(Shocked) What?!
- [Gible bites into Dusknoir's fists and locks the jaws in.]
- Conway
(Outraged) Argh! What kind of move is that?! (Rubbing his hair) It ate the Shadow Punch!
- [Gible throws itself down to the ground, leaving Dusknoir hanging in the air.]
- Ash Ketchum
Gible, Draco Meteor!
- [Gible surrounds Dusknoir inside a red ball of light which shoots up toward the sky. The ball explodes into a shower of meteorites which crash down to the ground. Dusknoir struggles to get up.]
- Ash Ketchum
Use Dragon Pulse!
- [Gible loads up a blue ball.]
- Conway
Dusknoir, use Shadow Punch once more!
- [Dusknoir hits Gible with Shadow Punch while it loads up Dragon Pulse. Despite being hit, Gible aims and releases the move, which hits and knocks down Dusknoir.]
- Conway
- [Dusknoir faints.]
- Referee
Dusknoir is unable to battle. Gible wins, and that means the victor is Ash!
- [the crowd cheers and applauds.]
- Announcer
And after a dazzling display of power and strategy, Ash defeats Conway and advances on to round four. What a match!
- Ash Ketchum
All right! Gible, you showed them!
- [Ash laughs and hugs Gible.]
- Ash Ketchum
Thanks so much Gible. You were just amazing! (Laughs)
- Ash's Gible
- [Curt to Team Rocket.]
- Meowth
He ripped it!
- Jessie
Twerps get it right sometimes.
- James
I say we grab that gifted Gible.
- [Cut to Dawn, Brock and Barry. Pikachu and Piplup hold hands and dance in joy.]
- Dawn
He won! Now he's off to the fourth round!
- Barry
I can't stand it! I'm fining that guy!
- Brock
Well, though that was a tough battle, Gible finally mastering Draco Meteor was key.
- Conway
Dusknoir, return. Excellent work. This has got to be the least calculated battle I've ever seen. At least a new battle equation has been inputted into my database. (Snickers)
- Announcer
Folks, we have our top eight trainers. We will now randomly shuffle our top eight to determine the match ups for round four, the quarterfinals, taking place tomorrow.
- [The sixteen icons become eight. They flip over displaying a random qualifier. After a wait, the draw is revealed. Ash is up against Paul.]
- Announcer
And there they are! The battle format will change to a six-on-six full battle, which means the Sinnoh League tournament is sure to heat up even more!
- [Ash and Paul appear on a double-screen.]
- Dawn
Ash against Paul!
- Barry
(Excited) It's about time! Ash and Paul are finally going to battle it out!
- [sunset.]
- Brock
And Gible gets today's gallantry award! Eat all you want!
- [Gible, Noctowl and Donphan are having a feast.]
- Dawn
Now that Gible's mastered Draco Meteor, I'm sure Piplup will be able to rest easier! Am I right?
- Dawn's Piplup
- Ash Ketchum
Thanks a lot, Gible, Noctowl, and Donphan. I'll work hard in round four, and that's a promise!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Cheerfully) Pika-Pikachu.
- [Paul walks along from behind the wall.]
- Barry
Huh? It's Paul!
- Ash Ketchum
Huh? Hey Paul!
- [Ash gets up and meets him.]
- Ash Ketchum
So! Are you fine-tuning your Pokémon?
- Paul
- Paul's Electivire
(Competitive) Electivire.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Determined) Pi, ka!
- Cynthia
It's Paul versus Ash. I'm really looking forward to their battle!
- Narrator
And so, Ash advances to round four, the quarterfinals, where a battle with Paul promises some red-hot excitement! So stay tuned for two longtime rivals, going head-to-head!
- [That night, inside the Pokemon Center, Ash talks to Professor Oak.]
- Ash Ketchum
I got Buizel, Professor.
- Professor Oak
Good! Noctowl and the others are all in good hands. So, waiting for your third Pokémon for tomorrow?
- Ash Ketchum
Right! It should be here any minute now.
- Dawn's Piplup
- [Ash and Pikachu overhear Piplup, excited.]
- Dawn
Hey Ash, it's here!
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika?!
- [Ash and Dawn hurry outside the building and run to Brock.]
- Brock
Ash! Look!
- [Brock points up and across the sky. A Bat Pokemon swoops down from the moon toward Ash.]
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash Ketchum
I've been waiting. Gliscor!
- Ash's Gliscor
- [Gliscor licks its lips. The caption "To Be Continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]