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The Battle Finale of Legend! (Japanese: ディアルガとパルキア! 最後(さいご)(たたか)い!!, HepburnDialga and Palkia! The Final Battle!!) is the 48th episode of Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles.


The battle to stop Team Galactic from creating a new world order rages on as our heroes, as well as Cynthia, Looker, and Team Rocket, mount assaults from different vantage points. All of Team Galactic’s evil plans seem to be progressing on schedule. When Cyrus calls forth the Legendary Pokémon Dialga and Palkia, it appears that a brand-new universe is about to be created right on Mt. Coronet, destroying the old world and everyone in it! But the three lake guardians Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit have connected their hearts with Ash, Brock, and Dawn. After our heroes save the three lake Pokémon from Cyrus’s grip, their valiant and powerful group effort breaks the chains that have been holding Dialga and Palkia! The Pokémon are sent back to where they belong, which stops the excessive energy levels that threatened to destroy the entire Sinnoh region.

After Cyrus enters the vortex of his newly created universe alone, Team Galactic is finally defeated. Team Rocket slips away unnoticed, feeling vindicated and happily victorious with their defeat of the "fashion freaks." And Cynthia marvels at the way Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit joined forces with our heroes, knowing for sure it’s all because of their great love of Pokémon![1]

Episode plot[]

The heroes rush to the Lake Trio, but get bounced back by Purugly's and Skuntank's Iron Tail. Toxicroak uses Sludge Bomb, which bounces off the Pokémon, though the heroes get them. The heroes notice that the Trio is not reacting, as Cyrus has the power of the Red Chain to bind them to his will, using it to shape a new world. Cyrus goes away, putting Saturn in charge to distract the children. Meanwhile, Team Rocket and Looker plan to get in and contact Cynthia. Jessie sends Yanmega, who uses Silver Wind.

The heroes are imprisoned as Team Galactic goes to Mt. Coronet, as they plan to use them should the Trio get out of control. Cynthia sees the helicopter passing and goes towards there. They land near the Gateway and Skuntank uses Flamethrower on some Team Galactic members, which are Team Rocket and Looker, as the disguises are off and are imprisoned with the heroes. Using the key, Cyrus touches the door and the ruins are open. The ball lightens the way and they go in, except Jupiter. Cynthia's Garchomp uses Giga Impact, hitting Skuntank and binding Jupiter. Soon, Cynthia frees everyone.


Dialga and Palkia! - Pokémon- DP Galactic Battles - Official Clip

Cyrpus summons Dialga and Palkia!

Jupiter is imprisoned and the heroes go in the ruins, though Team Rocket have reached the Spear Pillar. With the Trio on the pillars, the Adamant and Lustrous Orbs in place. The Red Chain is fired, as two portals are opened. Cyrus calls on Dialga and Palkia, and as they are summoned, the Red Chain binds them. However, the machine is destroyed by a Thunderbolt. The goons look up to see Pikachu riding on Staraptor, Croagunk on Gliscor and Piplup on Garchomp. Saturn sends Toxicroak, but just as it comes out, Croagunk leaps from Gliscor's back and defeats Toxicroak with Brick Break, finally ending the rivalry. Mars sends Purugly and some members send Golbat. Pikachu's Thunderbolt and Piplup's BubbleBeam stop them, however.

Pikachu, Piplup and Croagunk shatter the gems on the Lake Trio's heads and they are out of Cyrus' control. This causes Dialga and Palkia to disappear. Ash calls Staraptor and Gliscor, whom Pikachu and Piplup rode. Cyrus, however, still controls Dialga and Palkia, through the Red Chain, as the Legendary duo are in pain. The Lake Trio bond with the heroes and ask them to save Dialga and Palkia. Cyrus commands the duo to create a new world; Dialga and Palkia use their power and soon a vortex is created, containing energy in which galaxies are seen. Outside, many disasters happen, as Jupiter knows the old world is being destroyed and a new one is forming.

Cynthia advises the heroes to aim for the chains. Pikachu uses Thunderbolt, Piplup BubbleBeam, Garchomp Draco Meteor and Croagunk Poison Sting. However, Palkia uses Spacial Rend and Dialga Roar of Time. The attack continues, but the Lake Trio use Protect and no damage is done. Saturn and Mars advise Cyrus to get in the new world, but Cyrus does not allow them, as it is his alone and their presence will threaten the new world, maybe even poison it. Pikachu, Piplup, Croagunk and Garchomp continue their attacks and with the Lake Trio, they shatter the rings around Dialga and Palkia. The vortex is vanishing, so Cyrus steps in and the vortex vanishes, along with him. Mars panics and wants to go too, but Saturn holds her back as the portal begins to fade away.

Dialga's Roar of Time and Palkia's Spacial Rend cause the world Cyrus is in to be destroyed. However, it makes a portal which sucks everything inside it. The Lake Trio appears again and want to help. Azelf goes in the portal and stops it from sucking everything; Uxie calms down Dialga and Palkia; Mesprit eases their pain from the Red Chain. The Lake Trio makes another portal, in which Dialga and Palkia go into. The disasters are no longer present. Ash asks the Trio why did they choose them, so Cynthia believes it is because they care much about Pokémon. The Trio vanishes, as their work is done.

The Lustrous and Adamant Orb are safe; Gary tells they will send it to Prof. Carolina. Looker does not see Team Rocket; they went in the balloon and cannot wait to report this to the boss. Saturn, Mars and Jupiter are under arrest, as Team Galactic is no longer present. Cynthia thanks the heroes, as they helped protect the entire Sinnoh region.




"It's mine! MINE ALONE!" - Cyrus
"We beat Team Galactic at their own game!" - James
"Sure did! And now this old world is all ours!" - Jessie
"And once da boss gets wind of dis, we'll get a windfall, y'all!" - Meowth
"My kind of wind!" - James
"Heave ho! Let the wind blow!" - Jessie
"Team Rocket finishes win, place, AND show!" - Jessie, James, and Meowth
"What happened to Cyrus?" - Jupiter
"He got away by himself." - Saturn
"He did?" - Jupiter
"Which means it's the end of Team Galactic." - Saturn
"Because there is sadness, we cherish happiness. And because there is anger, kindness is born." - Cynthia



  1. ^ (n.d.) . "The Battle Finale of Legend! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 1, 2024.
