This is a transcript of the Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors episode: "Coming Full-Festival Circle!"
- Narrator
As the Battle Stage of the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival got underway, Dawn's opponent in the first round was none other than Ursula. But battling with her Pachirisu and Mamoswine, Dawn was able to emerge victorious, thanks in part to her brand new Ice Chandelier Combination. Also victorious on the Battle Stage were rivals Zoey. The Pokémon Minstrel Nando, and Jessilina, all advancing smoothly during the proceedings. And so, as the action builds, it begs the question: which one of these four semi-finalists will win the prestigious title of Top Coordinator?
- [The opening theme and title card plays.]
- Marian
And that does it! The winner of the fourth battle of the third round is none other than, Jessilina!
- [Jessilina celebrates with Mime Jr. and Carnivine.]
- Jessie
Thank you! Kiss, kiss! Love, love! Me, me! Yes.
- James
(In tears) Mime Jr. and Carnivine are a league unto their own. I'm swelling with pride!
- Wobbuffet
- Meowth
The crowd's swollen too! And we're swollen with moolah now that we sold all those Jessilina cards. She's a hot commodity.
- Wobbuffet
- Fantina
Carnivine and Mime Jr. were both magnifique. Très adorable!
- Jessie
(Encounters Fantina) And since they were so adorable, the final round will be such a waste of time. So why don't you just save us all that time and declare me Top Coordinator?
- Fantina
Huh? Impossible. You'll just have to win this one all by yourself.
- Jessie
You big meanie.
- Dawn
(Smiling) That Jessilina!
- Marian
And now this marks the completion of all our quarterfinal battles. Also, that means all of the Coordinators that will compete in tomorrow's semi-finals have been decided!
- Marian
First, the man who defeated his opponents in the second and third rounds using music as a theme - the Pokémon Minstrel, Nando! Next, showing off her Pokémon to the max while executing her impressive battles flawlessly, it's Zoey! Then, it's Dawn, working in perfect sync with her cute Pokémon. Will she be able live up to the reputation of her mother and Top Coordinator, Johanna? And finally, the beautiful and athletic Coordinator who is truly unique and far beyond imitation, Jessilina! These four will be competing against each other to see who will advance to the final round, and it's going to be great.
- [The draw for the semi-finals is revealed. Nando versus Zoey and Dawn versus Jessilina.]
- Marian
And so, join us again tomorrow for all the action!
- [Johanna watches on from home.]
- Johanna
Call me crazy but I seem more excited than they do.
- Glameow
- [At night-time, Dawn and Piplup watch the moon in the sky, looking tired and nervous.]
- Ash Ketchum
(Off-screen) What're you doing out here, Dawn?
- Dawn
- [Ash and Brock appear.]
- Ash Ketchum
Dreaming again?
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn's Piplup
- Dawn
The truth is, I can hardly believe that tomorrow's the semi-finals. And that there are only four of us out of over a hundred Coordinators. You know?
- [Ash and Brock look at each other.]
- Dawn
It really feels like a dream.
- Brock
But it's reality.
- Dawn
- Brock
So you're going to have to make sure that you're one of the two tomorrow that makes it out of those four.
- Ash Ketchum
And after that, you win the whole thing!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
Yeah, no need to worry. I know I can pull this off. What do you say, Piplup?
- Dawn's Piplup
- [The harp plays in the background.]
- All
- Ash's Pikachu
- [Swablu floats down and Ash & friends watch a performance by Nando in-front of a group of Pokémon, who are relaxed.]
- Dawn
Wow, amazing!
- Brock
They've all been attracted here by Nando's beautiful music.
- [Nando continues playing the harp. He stops and greets the trio.]
- Nando
Good evening, my friends.
- All
Good evening.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn's Piplup
- Dawn
Such beautiful and relaxing music.
- Nando
Having made it this far in the competition has been a complete surprise to me. Luckily I have my music to soothe the day's cares.
- Zoey
(Off-screen) What a relief!
- [Everyone turns to see Zoey arriving.]
- Zoey
And here I thought I was the only one who couldn't get to sleep.
- Dawn
Hi, Zoey.
- Zoey
Hey, Nando, here's to a great show tomorrow.
- Nando
(Nods) Thanks.
- Zoey
And the same goes for you, Dawn!
- Dawn
(Nods) Mm!
- Brock
You know, I can't help but wonder what Dawn's opponent is doing right about now.
- [Jessie, along with the other two members of Team Rocket, are inside a warehouse scattered with hundreds of boxes full of memorabilia.]
- Jessie
This is all genuine Jessilina memorabilia?
- James
Of course. Who wouldn't want a piece of Jessilina superstar, tiptop Coordinator?
- Meowth
Those cards with your mug on them blew the lid right off of this joint, and this stuff's going to put us in serious moolah orbit.
- [Jessie goes beady-eyed, attracted by the memorabilia. She has a dream of herself winning the trophy with the judges smiling...]
- Jessie
Top Coordinator...I like it!
- [..herself celebrating with her Pokémon with James driving the cabriolet...]
- Jessie
- [..herself being interviewed by Rhonda on the sofa...]
- Jessie
In demand!
- [..comics and magazines with herself on the cover...]
- Jessie
The first fashionista in the land!
- [..herself posing to a group of young men celebrating with her, some of them kneeling and begging...]
- Jessie
A legend in my own mind - and perfectly timed.
- [..The dream ends.]
- Jessie
Final Stage, make me your latest rage.
- James
I can see a brilliant future forming in our midst.
- Meowth
Two more battles and the big Coordinator buck stops here.
- Wobbuffet
- [Jessie laughs. The screen fades to white. The next day, inside Lake Valor...]
- Marian
The morning finds a stadium filled with a flurry of fans.
- [..Marian is on the microphone inside a dark stadium.]
- Marian
Welcome to the event where dreams can either be made or dashed, the exciting Grand Festival semi-finals!
- Fantina
Bon matin. Now, to all the many Coordinators, amazing Pokémon and loyal fans alike...
- [The spotlight shines on Fantina.]
- Fantina
..Let's cheer! Excitement is here!
- [The stadium lights up. The crowd cheers.]
- Fantina
Merci. Merci.
- Marian
Here in the semi-finals, Coordinators will compete in two-on-two Double Battles. And the object is to be able to strip away points from their opponents with beautiful moves within five minutes. So now it's time for the first battle of the day. On my left, it's Zoey!
- [The crowd cheers as the camera closes in on Zoey.]
- Marian
And on my right, it's Nando!
- [Cut to the waiting room.]
- Marian
We will soon learn which one of them will be advancing on to the Final Stage. Five minutes on the clock, and begin!
- [The beep sounds. The clock starts ticking down.]
- Zoey
Mismagius, Leafeon, once again it's curtain, go!
- [As Zoey's Pokéballs open, stars of multiple colors fly out. The stars twirl around, float down and corral to reveal the two Pokémon.]
- Ash Ketchum
Wow, so Zoey's Misdreavus evolved.
- Brock
I'll bet you Nando's going to go with either a Bug-type or a Grass-type.
- Dawn
Yeah, and I'll bet you they'll be Pokémon that can use the move "Sing", you know?
- Dawn's Piplup
- [Nando strums the harp.]
- Nando
Kricketune and Lopunny, please, I need your help!
- [As Nando's Pokéballs open, gold-colored musical notes fly out, along with blue and green staves. Lopunny and Kricketune appear on stage.]
- Dawn
Lopunny, huh?
- Brock
Lopunny's not a Bug-type or a Grass-type, and it can't use "Sing" either.
- Zoey
Leafeon, use Energy Ball! And Mismagius, Thunder Wave!
- [Leafeon lights up the tuft on its head and shoots a ball. Mismagius uses the move on the ball to create a fusion move.]
- Marian
And there's a quick Fusion Move. The Energy Ball has fused with the Thunder Wave.
- Ash Ketchum
That's awesome!
- Ash's Pikachu
- Brock
Even the movements before they launched that move looked impressive.
- Dawn
Leafeon and Mismagius are gorgeous.
- Dawn's Piplup
- [The scoreboard updates.]
- Fantina
Très jolie! And if that move hits its mark, it means beaucoup de points!
- [The electric ball aims towards Zoey's Pokémon.]
- Nando
All right Lopunny, use Jump Kick and Kricketune use Bug Buzz!
- [Lopunny kicks the electric ball up in the air.]
- Marian
And the Fusion Move is kicked in the air!
- Ash Ketchum
Man. The way he used Zoey's Energy Ball against her.
- Brock
Really. Amazing power and control all around.
- [Kricketune sings a high-pitched tone. Red pulses extend out across the arena. Leafeon is stunned by the move while the crowd are in awe. Lopunny carries the streamers from Bug Buzz while dancing around with Jump Kick to create a multiple scarf effect. It twirls around. The effects copy their motions.]
- Marian
Lopunny is using the streamers created by the Bug Buzz like beautiful scarves to wrap around itself! And the fans are in complete awe!
- Jessie
Dancing? That's novel.
- [The scoreboard updates.]
- Marian
And Nando scores some serious points with Lopunny's stunning dance!
- Zoey
Incredible! What a fantastic way of showing off Lopunny.
- [A replay of Lopunny's dance appears on the monitor.]
- Marian
Nando is treating the fans to a performance that's a real feast for all the senses!
- Brock
Lopunny are well-known for having amazing spring-like jumping abilities.
- Brock
Nando's idea to match that ability with Kricketune's music to make Lopunny look like a ballerina makes for a magical performance.
- Ash Ketchum
A gifted dancer and a gifted musician, check it out.
- Dawn
Another Nando masterpiece.
- [Back to the stadium, the electric ball falls back down.]
- Marian
Look out! The Thunder Energy Ball is roaring straight down!
- [Kricketune fires Bug Buzz across. They collide together, causing a firework of multiple colored streaks to float down. Lopunny jumps up and poses.]
- Marian
The now-exploded Energy Ball is making Lopunny sparkle with beautiful colors!
- Fantina
Oh! Magnifique!
- [The scoreboard updates.]
- Ash Ketchum
Nando even made use of Zoey's fusion move.
- Dawn
I've never seen Zoey under pressure like this.
- Dawn's Piplup
- Ash's Pikachu
- Zoey
Nando's sure tough. He's using his Gym battle experience while he shows off all those beautiful moves. But I've got a few beautiful moves of my own to show off! Mismagius, Leafeon, Double Team, go!
- [Mismagius and Leafeon create several copies of themselves. The copies alternate and surround Nando's Pokémon.]
- Marian
It's a double Double Team! And they've arranged themselves one after another with precision!
- Nando
Oh my. Such contrast is, stunning.
- Brock
Zoey's using her Pokémon in perfect sync, while really highlighting the fact that it's a Double Battle.
- Ash Ketchum
But so far, Nando's calling the shots.
- Dawn
Which is how it will end if this keeps up.
- Nando
All right, Lopunny, Blizzard!
- [Lopunny executes Blizzard, spinning around to remove the copies.]
- Zoey
OK, here it comes, right?
- Marian
Lopunny is eliminating the doubles with Blizzard! But Zoey's using the light from the disappearing doubles to cause her actual Pokémon to glow!
- Mr. Contesta
- Fantina
Such a thrill is très belle!
- [Nando's score reduces.]
- Dawn
- Ash Ketchum
I'll tell you, both Nando and Zoey are incredible.
- Ash's Pikachu
(Excited) Pika!
- Dawn
Double Team was just a trick to lure Nando into doing what Zoey wanted.
- Brock
Zoey knew that disappearing doubles give off light, and she then wisely used it to her own advantage. Wow.
- Nando
Kricketune, use Sing!
- [Kricketune hums and plays a tune with its arms. Musical notes of multiple colors circulate around it and Lopunny.]
- Marian
There it is! Nando's greatest move, Sing!
- Zoey
I knew Nando was going to use "Sing". Mismagius, use Lucky Chant!
- [Behind a pouncing Leafeon, Mismagius touches it head with its arm and calls out.]
- Dawn
What's Lucky Chant?
- Brock
Lucky Chant is a move that prevents your opponent from landing any critical hits for a limited amount of time. But I wonder how that's going to help against "Sing"?
- [The points on Mismagius' chest glow, completing its load. The Pokémon then releases red and black wavy streaks from its chest.]
- Nando
What's that?
- Zoey
I'll tell you. Back in the quarterfinals when I learned we'd be battling, I knew who I was going to use, my Mismagius! Because I also knew using Mismagius' Lucky Chant would counter your move "Sing".
- Nando
(Shocked) Oh!
- [Nando looks up in horror. The notes are knocked down and broken by Lucky Chant. Nando loses points.]
- Marian
This battle is like no other! It's singing battling chanting! So unique!
- Dawn
(Optimistic) I think Zoey's starting to turn it around.
- Brock
So she trained to use Lucky Chant specifically against Nando's best attack.
- Ash Ketchum
What great strategy.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Fantina
How exciting. Lucky Chant defeats Sing! Incroyable!
- Nando
Clever. Zoey has once again used my strategy against me.
- Zoey
Time to liven things up! Leafeon, Leaf Blade!
- [Leafeon lights up its tuft and tail.]
- Nando
Quick, Lopunny, use Focus Blast!
- [Lopunny shoots an orb. Leafeon deflects the orb with its tail and hits Lopunny with the move using its head.]
- Marian
And it's a huge hit! Leafeon uses its body to make a double Leaf Blade!
- [Nando's score lowers.]
- Nando
Kricketune, use X-Scissor against Leafeon!
- Zoey
Mismagius, use Psywave against Kricketune, go!
- [Both Pokémon execute their moves, but Nando notices Psywave heading toward Kricketune.]
- Nando
Lopunny, help out!
- [Lopunny leaps and carries Kricketune upwards to dodge Psywave, and then tosses its partner back down towards Leafeon.]
- Zoey
Use Leaf Blade again! You've got to take on that X-Scissor!
- [Both Pokémon get involved in a tussle with their moves.]
- Marian
Neither side is giving an inch. And the crowd is mesmerized, as they watch this action - packed duel!
- [Team Rocket gasp in shock. On the scoreboard, both competitors lose points.]
- Dawn
Man do I wish this battle could go on forever.
- Brock
- Ash Ketchum
- Dawn
The attacks, the defense, and the elegance of it all. I could never do what they're doing. It's the way they control their own Pokémon while using their opponent's Pokémon's moves to their advantage. They're both excellent. Either one of them could make it to the finals.
- Marian
We're at the thirty-second mark!
- Dawn
It's beautiful - and to see moves like this in a Contest battle is amazing, really.
- [Brock smiles and watches on.]
- Nando
Kricketune, Silver Wind and Lopunny, use Blizzard!
- [Kricketune blows winds in an arc while Lopunny twirls around its partner while using the move. A flurry of snowflakes fall.]
- Marian
And now it's collaboration between Silver Wind and Blizzard. As the stage is illuminated with a gorgeous light, Kricketune and Lopunny look absolutely awe-inspiring!
- Zoey
My turn, now! Leafeon, Aerial Ace, and Mismagius, use Psywave!
- [As Leafeon uses its move, Mismagius uses the move on Leafeon. As Leafeon exerts, Psywave eventually merges into Aerial Ace. Leafeon grows wings on its back, which nando notices.]
- Nando
Oh my!
- Marian
And Mismagius' Psywave gives Leafeon beautiful Wings of Light!
- Fantina
Oh my, my, my! I've never seen such a sight!
- Brock
She's using Psychic powers to the max. Mismagius' power and Leafeon's beauty, in perfect balance together.
- [Dawn goes beady-eyed.]
- Brock
It's the ultimate fusion move.
- [Leafeon flaps gracefully with its fused wings. It then charges forward.]
- Nando
What incredible beauty.
- [He strums the harp.]
- Nando
Lopunny, intercept it!
- [Lopunny leaps up, executing a Jump Kick.]
- Zoey
All right, Mismagius, use Thunder Wave!
- [Mismagius cuts in-front of Leafeon and blocks Lopunny's foot with Thunder Wave. As the moves collide, causing an explosion, Lopunny is blasted back.]
- Nando
Kricketune, use X-Scissor!
- [Kricketune sets up its blades. As Leafeon charges towards it, Kricketune blocks the fused Aerial Ace with the move, causing a bright light. Mismagius and Lopunny land safely, while the other two Pokémon get involved in a tussle. The bright light flickers and the stadium shakes. The light from Blizzard disappears. An explosion is caused and the stadium goes dark. A shower of stars fall down and the lights go back on. Zoey and Nando look up, then they look at each other, smiling. Cut to the scoreboard, with Zoey's bar slightly bigger than Nando's.]
- Marian
Time's up! And the winner of this amazing semi-final battle is...
- [Zoey and her Pokémon's icons with a "WINNER" banner appears on the screen.]
- Marian
It's Zoey!
- [The crowd roars into a frenzy.]
- Marian
So Zoey will be advancing to the final stage!
- [Zoey reacts in surprise. She hugs her Pokémon.]
- Zoey
Thanks to the both of you! You were great!
- Dawn
Wow, Zoey won!
- Brock
What an incredible victory.
- Ash Ketchum
Hey, you're up next. Good luck, Dawn.
- Ash's Pikachu
- Dawn
Thanks! No need to worry.
- [Zoey and Nando shake hands.]
- Nando
Thank you for a truly memorable battle, Zoey.
- Zoey
Nando, the thanks are all mine!
- Nando
Good luck to you in the finals.
- Zoey
- [Fantina cuts in between them and raises both of the competitors' arms]
- Fantina
Magnifique! You two are just the greatest!
- [Dawn runs along the tunnel. Zoey walks, and notices her at the other end.]
- Zoey
Huh? Hmm.
- [Zoey and Dawn smile and meet each other. The frame freezes.]
- Zoey
It's up to you, Dawn.
- Dawn
Yeah. Wait for me at the finals.
- [The frames resume. Dawn runs, appearing on stage to a cheering crowd.]
- Marian
All right folks, time for our second semi-final battle! On my left, it's Jessilina!
- Jessie
Soon you'll call me Jessilina, top coordinator! (Blows kisses) Mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah, mwah!
- Marian
And on my right, it's Dawn!
- [She breathes heavily and composes herself.]
- Dawn
Zoey's waiting. All I have to do is believe in my Pokémon!
- [Pikachu and Piplup are wearing uniform, Pikachu holding fans and Piplup using pom-poms.]
- Ash Ketchum
Good luck, Dawn! Knock them dead!
- Brock
You just relax and there'll be no need to worry!
- James
Go for it Jessie! Win one for the team!
- Meowth
We're all in the same dream!
- Wobbuffet
- Marian
One of them will be the second coordinator to advance to the finals. Five minutes on the clock, and begin!
- Dawn
Buneary, Cyndaquil, Spot...Light!
- [Buneary and Cyndaquil are deployed, with happy expressions. Cut to Johanna and her Glameow, watching form home.]
- Jessie
Seviper, Carnivine, Rocket start!
- Jessie's Seviper
- Carnivine
- Dawn
Buneary, Dizzy Punch! Cyndaquil, Smokescreen!
- Johanna
Do you see it, Glameow? (Buneary calls out) The fiery look in Dawn's eyes now, compared to the beginning of her journey when she struggled with winning.
- Dawn
Now, Buneary, Ice Beam!
- Johanna
The Dawn you and I are watching now has her sights totally set on the Final Stage.
- Dawn
Cyndaquil, use Flame Wheel!
- [As Cyndaquil uses the move, Johanna goes beady-eyed, watching her and her Pokémon.]
- Dawn's Cyndaquil
- Johanna
She's come such a long way.
- [At the stadium, Carnivine is hurt by Cyndaquil's Flame Wheel, while Seviper is frozen by Buneary's Ice Beam.]
- Dawn
Cyndaquil, Swift! And, Buneary, use Bounce now!
- Dawn's Cyndaquil
Cynda... quil, quil, quil, quil, quil, quil, quil, quil!
- [Cyndaquil shoots gold stars. As Buneary Bounces, the stars follow Buneary's trail.]
- Jessie
All right, dear Carnivine, use Vine Whip, and Seviper, Poison Tail!
- [Carnivine obeys. Seviper swings its tail on Buneary, but it leaps to avoid the attack, causing Seviper to hit the ground; it is then attacked by Cyndaquil's Swift. Buneary jumps toward Carnivine. As Carnivine tries to whip it, Buneary lands on its head and kicks it. Carnivine falls and collides into Seviper down on the ground.]
- Marian
There's no doubt that Buneary and Cyndaquil are an incredible combination!
- [Seviper wraps around Cyndaquil while Carnivine is hit by Swift.]
- Dawn
Now, Buneary, you use Ice Beam while Cyndaquil, you use Swift!
- [A shot of both Dawn's Pokémon executing moves is shown.]
- Jessie
Quick, Seviper, you use Haze while Carnivine, you use Bullet Seed!
- [A shot of Jessilina using her Pokémon's moves are shown. The scoreboard is shown as the time expires. Dawn's bar is bigger than Jessie's.]
- Marian
Time's up! The winner of the semifinal battle and the Coordinator moving on to the finals is Dawn!
- [An elated Dawn hugs her Pokémon.]
- Dawn
All right, we did it! Awesome! Zoey, I kept my promise.
- [Cut to Ash and Brock. Pikachu and Piplup celebrate.]
- Ash Ketchum
Yeah, I knew it! Dawn won!
- Brock
Way to go, Dawn!
- [Jessie turns white.]
- Jessie
(Upset) That's...that's it?
- [Shots of her dream scenarios shatter onto a black screen.]
- Dawn
Oh Buneary, Cyndaquil, thank you so much!
- Dawn's Buneary
(Happy) Buneary!
- Dawn's Cyndaquil
(Happy) Daquil!
- [Buneary and Cyndaquil notice Jessie, with glowing glasses in agony, becoming scared.]
- Dawn
Are you OK, Jessilina?
- [Jessie hyperventilates in fury and stamps toward Dawn. James and Meowth brace themselves.]
- James
This is a Pokémon battle, not a brawl!
- Meowth
I hope she knows the diff.
- Wobbuffet
- Ash Ketchum
What's going on?
- Dawn's Piplup
- Dawn
Jessilina, is there some sort of problem?
- [Jessilina breathes close to her face and growls.]
- Dawn
Now just relax.
- Jessie
If you'll excuse me, I need to vent!
- Dawn
Uh-go right ahead.
- Jessie
The thing is... (Her glasses glow again, she shakes) ..the thing is...
- Dawn
Go on...the thing is...
- [Jessie pinches Dawn's cheeks, stretches them out and pulls them up and down.]
- Jessie
You beat me, so you if you don't wind up as Top Coordinator, I'll never forgive you as long as I live!
- [She lets go. Her glasses stop glowing.]
- Jessie
- [Jessie walks off. Her Pokémon peep behind her.]
- Dawn's Buneary
- Dawn's Cyndaquil
- Dawn
That's very nice of you, Jessilina. (She bows) Thank you. I, promise I'll do my best!
- Marian
And that brings the semi-finals to an end, with the Final Stage on tap for tomorrow's show. And you do not want to miss the crowning of our top honors to the Pokémon Contest Grand Festival Top Coordinator!
- Narrator
And so, it's Dawn and Zoey competing on the Final Stage. One of which will earn the title of Top Coordinator. But - the question remains - which one?
- [The next day, inside Lake Valor, the spotlight shines on Marian, with a trophy in-front of her.]
- Marian
The day of destiny is finally here. It's the Final Stage, the culmination of the Grand Festival. With this trophy at stake, and the coveted title of Top Coordinator being the most momentous prize of all! Now meet the Coordinators battling for it all; On my right, Zoey from Snowpoint City!
- [The crowd cheers as the spotlight shines on Zoey. The other spotlight shines on Dawn as Marian introduces her.]
- Marian
And on my left, Dawn from Twinleaf Town!
- [Cut to Marian.]
- Marian
Five minutes on the clock. And begin!
- [The scoreboard shows.]
- Narrator
Stay tuned for the winner of the Grand Festival!
- [The caption "To Be Continued" shows at the bottom of the screen. The credits appear.]
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Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl |