This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "A Grand Fight for Winning!".
- Narrator
The much-anticipated Pokémon Contest Grand Festival is under way. And, after two semifinal battles featuring Zoey versus Nando and Dawn versus Jessilina, only two Coordinators remain. The two winners, Zoey and Dawn, have advanced to the final round and are about to be part of what is sure to be one of the most important battles of their lives.
- [The opening theme and title card plays.]
- Marian
Five minutes on the clock. And begin!
- Dawn
Piplup, Togekiss, spot...light!
- Zoey
Glameow and Gallade, curtain, let's go!
- [The two trainers deploy their Pokémon, Dawn's first, then Zoey's.]
- Dawn
Now Piplup, Togekiss, because Zoey is our most challenging opponent yet, you can't let your guard down, ever.
- [Dawn's Pokémon call out in agreement.]
- Dawn
(To herself) I remember back at the Jubilife Contest, when Zoey said that we should meet again at the final stage... Those words became my goal, and now look. They've actually become reality. Amazing. I can't thank Zoey enough.
- Zoey
(To herself) Dawn's really made it to the final round. But now, she's my opponent, and the title of Top Coordinator is on the line. I hope we both give it everything we've got and make this a battle to be proud of.
- Zoey
Okay, Glameow and Gallade, let's go!
- Zoey's Glameow
- Zoey's Gallade
- Ash Ketchum
A Gallade?
- [Ash scans the Pokémon on his Pokédex.]
- Pokédex
Gallade. The Blade Pokémon, and the evolved form of Kirlia. Gallade extends its elbows as if they were swords, and when protecting someone, it fights fiercely.
- Ash Ketchum
That means she evolved her Kirlia. Whoa.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Brock
This is the first time Dawn's battling against a Gallade, and the same goes for Zoey and Dawn's Togekiss as well.
- Johanna
(Appearing behind them) Which makes them even, I would say.
- Ash Ketchum
- [The camera pans to Dawn's Mom.]
- Johanna
Hm. Hi there, everyone.
- Brock and Ash
Oh wow, it's Johanna!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Brock
Please. I insist that you join us.
- Johanna
Thanks Brock, that's very nice.
- [Johanna sits down.]
- Ash Ketchum
So wait, you're saying they're even?
- Johanna
Neither one of them knows what kind of combination moves their opponent's new Pokémon has. So I'd say that makes them even.
- Ash Ketchum
That makes sense.
- Dawn
Now, Piplup, jump!
- [Piplup jumps on Togekiss' back.]
- Dawn
And Togekiss, Aura Sphere!
- [Togekiss flies up and shoots a blue orb.]
- Dawn
Piplup, Bubble Beam, let's go!
- [Bubble Beam surrounds Aura Sphere.]
- Marian
A combination right off! Dawn has skillfully combined Aura Sphere and Bubble Beam!
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, that's awesome, it worked!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Brock
The team of Togekiss and Piplup isn't missing a beat. They're off to a good start.
- Zoey
Glameow, use Shadow Claw, and Gallade, Psycho Cut!
- [Glameow starts running while Gallade glows its blades. Glameow breaks Aura Sphere in half with Shadow Claw.]
- Marian
And Glameow's Shadow Claw splits the Aura Sphere in half!
- Dawn
(Shocked) Ah!
- [Dawn Pokémon watch on, shocked. Gallade leaps up into the cloud and swipes inside it. The Bubble Beam pops in a circle.]
- Marian
Gallade nails an even more beautiful counter with Psycho Cut!
- Dawn
- Fantina
Wow! Such a beautiful yet stern attack is no less than a move magnifique by Mademoiselle Zoey!
- Dawn
- James
Something you'd only witness in a Double Battle, that.
- Meowth
That Gallade's a smooth operator.
- Jessie
The glasses Twerpette's nothing to sneeze at, trust me.
- Wobbuffet
- Dawn
I know how good Zoey is. I'll have to go on the offense and take control of this battle right now. All right, Togekiss, up!
- Togekiss
- [Togekiss flies up in the air, confusing Zoey's Pokémon, then flies across, causing Zoey's team to gasp.]
- Dawn
All right, Piplup, use Hydro Pump!
- [Piplup loads Hydro Pump.]
- Zoey
- [Glameow runs and jumps toward Piplup.]
- Johanna
That's brilliant. Immediately responding to Zoey's call.
- Zoey
Use Fake Out!
- [Piplup, now scared, cancels Hydro Pump. Glameow slaps and blasts Piplup with Fake Out.]
- Dawn
Piplup, no! (Annoyed) Nicely done, Zoey.
- Marian
And Glameow nails Fake Out, leaving Piplup unable to use its move!
- [Piplup gets up.]
- Piplup
- Ash Ketchum
That's Fake Out?
- Brock
Fake Out is a priority move that always makes its target flinch. And it's because of Fake Out that Piplup wasn't able to use Hydro Pump.
- Jessie
That move is an absolute must! Learn it now, Meowth.
- James
Do. We'll render Pikachu's Thunderbolt null and void!
- Meowth
Not that easy, if you haven't heard.
- Zoey
Gallade, use Vacuum Wave on Togekiss!
- [Gallade spins a twister towards its target.]
- Zoey's Gallade
- Dawn
Togekiss, use Air Slash!
- [Togekiss flies to dodge the twister.]
- Zoey
It dodged that?
- [Togekiss shoots Air Slash. Gallade flips and jumps to dodge.]
- Zoey
That Togekiss is surprisingly agile. Amazing. And since my Pokémon can't fly, tricky as well...
- Marian
Gallade and Togekiss' moves have been judged even. Both sides have elegantly dodged their opponent's attack.
- Zoey
All right, Dawn, now it's my turn. Gallade, use Signal Beam, and Glameow, Iron Tail!
- [Gallade shoots Signal Beam onto Glameow's lit tail, which points upward.]
- Dawn
What's she planning this time?
- [Glameow spins its tail, deflecting Signal Beam into a spiral.]
- Marian
Another new collaboration move! Spun by Glameow's Iron Tail, the colorful Signal Beam grows even larger and is giving off an even more beautiful glow!
- Johanna
By using Iron Tail's power, Zoey's succeeded in bringing out Signal Beam's sparkle even more. She's making the most out of Glameow's tail.
- Dawn
You're not the only one with a spinning move, Zoey. Piplup, Whirlpool!
- [Piplup sets up Whirlpool.]
- Zoey
Blast it, Glameow!
- [Glameow flings its tail to throw the rainbow-colored twister.]
- Dawn
Piplup, do it!
- [Piplup releases Whirlpool.]
- Dawn
And Togekiss, Aura Sphere!
- [Aura Sphere shoots into the Whirlpool, turning the twister blue and growing bigger.]
- Marian
Incredible! Whirlpool and Aura Sphere have combined into a powerful move!- This is an offense and defense move you'll only see in a Double Battle. And again, their moves are judged even.
- [-The two moves collide into a shower of fireworks.]
- Ash Ketchum
Wow, they both lost the same amount of points.
- Brock
Yeah, but remember, Zoey got a huge lead right from the start. And because of that lead, Zoey's still ahead.
- Ash Ketchum
No need to worry. Dawn's just getting started. She's got plenty of time to turn it around.
- Zoey
Gallade, use Swords Dance!
- [Gallade lights up its swords.]
- Dawn
Gallade powered up. Two can play at that game. Now, Togekiss, use Safeguard!
- [Togekiss spins on an axis, generating ripples above and below it. A bright-colored column is created.]
- Marian
And Safeguard surrounds Togekiss. That soft sparkle is truly mesmerizing!
- [The scoreboard updates the bar on Zoey's side.]
- Zoey
- Marian
Safeguard and Togekiss' elegance are earning points in Dawn's favor.
- Ash Ketchum
So why did Dawn use Safeguard right now?
- Brock
Probably worried about status-changing moves.
- Johanna
I think they're both trying to feel out each other's next move.
- Zoey
Now, Glameow, Shadow Claw!
- [Glameow sets up Shadow Claw and starts running. Sparks appear when Shadow Claw touches the ground.]
- Marian
Wow! Now watch the sparks when Shadow Claw hits the stage floor.
- Dawn
A Ghost-type move has no effect on Togekiss because it's also a Normal type, so what's Zoey trying to do?
- Brock
Maybe Zoey's trying to confuse Dawn by purposefully using an ineffective Ghost-type move.
- Dawn
All right, Togekiss, Sky Attack!
- [Togekiss glows a white aura and charges forward.]
- [Togekiss executes Sky Attack.]
- Zoey
Right where I want you, Dawn. Now, Gallade, use Psycho Cut!
- [Gallade glows its blades.]
- Dawn
I knew that was coming. Now, Piplup, use Peck on Gallade!
- [Piplup glows its beak and approaches the target.]
- Johanna
I'm afraid that Dawn's fallen into Zoey's trap by focusing all her attention on Gallade.
- Brock & Ash
- [The two moves collide together, causing an explosion. The bright light flinches Piplup and Dawn. Glameow jumps over Togekiss, uses its tail to spring itself back and land on Togekiss' back. The light fades.]
- Dawn
- [Gallade and Piplup land safely.]
- Dawn
Where's Togekiss? (Surprised) Uh!
- Marian
Glameow's jumped on Togekiss' back and is refusing to get off!
- Dawn
No way!
- Piplup
- [The scoreboard updates, shrinking the bar on Dawn's side.]
- Ash Ketchum
Zoey did that on purpose?
- Johanna
It's obvious to me Zoey's strategy was to show off Psycho Cut and Shadow Claw in a flashy manner, which ended up grabbing Dawn's attention while taking her attention off of Togekiss.
- Brock
A Coordinator has to be able to command two Pokémon at all times during a Double Battle, which means the strategy of distracting your opponent can end up being really effective.
- Johanna
And it's a strategy you'd only find in a Double Battle, too. It's an advanced technique that requires Coordinator and Pokémon to be in perfect sync, or it won't work.
- Ash Ketchum
(Annoyed, to himself) Zoey's something. (Shouting, to Dawn) Dawn! Togekiss! You can do it! Hang in there!
- [Glameow is still on Togekiss' back while Dawn's Pokémon flies around frantically to try and get it off.]
- Johanna
Togekiss has completely forgotten it's a performance.
- Brock
When it comes to elegance, Togekiss' performances are in a league of their own, but with battle experience, Togekiss comes up a bit short.
- Zoey
Glameow, use Thunderbolt!
- [Glameow uses Thunderbolt, but Togekiss uses Safeguard to block the move just in time, covering both Pokémon in a dome.]
- Zoey
(Shocked groan)
- Dawn
- [Togekiss keeps up its shield in determination.]
- Marian
Safeguard has been activated. It was used earlier, but it's surprisingly protecting Togekiss now!
- Fantina
Glameow's Thunderbolt may be magnifique, but Togekiss' Safeguard protecting Togekiss in such a powerful way is magnifique as well! Incroyable!
- [On the scoreboard, both bars shrink.]
- Dawn
Yeah! Piplup, let's give Togekiss a hand.
- Piplup
- Zoey
Oh no you don't. Go, Gallade!
- [Gallade steps in-front of a running Piplup and stretches is arms out wide.]
- Dawn
Piplup, go on through!
- [Piplup jumps as it gets closer.]
- Zoey
Now, Gallade, use Vacuum Wave!
- [Gallade makes another twister.]
- Dawn
Dodge it!
- [Piplup twists itself to dodge the attack. It lands on Gallade's head.]
- Zoey
- [We see Piplup flying closer to Togekiss and Glameow.]
- Marian
Piplup is flying through the air!
- Dawn
Piplup, use Hydro Pump!
- [Piplup hits Glameow with Hydro Pump, forcing it off of Togekiss' back and blasting it. Togekiss rescues Piplup as the latter land on the former's back.]
- Dawn
Way to go!
- Marian
Togekiss is free again, thanks to Piplup!
- Zoey
Wow. Who would've thought Dawn would show off Piplup's moves in such a natural way? Gallade, use Psycho Cut!
- [Gallade shoots rings toward Togekiss, who flies freely to dodge.]
- Ash Ketchum
You're on a roll, you two, so keep it up!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Cheering on) Pikachu!
- Dawn
Zoey, I think the real battle begins now.
- Marian
What a stream of beautiful offensive and defensive moves, worthy of the final stage of the Grand Festival. So who will win the honor of Top Coordinator? Zoey or Dawn?
- [A happy Piplup and Togekiss appear in the foreground.]
- Zoey
Gallade, separate Piplup and Togekiss by using Psycho Cut!
- [Gallade shoots Psycho Cut.]
- Dawn
Dodge it!
- [The rings home in on Dawn's duo, forcing Piplup and Togekiss to separate.]
- Dawn
Oh no! (She pauses and has a think) Quick, Piplup, use Whirlpool, and Togekiss, help Piplup out!
- [Piplup executes Whirlpool, while Togekiss swoops down and across Zoey's Pokémon, causing them to flinch and sand to whip up.]
- Zoey
(Annoyed) Hmm! I see. You're distracting me, too, huh?
- [Piplup's whirlpool approaches Zoey's Pokémon.]
- Zoey
Glameow, use Iron Tail!
- [Glameow lights it tail, sticking Piplup's Whirlpool onto it.]
- Dawn
(Annoyed) Ugh!
- Marian
Incredible! Glameow's tail has caught Piplup's Whirlpool!
- Ash Ketchum
What happened?
- Johanna
Obviously Zoey's trained really hard and gotten really good at using Glameow's tail.
- Marian
Amazing from Zoey to show off such an imaginative move using Iron Tail. Elegant.
- Zoey
Now, Gallade, use Vacuum Wave!
- [Vacuum Wave extinguishes Whirlpool, creating a shower of stars.]
- Marian
Gallade's Vacuum Wave bursts the Whirlpool and beautifully showers Gallade and Glameow!
- Dawn
We are not going to lose. Piplup, use Peck! Togekiss, use Sky Attack!
- [Piplup, on Togekiss' head, glows its beak after Togekiss glows a white aura. The aura turns red and grows bigger.]
- Marian
Togekiss' Sky Attack and Piplup's Peck have combined to create a move with unbelievably explosive power.
- Fantina
Oh! That move's as powerful as can be!
- [The scoreboard updates, shrinking Zoey's bar.]
- Marian
Dawn and Zoey's points are neck and neck. And with twenty seconds left on the clock, who knows who will win this battle?
- Ash Ketchum
Yes! She caught up to Zoey!
- Ash's Pikachu
(Thrilled) Pika!
- Brock
If Dawn can nail one final move, she'll be the winner.
- Zoey
Gallade, use Psycho Cut, and Glameow, Thunderbolt!
- [Gallade jumps up with lit blades. Glameow's tail points up. As Gallade lands on Glameow's tail, the latter uses Thunderbolt. Gallade's blades grow, transferring electricity onto them. Gallade springs up towards Togekiss and Piplup and exerts.]
- Dawn
Piplup and Togekiss, you're the best! Let's go!
- [Gallade shoots rings towards Dawn's Pokémon. The frames freeze, cutting to Piplup, Gallade, Glameow, Zoey, Dawn, and then back to the action, resuming. The two combo moves collide, causing a huge explosion and a bright light. Piplup and Togekiss are stunned while Gallade, Zoey and Dawn flinch. Togekiss and Piplup land safely and watch on, along with Zoey's Pokémon. The scoreboards update, with the bars shrinking on both sides. The light fades.]
- Marian
Time's up!
- Dawn
- Zoey
- Marian
And the winning Coordinator on the final stage is...
- [The camera zooms in on both Coordinator's scoreboards. Zoey has a slightly bigger bar than Dawn.]
- Dawn
- [The scoreboard on Dawn's side wipes out. The "WINNER" banner on Zoey's icon shows.]
- Marian
It's Zoey!
- [The crowd cheers.]
- Marian
Which of course means that Zoey is the winner of the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival, and takes home the highly esteemed title of Top Coordinator!
- [Zoey and her Pokémon hug each other.]
- Zoey
Thanks, Glameow, Gallade... It's been a long road, huh?
- Zoey's Glameow
- Zoey's Gallade
- Zoey
- Dawn
Congratulations, Zoey. You really are amazing. Piplup, Togekiss, you battled really well. Thank you both.
- Dawn
I did everything I could. And this is the result, but...I'm okay.
- [Zoey looks at Dawn and nods.]
- Ash Ketchum
And after all that catching up she did in the second half.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Brock
It simply means Zoey's performance was judged a little higher at the end.
- Johanna
(Smiling) But that doesn't mean this is the end. It's just the beginning.
- Ash Ketchum
Huh? Mm.
- Jessie
(Enraged, chewing on the banister) I told the Twerpette she'd better not lose! And just like a Twerpette, she had the gall to defy my threats anyway! (Doffs her Jessilina uniform) Enough! Back to the salt mines.
- James
Well, Team Rocket awaits.
- Meowth
Besides, we got work to do.
- Jessie
You bet. So, let's pinch us a Pikachu.
- Team Rocket
- [The crowd cheers and applauds. The camera fades out from Jessilina's uniform on the ground to the ceremony, where Zoey is handed the trophy.]
- Marian
And now, Fantina is presenting Zoey with the spectacular victory trophy. (Brock, Johanna and Ash are clapping) Congratulations, Zoey! We look forward to all of your future endeavors as Top Coordinator!
- Fantina
The battle was magnifique! You were amazing! Congratulations! I couldn't be happier if I won myself!
- Zoey
Thanks very much, Fantina.
- Marian
And with the awarding of trophy and title complete, we bring another exciting edition of the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival to a close. To all the Coordinators who participated, we thank you all very much. We look forward to seeing you in the next Pokémon Contest, and we'll see you all next time!
- [Dawn opens the door, noticing people waiting for her.]
- Dawn
- [Dawn suddenly sees Brock, Ash, and her mom, the latter with a smile on her face.]
- Dawn
(Happy) Mom!
- [Dawn rushes to and hugs her mom.]
- Piplup
- Dawn
Wow, when did you get here? Did you see the final stage?
- Johanna
I saw your entire performance from the very beginning, dear.
- Dawn
Sorry, Mom. I lost.
- Johanna
Yes, but I'm still so very proud of you, Dawn. Your battling was just great.
- Dawn
Wow, really? Thanks a lot, Mom!
- Ash Ketchum
I'll tell you, you and your Pokémon were so cool today. Piplup and Togekiss' combinations were like the most amazing stuff I've ever seen.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Piplup
(Proud) Piplup!
- Brock
It really was a fantastic battle, Dawn.
- Ash Ketchum
You and Zoey got us all fired up big time. I was going crazy.
- Dawn
Thanks a lot, really. Oh, that's right.
- [Dawn picks up a badge from her pocket and shows it to them.]
- Dawn
- Johanna
Oh, is that...?
- Dawn
It's the ribbon you gave to me back in Twinleaf Town when I started my journey. Thanks for lending it to me. I was going to give it back to you after the Grand Festival was through. I can't tell you how much this ribbon has meant to me, Mom. And I'm going to be just fine. After all, I have these five ribbons. And now...I've got a bunch of wonderful friends. And what's also going to support me from here on out is everything I've gained through my hard work.
- [Dawn notices Johanna starting to cry.]
- Dawn
Wait, am I being a little too sappy?
- Johanna
(Shakes) Mm-mm. I can't tell you how happy I am to hear that.
- Dawn
- Johanna
Well then, there's lots I'd like to discuss about today's performance with you. The good things...and the bad...and the close calls. I figure it couldn't hurt to get a little observation and advice from a former Top Coordinator, after all.
- Dawn
That'd be great!
- Nurse Joy
- [Everyone faces Nurse Joy.]
- Ash Ketchum
Huh? Nurse Joy!
- Nurse Joy
I just received a call from Volkner, Sunyshore City's Gym Leader.
- Ash Ketchum
(Excited) From Volkner?
- Nurse Joy
He said he's ready to have your Gym battle, and you're welcome to come back any time.
- Ash Ketchum
(More excited) That's awesome!
- Brock
You've been really looking forward to that.
- Dawn
Your eighth badge, and the eighth one's the charm.
- Ash Ketchum
It sure is. Dawn, I'll make our Gym battle as amazing as your battle with Zoey. Yeah, you just wait and see!
- Dawn
- [At sunset, Dawn and Zoey are watching the sea.]
- Dawn
Congratulations on becoming Top Coordinator.
- Zoey
Thanks, but it still hasn't sunken in. And Dawn, thanks for such a great battle.
- Dawn
No prob. It was a blast.
- [They giggle.]
- Dawn
So...what's up next?
- Zoey
Heading back to Snowpoint City.- When I called Candice to tell her the news, she was like, "We're going to celebrate, so get back here on the double!"
- [-Nando walks in behind them from a distance.]
- Dawn
That's Candice for you!
- Nando
Zoey. Dawn.
- Dawn
Hi there, Nando.
- Nando
Your battle was truly brilliant. You know, life with Pokémon is something, it's profound. And now, after this, I'm going to train even harder preparing for the Sinnoh League.
- [They walk up to him.]
- Zoey was an honor to battle you. I feel like I got stronger.
- Nando
Same for me. I'll use what I've learned in my next Gym battle. I only need one more badge to enter the Sinnoh League.
- [He plays a chord on the harp.]
- Nando
Take good care...until we meet again.
- [He walks off.]
- Zoey
Candice told me she'd love it if you came along with me to celebrate. Want to come?
- Dawn
(Shakes) Mm-mm. Thanks, but I still have a lot to do.
- Zoey
Cheering for Ash, right?
- Dawn
- Zoey
Then Dawn, you go cheer your heart out!
- Dawn
Course I will.
- Zoey
Okay then, later!
- [Zoey walks away.]
- Dawn
Yeah, later!
- [Dawn giggles, and then holds five Pokéballs, throwing them up in the air.]
- Dawn
Come on out, everybody!
- [Buneary - wearing a scarf, Pachirisu, Mamoswine, Togekiss, and Cyndaquil cheer. Piplup jumps in front of them. Dawn walks closer to her Pokémon and looks at them, proud.]
- Dawn
(Smiling) I am so lucky to have you all. So let's work hard, and someday I'll be Top Coordinator!
- [The Pokémon cheer and punch the air along with Dawn.]
- Narrator
True, this Pokémon Contest Grand Festival has come to an end, but Dawn's exciting challenges, and the journey continues!
- [The caption "To Be Continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]
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Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |