This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port!".
- [Ash, with his friends, looks at his badge case as they ride along a conveyor-belt.]
- Ash Ketchum
Wow, I finally got them all.
- Narrator
With his eighth badge safely in hand, Ash, along with our other heroes, is on his way to Lily of the Valley Island, site of the Sinnoh league!
- [The opening theme "We Will Carry On!" and title card plays.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Groans) Man, we just missed the ferry!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Sad) Pika?!
- Dawn
Hey, I think maybe that's it out there.
- [Dawn points to the ship in the distance.]
- Dawn's Piplup
(Sad) Pip-Piplup.
- Brock
The next one's tomorrow morning, I'm afraid.
- Ash Ketchum
Guess we'll have to hang here.
- Dawn
Relax, no need to worry. There's lots of time.
- Kenny
Floatzel, let's go!
- Everyone
- [Ash & friends hurry outside. Floatzel appears from Kenny's Pokeball.]
- Dawn
(Happy) Kenny!
- Kenny
Floatzel, Whirlpool!
- [Floatzel sets up a Whirlpool.]
- Kenny
Now aim at the Whirlpool and use Aqua Jet!
- [Floatzel charges inside the Whirlpool.]
- Kenny
What do you think?
- Jasmine
A Whirlpool and Aqua Jet combination? Now that's pretty good. That would multiply their strengths even in a normal battle.
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, look!
- [Brock is instantly infatuated.]
- Brock
It's Jasmine!
- Everyone
- Dawn
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, Jasmine's the leader over at the Olivine gym. Her partner, Steelix, is awesomely strong!
- [Brock looks up to her and grabbing her arms.]
- Brock
It's been too long, Jasmine!
- Jasmine
(Interrupting) Hold on, your name's Brock, isn't it?
- Brock
Right! And meeting you again like this can only mean that fate has bound us together and frozen us as one in time and space forever!
- [Croagunk stabs him, causing him to fall. Croagunk drags him across the ground.]
- Brock
Or me...
- [Dawn and Ash meet up with Kenny.]
- Dawn
Hi, Kenny!
- Ash Ketchum
- Kenny
- Jasmine
Wow, Ash, how are you doing?
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
I'm Dawn. Nice to meet you!
- Jasmine
Hello, I'm Jasmine.
- Kenny
Hey, it's really too bad about the final round of the Grand Festival.
- Dawn
Wow, so you were watching!
- Kenny
Of course I was!
- Jessie
Those twerps are too perky for their own good.
- Meowth
So? We've got to concentrate on getting Floatzel to the boss.
- James
That kind of strength demands no less.
- [Meowth's dream plays.]
- Meowth
Case in point. The boss works his boss fingers to the bone and needs a good night's sleep.
- [Inside a bedroom, Giovanni is tossing and turning in bed, struggling to sleep.]
- Meowth
But when the temperature's rising, the heat makes it impossible.
- [Floatzel rises out of the water, giving Giovanni a "Mondo-cool" Thermo-pillow. He goes back to sleep, sucking his thumb.]
- Meowth
And course, Floatzel can lower the temps by making the scene, now doesn't that feel keen?
- James
You lost me on the hot weather super-strength connection.
- Giovanni (In Meowth's Voice)
"I feel like a million bucks, thanks to my Floatzel mondo-cool thermal pillow. And for Meowth and friends giving me such a cool Pokémon, I think it would be quite cool to throw them some cool cash!"
- [The dream ends. Cut to a happy Team Rocket.]
- Meowth
What a stash!
- Team Rocket
(Singing) What a way to beat the heat! Cool and calm and rich!
- Wobbuffet
- [James suddenly has a think.]
- James
A plan would be cool, too.
- Dawn
Wow, your Floatzel looks just great!
- Kenny
Thanks! Yeah, I was just having Jasmine take a look at my contest moves.
- Ash Ketchum
But Jasmine, you're the Olivine Gym Leader, so how does that work?
- Brock
Your specialty is normal Pokémon battles and not contest battles, right?
- Jasmine
Right! But in order to really get stronger, I think it's best to learn from all kinds of experiences, and contest battles are teaching me a whole lot.
- Ash Ketchum
But what about the gym?
- Jasmine
One of my colleagues is watching over the gym for me. And thanks to him, I'm able to go out and really sharpen up my skills.
- Brock
That's wonderful, Jasmine. You're happy and proud to be a Gym Leader, while at the same time you're always looking for new ways to improve your battling skills.
- Jasmine
Well, as far as I'm concerned, that's what a Gym Leader's all about.
- Kenny
Dawn, so what's the plan from here on out?
- Dawn
Right now I'm going to go cheer Ash on at the Sinnoh league.
- Kenny
And after that?
- Dawn
Huh? After that?
- Kenny
There's still lots of time before the next Grand Festival, so are you going to go back to Twinleaf Town for a while, or are you going to keep traveling on your journey instead?
- Dawn
I haven't really thought about it yet.
- Kenny
In that case...
- [Floatzel is grabbed and pulled up by a grabber from Team Rocket's balloon.]
- Kenny
- Jessie
Silly twerps with heads filled with mush!
- James
Get to the point! We're in a rush!
- Jessie
On the wind.
- James
Past the stars.
- Meowth
You twerps are making me blush!
- Kenny
Look! That's my Floatzel, Team Rocket!
- Jessie
On whose show?
- Meowth
Yeah, got to go!
- Flint
(Off-screen) Overheat!
- [Flint's Infernape uses Overheat, releasing Floatzel and blasting off Team Rocket.]
- Jessie
All right, who had the gall to sideswipe us on our way to the boss' bank?
- James
I already had untold millions spent in my mind's eye!
- Meowth
Shut up and fly!
- Jessie
Wise guy!
- Team Rocket
We're blasting off again!
- Wobbuffet
- [Floatzel lands back down. Kenny meets up with him.]
- Kenny
Man, are you okay, Floatzel?
- Floatzel
- Ash Ketchum
I know that Infernape.
- Flint
Right, and I'm sure glad I made it in time, Ash.
- Flint's Infernape
- Ash Ketchum
Flint, what're you doing here?
- Flint
Well, I wanted to see you before you left to continue your journey. After all, you're the guy who brought my best buddy Volkner back to his old electrifying self, (Winks) and that took some doing!
- Ash Ketchum
Oh man... (Laughs)
- Flint
He wanted to come too, but he's busy taking on challengers, so he told me to give a big hello to all of you!
- Jasmine
Hello, Flint. My name's Jasmine, and I'm the Olivine Gym Leader. I'd like to challenge you to a Pokémon battle!
- Flint
With me?
- Jasmine
One doesn't get a chance to have a battle with a member of the Elite Four every day. I'm sure it would help me grow a lot stronger.
- Flint
Of course! Always happy to accept from a beautiful challenger!
- Jasmine
Oh, thank you.
- Ash Ketchum
A Gym Leader battling one of the Elite Four. Awesome.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika-Pika!
- [The battlefield is set.]
- Brock
The battle will be one-on-one.
- Flint
I'm going to go with Infernape.
- Flint's Infernape
- Jasmine
OK, here's mine!
- [Steelix is deployed from Jasmine's Pokeball.]
- Dawn
Let me see.
- [Dawn scans the Pokemon with her Pokedex.]
- Pokédex
Steelix. The Iron Snake Pokémon, and the evolved form of Onix. Steelix's body is much harder than any metal, as it is tempered underground under high pressure and heat.
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, Steelix's Iron Tail is really tough.
- Ash's Pikachu
- [A shot of Ash's Gym Battle with Jasmine shows.]
- Dawn
But a Steel-type like Steelix is at a disadvantage against a Fire-type like Infernape.
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, but at the same time, Steelix is Jasmine's strongest partner. I wonder what her strategy to overcome that will be. Oh yeah! I should let my Infernape watch this.
- Dawn
That's a great idea!
- [Ash deploys Infernape.]
- Ash's Infernape
- Ash Ketchum
I want you to watch how Flint's Infernape handles a battle, okay?
- Ash's Infernape
- Dawn
(To Kenny) Huh? Is something wrong?
- Kenny
Nah, it's nothing. (Calling) Jasmine, good luck!
- Brock
Battle begin!
- Flint
Why don't you go first?
- Jasmine
Steelix! Iron Tail, let's go!
- [Steelix glows its tail and approaches the target.]
- Flint
Dodge it, quick!
- [Infernape jumps to dodge.]
- Jasmine
Excellent, Infernape's been well trained. All right, Steelix, use Iron Tail, and aim well!
- [Steelix swings its tail up high.]
- Flint
Deflect it!
- [Infernape deflects the move with its arms.]
- Jasmine
Use Sandstorm!
- [Steelix spins in a circle, generating a Sandstorm as it hurtles toward Infernape.]
- Flint
Repel that!
- [Infernape obeys, eliminating the Sandstorm.]
- Ash Ketchum
It wiped out the Sandstorm!
- Dawn
It looks like none of Jasmine's attacks seem to be working.
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, of course that's Flint's battling style.
- Dawn
So at first, Flint just holds back and watches to see how his opponent's going to attack.
- Jasmine
Crunch, let's go!
- [Steelix prepares to bite.]
- Flint
Use Flare Blitz!
- [Infernape hits Steelix with Flare Blitz.]
- Jasmine
- [Steelix faints.]
- Ash Ketchum
See that, Infernape?
- Ash's Infernape
- Brock
Steelix is unable to battle. Infernape is the winner, and the victory goes to Flint!
- Dawn
Wow, they won it in one move!
- Ash Ketchum
Proves how amazing Flint really is!
- Ash's Infernape
(Impressed) Infernape!
- Jasmine
You were wonderful. Now you take a good rest.
- [Jasmine returns Steelix.]
- Flint
Infernape, excellent job.
- [Flint returns Infernape.]
- Flint
I'm sorry, Jasmine. Letting my opponents have an easy go of it just isn't my style, you know?
- Jasmine
I learned a lot more because of that. (Bows) Thank you very much, Flint.
- Kenny
- Dawn
- Kenny
I'm going to go challenge Ash to a battle now. If I manage to win...
- Dawn
Then what?
- Kenny
Then, Dawn, I want you and I to go on a journey together!
- Dawn
- Kenny
I know this is out of nowhere, but I had to tell you how I feel.
- [Kenny sets off.]
- Dawn
Hey, Kenny, wait!
- [At sunset, Everyone stands beside the lighthouse watching the sea.]
- Jasmine
So tell me, Flint, is the strategy of letting your opponents attack first like that your battling style?
- Flint
Right. See, for me, defense is the best way to train. Winning a battle without getting attacked doesn't teach you anything. First I let my opponent attack, and then I defend against it, which helps me really sharpen up my skills.
- Jasmine
I see.
- Flint
But if my opponent's a whole lot stronger than me, then I can't really pull that off, of course.
- Jasmine
Like, Cynthia, the champion of the Elite Four?
- Flint
- Ash Ketchum
Wow, Flint, are you planning on challenging Cynthia?
- Flint
I am, but not until I've trained as hard as I possibly can and feel completely prepared.
- Ash Ketchum
Awesome! Man, would I love to see that battle!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pikachu!
- Kenny
- Ash Ketchum
- Kenny
(Aloud) I challenge you to a battle!
- Dawn
- Ash Ketchum
Sure! I guess it's time to pick up where we left off, right?
- [Ash's stomach rumbles. Ash and Pikachu smile.]
- Ash Ketchum
But let's pick it up tomorrow! I'm hungry! (Laughs)
- Kenny
(Disappointed) Huh?
- Brock
Hey, let's go back to the Pokémon Center. Jasmine, care to join us?
- Jasmine
Thanks, as long as it won't be any trouble for you all.
- [Cut to Dawn and Kenny.]
- Brock
(Off-screen) No, no, no, you could never be any trouble.
- Dawn
Kenny! Come on!
- Jasmine
(Off-screen) Oh, you're so sweet. Thank you, Brock.
- [They all go. At night-time, in the Pokemon Center, the doors open.]
- Ash Ketchum
Boy, am I stuffed!
- [Young kids notice Flint and become excited.]
- Boy 1
Wow! Look, it's Flint!
- Boy 2
Hey, it is! It's Flint of the Elite Four!
- Girl
- [The young kids line up to Flint, barging Ash out of the way.]
- Boy 2
Shake my hand!
- Boy 1
Can I have your autograph?
- Girl
Can I have a picture with you?
- Flint
Sure. Now, everybody, let's take turns!
- Jasmine
He is popular!
- Dawn
Oh yeah, you're right.
- Jasmine
Something on your mind?
- Dawn
There is, though it's nothing really that important.
- Jasmine
So tell me.
- Dawn
You see, my goal is to become top coordinator, but now there are other things on my mind.
- Dawn
Right now it seems that all I can think about is cheering Ash on when he competes in the upcoming Sinnoh league!
- [Kenny overhears and listens to the conversation.]
- Dawn
And I can't really decide what I want to do after the Sinnoh league's over.
- Jasmine
I remember feeling like that before. I was wondering whether I should even continue as Gym Leader back then...which is why I'm out on this journey right now. And since I've been on it, I've seen and heard so many interesting and important things, I can't even tell you!
- Dawn
- Jasmine
You have to decide for yourself what road is best for you to travel on.
- Dawn
For myself?
- Jasmine
(Smiles) Dawn, in the end, only you can decide what kind of future you want.
- Dawn
- Dawn's Piplup
- Brock
(Whispers) Kenny...
- Kenny
Brock, what do you want?
- Brock
I want you to let me tell you the true secret of love.
- Kenny
I'm not interested, thanks.
- [As Kenny walks away, Brock zips in-front of him.]
- Brock
A man keeps putting his heart out on the line! And then, it gets broken, and he puts it on the line again, and it gets broken again, and then again, and then again and again! And that, my friend, is the secret of love!
- [Brock stands tall with a huge wave.]
- Kenny
Keep putting my heart on the line. (Agrees, strong arm pose) You've given me hope! Thanks, Brock.
- [The young children wave goodbye to Flint and leave.]
- Children
Bye, thanks you! Thanks a lot, Flint! Goodbye!
- Flint
Bye now!
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, Flint?
- Flint
- Ash Ketchum
Please tell me about what it was like when you won the Sinnoh league. I can't tell you how much it would mean to me!
- Flint
No problem.
- [Ash and Flint sit together on the couch.]
- Flint
It all happened back when I was around the same age you are right now...
- [Flint flashes back. He and his Monferno are up against a competitor's Snorlax.]
- Flint
Rumor had it, my finals opponent was a really strong trainer.
- Young Flint
All right, Monferno, Flamethrower!
- Flint's Monferno
- Opponent
Blow it out!
- [Snorlax blows away Flamethrower.]
- Young Flint
Mach Punch, go!
- Flint's Monferno
- [Mach Punch bounces off Snorlax's belly. Monferno tries to catch its breath.]
- Flint
My attacks weren't landing at all, while my opponent's attacks were fierce.
- Opponent
Body Slam!
- [Snorlax slams Monferno, hurting him.]
- Young Flint
Monferno, hang in there!
- [The flashback ends.]
- Ash Ketchum
OK, Flint, so... How did you win?
- Flint
You don't know? Because I'm a genius.
- Ash Ketchum
(Disappointed) Hey, what kind of weird answer is that, anyway?
- Ash's Pikachu
(Objecting) Pika-Pika!
- Flint
It had nothing to do with theory or strategy.
- Ash Ketchum
- Flint
Look, Ash, as you get ready for the Sinnoh league, I've got one piece of advice for you. However strong your opponent may be...big deal. Only a person who truly believes they can win, can win!
- Ash Ketchum
So I have to believe I can win?
- Flint
Remember that.
- Ash Ketchum
- Kenny
OK, Empoleon. So we're ready for tomorrow's battle with Ash, I want to polish the moves you already know until they shine.
- Empoleon
- Kenny
Hydro Cannon!
- [Empoleon shoots Hydro Cannon at the tree. Ash overhears.]
- Ash Ketchum
Kenny looks like he means business!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash Ketchum
But we'll be ready!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Ash Ketchum
Buizel, I choose you!
- Ash's Buizel
- Ash Ketchum
Sonic Boom, let's go!
- [As Buizel fires Sonic Boom into the tree, one crescent bounces off and aims toward Kenny's Empoleon.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Shocked) Ugh!
- Ash's Buizel
(Shocked) Bui!
- Kenny
Deflect it back!
- [Empoleon parries it back with its wing, hitting Buizel.]
- Ash Ketchum
No! Buizel, are you okay?
- Ash's Buizel
(Angrily) Bui-Bui!
- Ash Ketchum
(Stopping Buizel) No, forget it! It was my fault!
- Empoleon
- Kenny
So you want to battle with that Buizel, don't you, Empoleon?
- Empoleon
- Ash's Buizel
(Determined) Bui!
- Ash Ketchum
Sounds like you want to have a battle with Empoleon.
- Ash's Buizel
- Kenny
Ash, if you don't mind, let's make our battle Empoleon versus Buizel!
- Ash Ketchum
Sure, that sounds great!
- [On a double-screen, Empoleon and Buizel look at each other. The sun rises. The battlefield is set.]
- Brock
This will be a one-on-one Pokémon battle.
- Kenny
Okay, here goes!
- [Kenny deploys Empoleon.]
- Ash Ketchum
Buizel, I choose you!
- Dawn
Empoleon and Buizel. A battle between two Water types.
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika!
- Ash Ketchum
Buizel, make sure you stay focused.
- Ash's Buizel
(Determined) Bui! Bui-bui!
- Ash Ketchum
OK, Kenny! You go first!
- Kenny
You got it, Ash!
- Brock
- Kenny
Empoleon! Flash Cannon!
- [Empoleon shoots Flash Cannon.]
- Ash Ketchum
Dodge, now!
- [Buizel jumps to dodge.]
- Kenny
Use Drill Peck!
- [Empoleon glows its crown, spins and charges at the opponent.]
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Buizel
- [Buizel blocks Drill Peck. Dawn, Pikachu and Piplup are impressed.]
- Dawn
Wow, Ash is using Flint's battle style!
- [Pikachu and Piplup cheer.]
- Ash Ketchum
And that's because battling is the highest form of training there is. I want Buizel's defense to look sharp.
- Ash's Buizel
- Kenny
Wonder if this'll work out like you planned? Use Hydro Cannon!
- [Empoleon shoots Hydro Cannon.]
- Ash Ketchum
Quick, intercept it with Water Gun!
- [As the two moves strain together, Hydro Cannon wins out and blasts Buizel up in the air.]
- Kenny
Metal Claw!
- Ash Ketchum
I thought so. Now dodge it and use Ice Punch!
- [Buizel dodges Metal Claw, then goes on the attack.]
- Kenny
Dodge and use Metal Claw again!
- [Empoleon steps back to dodge Buizel's attack. It hits Buizel with Metal Claw. Buizel lands on Ash's side, catching his breath.]
- Ash Ketchum
Let's turn things around. Buizel, Ice Punch!
- Kenny
Dodge it and use Drill Peck!
- [Buizel punches forward, but Empoleon dodges by jumping, and dives down and uses Drill Peck. As Buizel lands...]
- Ash Ketchum
Buizel! Dodge, quick!
- [Drill Peck hits and blasts Buizel.]
- Ash Ketchum
- [Buizel crashes into the wall and faints.]
- Brock
Buizel is unable to battle. The winner is Empoleon, and the victory goes to Kenny!
- Dawn
(Disappointed) Huh?
- Kenny
All right, Empoleon, we did it!
- Empoleon
- [Ash checks on Buizel, lifting his head up.]
- Ash Ketchum
I'm sorry, Buizel. I guess I got a little carried away trying to battle too much like Flint. You deserve a good rest.
- [Ash returns Buizel.]
- Brock
That was great. Great training for you, as well...
- Ash Ketchum
- Brock
For someone who's been training as long as you have, sometimes your worst enemy can be overconfidence.
- Ash Ketchum
- Ash's Pikachu
(Happy) Pika!
- Kenny
Hey, Dawn...
- Dawn
Wow, Kenny, great job!
- Kenny
So look, Dawn I'll be over at the lighthouse. If you want to come on a journey with me, I'll be waiting there.
- [Kenny leaves.]
- Dawn
Uh... (Softly) Kenny...
- [Ash & friends return with Jasmine and Flint.]
- Ash Ketchum
So what're you going to do now, Jasmine?
- Jasmine
It's back to the Olivine Gym. From this moment on, my goal is to get even stronger battling as a Gym Leader.
- Flint
Wants to get stronger, huh? Ash, I've decided that I'm going to go ahead and challenge Cynthia now.
- Ash Ketchum
Whoa, really?
- Flint
Remember that bit of advice I gave you?
- Ash Ketchum
Sure. That only a person who really believes they can win, can win.
- Flint
To tell the truth, Ash, I didn't really believe one-hundred percent I could even defeat Cynthia. As long as I didn't believe I could win, there was no way I could beat her. Now I feel I'm finally ready to go.
- Ash Ketchum
Great, Flint! And you can be sure I'll be rooting for you all the way!
- Brock
Me, too!
- Jasmine
And me!
- Flint
Wow, thank you all!
- [Dawn sees the lighthouse in the distance. Back at the ferry, Ash & Brock say their goodbyes.]
- Flint
Take good care!
- Jasmine
Good to see you!
- [Brock is in tears.]
- Ash Ketchum
Thanks! Lots of luck with everything you guys are up to!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika-Pika!
- [The ship leaves the port. Kenny watches the ship.]
- Kenny
Guess Dawn's not coming...
- [Kenny turns around, and sees card on the desk with a Piplup statue.]
- Kenny
What's this?
- [Kenny reads the card.]
- Kenny
Dear Kenny...
- [A hologram of Dawn appears in the sky.]
- Dawn
About my future plans... For the time being, I've decided to go with Ash and cheer him on at the Sinnoh league! I'll have to think about what I'm doing after that, and only I can figure that out!
- [The next shot shows Dawn in her contest uniform celebrating with Piplup.]
- Dawn
But I can guarantee you one thing for sure: no matter what else happens, I'm going to keep on working toward my dream of being top coordinator!
- [Back to Kenny reading.]
- Dawn
And as long as we share that dream, Kenny, I'm certain we'll meet again! Count on it!
- [Kenny picks up his bag.]
- Dawn
(Calling) Kenny!
- Kenny
Huh? Huh?
- Dawn
- [Dawn is waving goodbye to Kenny from the side of the ship.]
- Kenny
(Calling) Hey, Dawwwwn!
- Dawn
(Calling) Now make sure you take good care of yourself, Kenny, and let's both give it everything we've got.
- Kenny
(Calling) I'm going to be heading out on my own journey, Dawn, and you know I'll be out there doing my best every day. and that means you can count on the fact that we'll meet again.
- [Kenny turns around and walks away.]
- Dawn
P.S. I have to admit, and I hope you don't looked kind of handsome when you beat Ash.
- Ash Ketchum
Brock, where'd Dawn go?
- [Dawn appears on their left.]
- Dawn
Right here!
- Dawn's Piplup
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, where were you, anyway?
- Dawn
Oh, just staring at the beautiful sea.
- Brock
(To himself) Kenny, good luck.
- [The scope of the Magikarp submarine protrudes above water. Inside, Team Rocket pedal.]
- James
So, where are they pointing their little pointy twerpish heads this time?
- Jessie
Who cares? Does it really matter? Wherever twerps travel, Team Rocket will follow in their wake!
- Meowth
And we'll be on them like white on rice until we've got a Pikachu in our pocket, along with tons of dough-re-mi!
- Wobbuffet
- Brock
We'll be getting to Lily of the Valley Island soon.
- Dawn
And I'll be cheering for you to win the Sinnoh league!
- Dawn's Piplup
(Excited) Piplup!
- Ash Ketchum
Thanks, and that means I'm winning for sure!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika-Pika!
- Narrator
And so, as Kenny embarks upon a brand-new journey, Jasmine returns as Gym Leader of the Olivine Gym, and Flint heads off to challenge Cynthia, our heroes sail off to Lily of the Valley Island, while Ash prepares to challenge the Sinnoh League! Good friends all, as the adventure continues!
- [the caption "To be continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]
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Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |