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Pillars of Friendship! (Japanese: 復活のレジギガス!J再び!!, HepburnResurrected Regigigas! J Returns!!) is the 25th episode of Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles.


Ash and his friends join Brandon in his flying Battle Pyramid and head for Snowpoint Temple, where something sinister is afoot. Legend says that long ago, Regigigas, Registeel, Regice, and Regirock saved Snowpoint City from destruction. Registeel, Regice, and Regirock then transformed into the pillars of Snowpoint Temple to protect Regigigas, who still sleeps within. Now, Pokémon Hunter J and her minions have invaded the temple to catch Regigigas; when they see the Battle Pyramid approaching, they send swarms of Pokémon to attack, forcing the Pyramid to make a crash landing! But with the help of their Pokémon, our heroes make it past the swarms and into the temple—too late! J has just destroyed the temple's three pillars, rousing Regigigas from its slumber.

Furious at being awakened, Regigigas starts to attack everything in its path. It emerges from the temple and continues its rampage, so Brandon has his own Registeel, Regirock, and Regice battle it: if he can capture it, that might calm it down. But as Brandon prepares to throw his Poké Ball, J snares everyone in Ariados’s webs and tries to catch Regigigas herself. Her failed attempt only makes things worse: now Brandon's Registeel, Regirock, and Regice won't return to their Poké Balls. Instead, they join Regigigas in its march of destruction!

J and her minions reassemble to try and trap the advancing Pokémon in a canyon. Once they have Regigigas snared in a sticky trap, J moves in for the capture, but Registeel, Regirock, and Regice leap to Regigigas's defense and are hit by J's special freeze rays. Ash and his friends get there just in time for Brandon to intercept J's next attack, but now Brandon is frozen too! All the commotion causes J's clients to cancel their request, so J and her men retreat.  Regigigas calms down and unfreezes Brandon and his Pokémon before it returns to its slumber. Brandon promises to protect Regigigas: not only will he and Maria fight to defend it, his own Regice, Registeel, and Regirock will guard Regigigas by becoming the new pillars of Snowpoint Temple.[1]

Episode plot[]

Maria and Samuel appear with dire tidings. Someone has sealed off the Snowpoint Temple. Brandon knows who this must be and orders everyone to board the pyramid. Team Rocket also board this pyramid secretly. On the way to the temple, Brandon regales Ash with the story of the temple, telling him how Snowpoint was once saved by the legendary pokemon, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel, along with the trio master, Regigigas. They built the temple to house Regigigas, but it seems someone wants to take the legendary pokemon. Team Rocket muses about giving Regigigas to Giovanni, but they soon fall from the pyramid. As they grow closer, Brandon shows the entrance of the temple on screen, and shows Hunter J there. Ash recognizes him. Ash hopes to stop them, but before they can, the Pyramid is shot down by Metang and Skarmory. Samuel attempts to repair the pyramid as Brandon and the others attempt to escape in an airship. The Skarmory and Metang attempt to attack them, but Pikachu defends them. They rush into the temple and find J destroying the pillars of the temple. Brandon begs J to stop, but refusing, she destroys the final pillar, calling out an angry Regigigas that proceeds to destroy much of the temple, causing it to collapse, with Ash and the others barely escaping. Regigigas then emerges from rubble and continues it's rampage. Brandon and his Regice, Registeel and Regirock attempt to attack Regigigas, with Brandon attempting to calm it by capturing it. However, as he does so, J hijacks the battle with her Ariados' string shot. But before she can do more, J is attacked by all four Titans at once, as Regigigas seems to requisition the help of Brandon's pokemon. The Legendary quartet begin making their way toward the city, and Brandon attempts to stop them but fails. Team Rocket attempts to catch the Legendary Pokemon, but are blasted off by them. Ash and friends get free, and they begin tracking the Legends. Brandon asks Samuel if he's ready yet, but Samuel says the Pyramid still needs repairs. Brandon tells him to call Officer Jenny and inform her of the situation. J and her airship stand against the Legends, and they attempt many attacks, but none of them work. As a last resort, J attempts to use her bracelet to turn Regigigas to stone. But Regice, Regirock and Registeel take the shots for Regigigas, turning to stone. Lastly, Brandon takes a shot from J to save Regigigas. J attempts one more time to hit Regigigas with her bracelet, but is interrupted by Ash and Dawn. Then Regigigas blocks an attack from J's Salamence, sending it back and breaking J's bracelet. Before the battle can continue though, J is informed that the Pokémon have terrified her buyer, and the deal is canceled. She retreats in frustration and anger at having lost another deal, and Regigigas uses Hidden Power to de-petrify the three Titans and Brandon. Brandon promises to rebuild the Snowpoint Temple. Brandon also promises to leave Regice, Regirock and Registeel behind to guard it so this sort of problem never happens again.


  • Professor Oak's Pokémon lecture: Magneton
  • This is the first time a human, Brandon, is turned into a stone by J's bracelet.
    • This is, however, only the second time when a human has been turned into a stone in the anime. The first time was when Ash was turned into a stone in Mewtwo Strikes Back.
  • This is the first appearance of J's Ariados since its debut.
  • This episode features four legendary Pokémon (Registeel, Regirock, Regice, and Regigigas), more than in any prior episode. However, the record is broken only 23 episodes later.
    • This is also the first episode to feature a legendary trio and their master in the same episode.
  • Music from Destiny Deoxys is used as background music.
  • Team Rocket doesn't recite their motto in this episode.


  • When Regirock and Brandon were petrified by J, there are inconsistencies with their body positions.
  • Regigigas uses Hammer Arm during this episode, a move it cannot legally learn.
  • Brandon explains who J is but hasn't met her yet.



  1. ^ (n.d.) . "Pillars of Friendship! | Pokémon TV (pokemon.com)". From The Official Pokémon Website | Pokemon.com. Archived from the original on February 1, 2024.
