This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "League Unleashed!".
- Narrator
The much-anticipated Sinnoh League tournament at Lily of the Valley Island is underway! On the heels of a spectacular opening ceremony, the matchups for the first round have been revealed, with Ash squaring off against Nando!
- Ash Ketchum
Battling Nando's got me so psyched! Isn't it awesome?
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika-Pika!
- Nando
Perhaps fate has a hand in our upcoming battle, Ash.
- Ash Ketchum
For sure, Nando!
- Nando
It was after meeting you that I decided to enter the Sinnoh league myself. And now, I get to battle you here. Yes, I'm truly honored.
- Ash Ketchum
I'll give it everything I've got. No way you're going to beat me!
- Nando
I'm looking forward to it. Good luck, Ash...
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, you too!
- [Ash and Nando share a handshake.]
- [The opening theme "We Will Carry On!" and title card plays.]
- [At night-time, Ash & friends are sat by the tables. Dawn is feeding Piplup.]
- Ash Ketchum
OK. The first round is three-on-three. Now, all my Pokémon are in top form, so which three am I going use?
- Brock
We know what Nando uses: Bug and Grass types. So, Ice, Fire, and Flying-type moves will give you a good advantage.
- Ash Ketchum
OK. So, that means I should choose from Glalie, Infernape, Staraptor or Swellow then, right?
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
It's risky to say he only uses Bug and Grass types. Remember he used a Lopunny during the Grand Festival...
- [Dawn flashes back to Nando's Lopunny twirling in the Grand Festival.]
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, that's right. I remember it now.
- [Dawn notices Paul walk past.]
- Dawn
Ash, it's Paul.
- [Paul stops and turns to face them as they meet up with him.]
- Ash Ketchum
Hey Paul! Here we go! Already know which Pokémon you're using?
- Paul
Of course.
- Dawn
I'll bet I know how you based your picks, on your opponent's strategy and type-advantage.
- Paul
You bet right! I looked at the options and chose my three best Pokémon.
- Ash Ketchum
Your three best?
- Brock
Wow, you sound really confident, Paul.
- Ash Ketchum
I'm not going to lose either! I'm going to give it all I've got and win, so I can battle you in the finals!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Agreeing) Pika-Pikachu!
- Paul
You're pathetic...
- Everyone
- Paul
Every trainer competing here at the Sinnoh league has won eight badges. Giving it all you've got means nothing!
- [Ash and Pikachu groan, annoyed. Paul walks away. Inside, Selma is presenting in-front of a large group of people.]
- Selma
The number you just drew will be the location of your shop. You take away your trash and don't hassle spectators or trainers. Think you can handle that?
- Shop Keepers
- Selma
Remember, the success of the Sinnoh league is in our hands. That's the reason we're all here! Good luck to each and every one of you!
- Shop Keepers
- [Team Rocket slump, annoyed.]
- Selma
Now, my work here is done.
- [Selma walks off. Team Rocket appear in-front of Selma's desk. Jessie is annoyed by the ticket with the number 139.]
- Jessie
(Annoyed) Whose good luck? Using the lottery for shop locations is the unluckiest break that ever broke!
- [On the map, 139 is positioned farthest away from the stadium.]
- Jessie
If we were any farther away from the action, we'd have to build our own airport!
- [Jessie grumbles furiously, shaking.]
- James
That woman's the head honcho here so there's no use crying over failed capitalism.
- Meowth
Instead of grousing, we'll use some Team Rocket elbow grease.
- James
Of course! They'll shop 'til they drop and make ours the number one stop!
- Jessie
And while we're at it, we'll wait for the perfect point to pounce and then poach us a primo Pokémon!
- James & Meowth
- Meowth
And until our primo Pokémon makes the scene, there's nothing wrong with padding our pockets with green!
- Wobbuffet
- [At night time, Ash, Dawn and Brock are in bed, Ash's eyes are open.]
- Ash Ketchum
(His thoughts) Paul's right. Every trainer here's got to be really good. So, I've got to come up with a strategy and a counter strategy before choosing any of my Pokémon. But...I'm sure Nando's already got an idea of what my strategy's going to be, so...but if I think of a counter strategy for that... No. Wait! then Nando'll just... (Screams aloud, hands on head) ARRGH! What am I talking about?
- [Everyone else, disturbed from their night sleep, wakes up, rubbing their eyes.]
- Dawn
What's wrong?
- Ash Ketchum
Uh, it's nothing. Don't worry. Sorry I woke you up.
- [Ash and Pikachu goes to the balcony and looks at the clear sky. A galaxy of stars glow.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Whispering) Check it out.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Awed) Pika.
- [Ash looks at his box of badges.]
- Ash Ketchum
(His thoughts) All of this time...I've battled side by side with my Pokémon, my hard together...cheering each other on...and we won eight badges. That's it! All I have to do is believe in my Pokémon. That's my battle strategy. It's always been that way and always will be.
- Ash's Pikachu
Pika, Pika!
- Ash Ketchum
(Nods) Hm!
- [The next day, at the Pokemon Center, Ash returns outside to meet Dawn & Brock.]
- Ash Ketchum
Professor Oak made the transfer. Sorry for the hold up.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
So, which three Pokémon are you going to use against Nando, Ash?
- Dawn's Piplup
- Ash Ketchum
It's a secret. You'll just have to wait until the battle starts.
- [Barry screams as he runs toward Ash.]
- Barry
Out of the way, out of the way!
- [Barry collides with Ash. They both fall over.]
- Dawn
- Brock
Are you two all right?
- [Pikachu calls out, provoked.]
- Ash Ketchum
Barry, what's your problem?
- Barry
What's my problem? You bumped into me! (Gets up and rubs the dirt off his clothes) But hey...there's no fine...because I'm psyched! I've just come up with an amazing three-Pokémon team!
- Dawn
Is that good, huh?
- Barry
Better than good! No doubt, I'm winning today! (Points to Ash) Yup, and the whole tournament, too!
- Ash Ketchum
(Groaning, angrily) The winner's going to be me!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Angrily) Pika-Pika!
- Barry
Yeah? dream on! I'm going to win it! Whoa! Argh! Whoa, I can't be hanging out, I've got to get to my first match! Later!
- [Barry speeds past Ash and Pikachu as the others watch on.]
- Brock
Does Barry ever slow down?
- Dawn
An amazing team. let's see...I wonder which three they are.
- Conway
(Sneaking from behind) You know, I could tell you.
- [Dawn and Piplup are startled.]
- Dawn
(Accusing) No one makes an entrance like you!
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Pikachu
- Conway
You ought to know by now. I can answer every question you can think up.
- Dawn
Uh, thanks but no thanks Conway. I'm good...
- Dawn's Piplup
(Shooing) Piplup-Piplup-Piplup!
- [Conway laughs while Dawn, Brock, Piplup are disturbed. Inside, the carnival is in full swing.]
- Selma
Everyone's having a great time, and with this beautiful weather, we'll have one fantastic Sinnoh League!
- [Team Rocket hist their stall, far away from the carnival.]
- Jessie
So step right up and have a look, because this gourmet team knows how to cook!
- James
Yummy Octillery snacks! Swablu cotton candy! Bronzor rice crackers and a Solrock bean bun only add to the fun!
- Meowth
Take them all home to the family! It doesn't matter what the age is, this grub's what the latest rage is!
- Wobbuffet
- [No customers turn up.]
- Jessie
(Annoyed) Location, location, location! From now on I'm the head honcho around here! Time to relocate us a few customers...and who better for the task than dear Seviper?
- [Jessie deploys Seviper. James protests.]
- James
Cease! Customers won't have hungry tummies if they're being strong-armed!
- Meowth
Happy folks are hungry folks!
- Jessie
So? any bright ideas?
- [James brings out some boxes.]
- James
Ideas? When it comes to quality, we have no peer.
- [Meowth snatches the boxes off James.]
- Meowth
Yeah! Have no fear! Sometimes you've got to shake it up to make an honest living! And I know just how to swing it!
- [Jessie, James and Wobbuffet hesitate.]
- Wobbuffet
- [Cut to Sinnoh League action. On the scoreboard, Barry defeats a trainer with the "Winner" caption below his icon.]
- Announcer
And he scores! Which means Barry moves on to round two!
- Barry
- Barry's Empoleon
- [The crowd cheer and applaud. A happy Barry marches along the corridor.]
- Barry
Man, that was a piece of cake! And that means the whole Sinnoh League is ripe for the picking!
- [Another trainer bypasses him. Barry stops and turns around, looking at the next trainer.]
- Barry
Hey! What in the world was all that about?
- [Cut to outside the stadium.]
- Announcer
And now! On the Green Field, preparing to wage battle are our two opponents, Nando and Ash!
- [Dawn, Brock and Piplup are watching in the crowd.]
- Brock
Excellent! Ash is sure fired up, confident, too.
- Dawn
All right Ash, you can do it!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Cheering) Piplup!
- Announcer
The time has come for our dueling trainers to reveal their first Pokémon!
- Nando
All right, Roserade, let's go!
- Nando's Roserade
- Ash Ketchum
Staraptor, I choose you!
- Ash's Staraptor
- Brock
With Roserade battling Staraptor, looks like we had it right, didn't we?
- Dawn
Well, there's no doubt Ash has the type advantage.
- Dawn's Piplup
- Referee
Nando will have the first move. All right, go!
- Nando
All right, Roserade, use Sweet Scent!
- [Roserade obeys.]
- Ash Ketchum
Quick, dodge it, Staraptor!
- [Staraptor tries to blow away Sweet Scent with its wings, but it affects him, almost falling to the ground.]
- Announcer
And Roserade's Sweet Scent has affected Staraptor's movement.
- Nando
And now, use Magical Leaf!
- [Roserade hits Staraptor with Magical Leaf. Dawn, Piplup and Brock yelp in shock as Staraptor crashes to the ground.]
- Nando
Roserade, Solar Beam! Let's go!
- Nando's Roserade
- [Roserade prepares its move.]
- Announcer
Look out! Roserade's going in for the big finale!
- Ash Ketchum
Staraptor, up! Come on!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Encouraging) Pika!
- [Staraptor struggles to get up. Roserade fires Solar Beam. As the beam gets closer, Staraptor opens its eye. The Beam crashes to the ground. As the smoke clears, Staraptor is revealed to be flying again.]
- Nando
Wait, but how?
- Nando's Roserade
Rose, Rose?
- Ash Ketchum
All right, use Brave Bird!
- [Staraptor hits Roserade with the move, but is hurt by recoil damage.]
- Nando
- [As the smoke clears, Roserade faints.]
- Nando's Roserade
(Weakly) Roserade...
- Referee
Roserade is unable to battle. The winner is Staraptor
- Announcer
And Ash gets the first score!
- Ash Ketchum
All right!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
Way to go!
- Dawn's Piplup
Piplup, Piplup!
- Nando
Thanks, Roserade. You deserve a good rest.
- Announcer
So will Nando make a comeback? For his second Pokémon...
- Nando
Armaldo, you're next!
- Nando's Armaldo
- Ash and Dawn
- [Dawn scans the Pokemon with her Pokedex.]
- Pokédex
Armaldo. The Plate Pokémon, and the evolved form of Anorith. After Anorith evolves into Armaldo, it proceeds to live on land and an armor-like shell surrounds its entire body.
- Brock
It's going to be a tough battle against a Rock- and Bug-type.
- Dawn
No need to worry. After all, he's totally got the momentum!
- Dawn's Piplup
Piplup, Piplup!
- [Staraptor is still hurt by recoil damage, concerning Pikachu.]
- Ash's Staraptor
- Ash Ketchum
I know Staraptor's been hit several times, so we'll take the offense! Close Combat!
- [Staraptor charges forward.]
- Nando
- [Armaldo Protects itself with a green dome. Staraptor crashes into the dome and hurts itself.]
- Nando
Now use Rock Blast!
- [Armaldo knocks down and faints Staraptor with Rock Blast.]
- Ash's Pikachu
(Shocked) Pikachu!
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Staraptor
(Weakly) Star...
- Referee
Staraptor is unable to battle. Armaldo's the winner!
- Announcer
And Nando makes a comeback in a fierce battle where neither side is backing down!
- Brock
Nando knew Staraptor's weak against Rock-type attacks, so he simply made it part of his strategy.
- Dawn
No need to worry. After all, the battle's just beginning!
- Dawn's Piplup
Pip, Piplup!
- [Barry hurries into the crowd to meet Dawn and Brock, panting heavily.]
- Barry
Man, oh man! Man, oh man!
- Brock
Hey, Barry, why don't you relax?
- Barry
Relax? No way, Brock! I saw the most incredible trainer ever!
- [Highlights show of the other trainer's Machamp fainting to a Darkrai.]
- Barry
Talk about strong! This guy beat all of his opponent's Pokémon just using his Darkrai and took the first match like it was nothing!
- Brock
He's got a Darkrai?
- Barry
That's right! No one said that kind of trainer would be here! Someone deserves a fine! Hey, don't you think so too, Dawn?
- Dawn
(To Ash) Come on Ash, you can do it!
- Dawn's Piplup
(To Ash, encouraging) Piplup!
- Barry
How come you're not listening to me?! Oh, what do you know, Ash is having a battle!
- [Ash returns Staraptor. Barry notices Ash losing a Pokemon and decides to sit down.]
- Barry
Hey, hold on, it looks like Ash's losing out there! Hope he's okay!
- Announcer
So, stand by for Ash's next Pokémon.
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Quilava, I choose you!
- Ash's Quilava
- Ash Ketchum
Now, time to show them the new stuff you can do!
- Ash's Quilava
- [Quilava lets off a bit of fire.]
- Nando
Make sure you don't let your guard down, Armaldo.
- Nando's Armaldo
- Announcer
Now back to the action. It's a clash between Armaldo and Quilava.
- [Outside the stadium, Team Rocket are seilling food treats, wearing Swablu crowns.]
- Jessie
Step right up, hungry hordes! Crackers and buns? What fun!
- [James grabs a trainer wrapping his neck around his arm.]
- James
I've got Octillery snacks and Swablu cotton candy for really good eats! So how can you say no to these snacks?
- Polo Shirt Man
Uh, I really don't want any right now, thanks.
- Meowth
Hey, don't be a shy guy. Because you decided to invade our sell space we're giving these babies away! What do you say?
- Wobbuffet
- Sweater Man
Wait. Did you say you're giving those snacks away?
- Jessie
That's right! Hungry and attentive!
- Polo Shirt Man
Awesome! Thanks a lot!
- [He eats one of the snacks.]
- Meowth & James
Swell! Mangia, mangia!
- [A large group of customers surround Team Rocket. James has a concerned looks on his face.]
- James
(To himself) Something's not adding up.
- Jessie
(To herself) As in the money we're losing by doing this!
- Meowth
(To himself) Heh! Chill! Just dole it all out and give these lugs a thrill!
- James
(To himself) Although it goes against my grain, I'll do what you say...
- Jessie
(To herself) No doubt these folks will have a nice day. (Aloud) All right, gang. Who would like to try some Bronzor rice crackers?
- [Selma watches on.]
- Selma
Dear me, they're just giving away their merchandise. Now there's a weird concept!
- [Back in the arena, Quilava is blasted by a move, crashing to the ground.]
- Announcer
And Quilava goes down!
- Ash Ketchum
Hang in there, Quilava!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash's Quilava
(Struggling) Quil...a-va!
- [Armaldo is panting.]
- Announcer
But Armaldo is struggling as well! At this point, the match is impossible to call!
- Nando
Armaldo, use every ounce of energy you have and use X-Scissor!
- [Armaldo glows its blades and charges toward its target.]
- Ash Ketchum
Quilava, Aerial Ace, let's go!
- [Quilava dodges X-Scissor first time round, they come into contact again, with Armaldo trying to block Aerial Ace. An explosion is caused, blasting both Pokemon back. Armaldo faints.]
- Dawn
All right, Ash!
- Dawn's Piplup
Piplup, Piplup!
- [Quilava also faints.]
- Ash Ketchum
- Referee
Both Pokémon are unable to battle. So, it's a draw!
- Announcer
A draw?! Unbelievable!
- Barry
They both have one Pokémon left. This is getting good!
- Brock
I would think Nando will use Kricketune next...but I'm not sure about Ash.
- Dawn
Yeah, me neither. I don't have a clue!
- Conway
(Sneaks in behind Dawn) Want to know what I think?
- [Dawn and Barry are startled.]
- Barry
Ah! Hey, who are you?
- Conway
Conway's the name...
- Barry
Oh. Conway?
- Conway
Yes, I happen to be the trainer who's going to win the Sinnoh League! I did win the first round with flying colors.
- Barry
Well, my name's Barry from Twinleaf Town, and I'm going to win this thing!
- Dawn
(Scolding) Will you boys settle down?!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Scolding) Piplup?!
- Barry
Uh, yes ma'am.
- [Conway giggles.]
- Announcer
Well both trainers have only one Pokémon left. So the question is, which Pokémon will they use?
- Nando
Kricketune, take it away!
- [Kricketune is deployed from Nando's Pokeball.]
- Ash Ketchum
Heracross, I choose you!
- Ash's Heracross
- Dawn
Ash is using Heracross?
- Dawn's Piplup
Piplup, Piplup?
- Nando
Heracross versus another Bug-type like Kricketune. That Ash. What a fascinating choice!
- Ash Ketchum
All right! I want to see a head to head battle between those Bug-types! Heracross, let's give it all we've got so use Megahorn!
- [Heracross glows its head and charges toward its target.]
- Nando
Kricketune, Silver Wind!
- [Both move bounce off each other. Nando strums his harp.]
- Nando
All right, Kricketune, use Sing!
- [Kricketune plays a tune, the notes swarm around Heracross causing him to fall asleep. Ash grunts.]
- Announcer
And because Kricketune used Sing, Heracross has fallen fast asleep!
- Nando
Kricketune, Fury Cutter!
- [Kricketune glows its blades red and prepares to attack.]
- Ash Ketchum
Heracross, use Sleep Talk!
- [Heracross, with eyes closed, dodges Fury Cutter and hits Kricketune on the chin with Focus Punch.]
- Barry
Hey, that was Focus Punch! How'd Heracross do that in its sleep?
- Conway
Well that's Sleep Talk. Even though a Pokémon's asleep, it randomly uses one of its moves.
- Dawn
I'll bet Ash planned that out, didn't he?
- Brock
Probably. It was smart for Heracross to learn Sleep Talk.
- Nando
It's obvious Ash had a counter move against Kricketune's sing in place.
- [Heracross wakes up and is ready to battle.]
- Ash Ketchum
Heracross, use Focus Punch!
- [Heracross gets ready to punch.]
- Nando
Kricketune, dodge it!
- [Kricketune dodges.]
- Ash Ketchum
Focus Punch, back to back!
- [Heracross punches Kricketune repeatedly, with the latter dodging.]
- Nando
Kricketune, Fury Cutter!
- [Both Pokemon fight one another with their respective moves.]
- Ash Ketchum
Now this is the battle I've been waiting for!
- Nando
Something strange has come over me! I've never experienced anything like this! This is the head-to-head battling Ash talked about!
- [In the waiting room, Paul watches on.]
- Announcer
It's now a clash of wills between Heracross and Kricketune! So, who's going down first?
- [The two Pokemon bounce off each other and get blown back.]
- Ash Ketchum
(To himself) Heracross is going to run out of steam. I've got to get a move in!
- Nando
(To himself) Sing just might get countered with Sleep Talk. But still, that's Kricketune's... No, my battling style! (Aloud, to Kricketune) Now, Kricketune, use Sing!
- [Kricketune obeys.]
- Ash Ketchum
Heracross, use Megahorn and aim for the ground!
- [Heracross hits the ground close to Kricketune with the move, shaking it and spewing dust into Kricketune's eyes. Heracross' horn is under the playing field.]
- Ash Ketchum
All right, Heracross, use Horn Attack!
- [Heracross glows its horn and breaks the ground with Horn Attack. Kricketune is hit and blasted high into the air.]
- Nando
Kricketune, no!
- [Kricketune crashes to the ground, fainting.]
- Referee
Kricketune is unable to battle. Heracross wins and that means that Ash from Pallet Town is our victor!
- Announcer
And the winner of this dazzling duel is none other than Ash!
- Ash Ketchum
(Jubilant) All right!
- Ash's Pikachu
- [Heracross wrestles Ash to the ground and chews on Ash's hat; the latter chuckles.]
- Ash's Heracross
- Ash Ketchum
Great, Heracross! Awesome!
- [Conway claps.]
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup!
- Dawn
He won! Ash really won!
- Brock
And that was one suspenseful battle.
- Barry
Yeah, well, wait until my next battle!
- [Conway chuckles and lowers himself down. Dawn is startled. Paul watches on. Meanwhile, Outside the stadium, Team Rocket are selling goods behind a stall in-front of a crowd of people.]
- Woman
I hear you have really great Solrock bean buns!
- Blue Shirt Man
I'll take ten, no twenty octillery snacks!
- Jessie
Now, no pushing because there's plenty for all!
- James
Your Solrock bean buns and Octillery snacks await. And here are your Bronzor rice crackers! Thank you! Enjoy!
- Jessie
Meowth, you're a genius. Who would've thought this would all turn out so cash flow cushy?
- Meowth
I did, since to take two steps forward you always have to take one step back! Yeah, once these folks got a free taste of the good life, it's the good life for us! (Chuckles)
- James
While it tastes keen, we're making oodles of green!
- Jessie
Stay calm, we're packed with snacks!
- [Selma watches over Team Rocket's activity from a distance.]
- Selma
Now I see why they were giving it all away. They really know how to move merchandise! Hm. Now let me see if I can't find them a better store location.
- [Closer to the stadium, Nando meets up with Ash & friends.]
- Nando
I became preoccupied with the head-to-head battle you wanted, Ash. But by the end, I was able to battle on my terms. I realize of course, that I lost, but I feel great.
- Ash Ketchum
Me too! Wow, thanks so much for a great battle!
- Ash's Pikachu
Pika, Pika!
- Nando
I'll be continuing my travels so I can train. I do hope to meet up again someday.
- Ash Ketchum
And when we do, let's battle!
- Dawn
I'd like to battle too!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup!
- Nando
But, of course, I'd be honored to battle you both anytime. (Sings) So, then, it's goodby-ye for no-ow!
- Ash Ketchum
Bye, Nando! Take care!
- Dawn
Bye, Nando!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Saluting) Pika-Pika!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Saluting) Piplup!
- Announcer
Most of our first-round battles are now history. Let's look at some of the winners.
- [On the screen, Paul is shown to be the winner of his battle.]
- Announcer
First, we have Paul, who swept his match three to zero.
- Ash Ketchum
She didn't stand a chance. No surprise he's going to the second round.
- Dawn
Not only Paul, but Barry and Conway won their matches too.
- Brock
There's also a powerful trainer who won his first round with a Darkrai.
- Ash Ketchum
(Shocked) Darkrai? You're kidding! Man, that sounds so cool! 'course, you know I'm going to give it all I got in round two!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Determined) Pika-Pikachu!
- Narrator
What excitement! The round one matchup between Ash and Nando has Ash moving on to the second round! So stay tuned to find out what else lies in store for our heroes, as the Sinnoh league journey continues.
- [The caption "To Be Continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]