Cheers on Castaways Isle! (Japanese: ピカチュウ・ポッチャマ漂流記!, Hepburn: Pikachu—Piplup Drifting Chronicle!) is the 8th episode of Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles.
How did Pikachu and Piplup end up stranded on a deserted island? Mere hours before, they were exploring the ferry from Iron Island to Chocovine Town, the site of Dawn's next Contest. Below decks, they ran into Team Rocket, who promptly kidnapped the two Pokémon and took off in their Magikarp submarine! Ash and Buizel took to the water in pursuit, but a strong current swept Pikachu and Piplup away. While Officer Jenny helps Ash, Dawn, and Brock look for the missing Pokémon, Piplup and Pikachu end up on an island where they must fend for themselves until help arrives!
Pikachu and Piplup try to signal for help, but to no use. Little do they know, this island is located in "Diablo's Ocean," a place where strange rocks jut out of the sea. In fact, as they explore the island, Pikachu and Piplup see a school of Mantyke bringing pieces of rock upstream to a waterfall, where a Corphish stacks the rocks around a glowing jewel! Corphish explains that it all started one stormy night, when something flying over the island was struck by lightning and crashed. When Corphish and Mantyke went to investigate, they found an unusual orb that glows in response to the rocks of Diablo's Ocean. Pikachu and Piplup help Corphish and the Mantyke quarry more rock and are spotted by Ash's Staravia and Buizel, who are out searching for them.
As the Pokémon drop off their latest cargo of rocks, the jewel glows brightly as if about to awaken! But Team Rocket and their Magikarp sub pop up to seize Pikachu and Piplup, only to be stopped by Staravia and Buizel. Right behind them are Ash and his friends on Officer Jenny's speedboat! Before a battle can break out, the jewel transforms into a Deoxys, which generates a magnetic force as it taps the rocks—that are in fact meteorites—for energy. Team Rocket tries to grab this Legendary Pokémon but it easily destroys their submarine and saves our heroes from the falling debris. Deoxys then takes off into the sky, where an aurora has appeared overhead; maybe Deoxys use the meteorites in Diablo's Ocean to recharge their energy? It's another Sinnoh mystery uncovered as Officer Jenny takes our reunited heroes to Chocovine Town![1]
Episode plot[]
Piplup and Pikachu got stranded on a deserted island. This is due to events that happened some hours ago. As they were going away from Iron Island, Dawn and Ash do not see Piplup or Pikachu on the boat and go to search for them. Piplup is playing on the deck of the boat, though Pikachu warns him it is dangerous. Jessie, disguised as a noblewoman, has found Piplup and goes away, while James gets Pikachu. When the heroes came atop the boat, they see Team Rocket got them. Though they escape into the submarine, Ash sends Buizel and goes with it to get to Team Rocket. Suddenly, Team Rocket went in a current and it gets too strong, as Pikachu and Piplup get separated from the submarine.
Ash and Buizel go on the surface and are escorted by Officer Jenny back to the ship. Jenny tells the Captain when they get Piplup and Pikachu, Ash, Brock and Dawn will come back to the ship, then leaves. Piplup got Pikachu on the island, but is hungry, so Pikachu goes to get some food. Pikachu spots a group of Nosepass and Probopass, but passes near them and gets some apples. He comes back to Piplup, who eats each one in one gulp. This brings to the current event, where Pikachu and Piplup yell for help. Pikachu has an idea – he could use Thunderbolt and the ship should notice that and come over here. Piplup and Pikachu use BubbleBeam and Thunderbolt, but feel exhausted. They try once more, but a thunder from a cloud hits them. It begins to rain, so they go to find shelter.
Jenny thinks they have gone to the island near Diablo's Ocean, as due to a large amount of rocks, many boats find themselves destroyed when passing through the area. Ash sends Buizel and Staravia, to scout the island. Meanwhile, Pikachu and Piplup take shelter underneath a tree when suddenly, they see a group of Mantyke carrying some rocks and follows them to a waterfall. There, they meet a Corphish, who gets the rocks from the Mantyke and places them near a gem. And as Corphish sees and greets Pikachu and Piplup, the gem glows and levitates a bit, but is dropped into the same spot, leaving Pikachu and Piplup confused eyeglass going on. When it stopped raining, Corphish tells Pikachu and Piplup one day, during another rainstorm, it had taken shelter on the island when it saw something flying toward there under the cloud cover, trying to avoid the lightning. It got strucked by it once and faltered but kept flying, as a group of Mantyke also took notice. A closer look reveals to be a Deoxys, which got struck down by another lighting bolt. It went into a crash trajectory and began to glow green. As it passed over 3 gray rock pillars, they also glowed green and faded in turn. Deoxys then crashed beside the waterfall, and by the time Corphish and the Mantyke got there, it had already transformed into the glowing gem and landed on that spot. Corphish realized that Deoxys and those gray rock were connected to each other. And it and the Mantyke began breaking them apart and placing them near the gem. And when the gem glowed for the first time, Corphish was proved to be right.
To help them, Pikachu and Piplup go to smash some rocks and bring it to the gem. Pikachu goes to use Thunderbolt, but Piplup warns him he would electrocute everyone, so Piplup uses Bubble Beam to crack some rocks. Pikachu spots a big boulder and goes up and dives, using Iron Tail to bring the boulder down. As they go back, Staravia and Buizel see Pikachu and Piplup and go back, reporting to their masters what they saw. Ash bets that it's Pikachu and Piplup, and tells Jenny to hurry, which she does Pikachu and Piplup brought the rocks to the gem and it begins to absorb the energy. And as it rose up, its visible arms appear out of there and pats Pikachu and Piplup on their heads as a way of saying thanks. Suddenly, Team Rocket arrive and the gem stops absorbing. Team Rocket launches a hand to get Pikachu and Piplup, but Corphish uses Crabhammer to destroy the arm. Team Rocket launches another arm, but this one is made of gold, so Corphish is bounced back and Team Rocket gets Piplup and Pikachu.
However, Staravia's Aerial Ace and Buizel's Water Gun free Piplup and Pikachu, while, Ash, Brock and Dawn come to them. Jenny tells Team Rocket they are arrested, but then scoff at this and recite their motto. Ash yells at them to just give it up, but Jessie and James each take out their Poké Balls, ready to battle and steal Pikachu and Piplup again. But then, at that moment, the gem begins to glow, and Deoxys regenerates back to its form it was before, to the Pokémon's delight and the humans' amusement. When Dawn askes Ash who the Pokémon was, he easily identifies it as Deoxys. Brock also explains that it says that it comes from space and it's a Pokémon full of mystery. As Pikachu, Piplup, Corphish and the Mantyke cheers on Deoxys, Team Rocket decides to try capturing it. But then, Deoxys absorbs more gray rocks. Jenny recognized them as the ones surrounding the island. As Deoxys draws as much energy as it can from the rocks and into its crystalline organ, Jenny notices her instruments going crazy and realizes that her boat is being dragged towards shore, along with Team Rocket's submarine, which has also levitated out of the water and is floating in the same direction. Brock realizes that the rocks were actually meteorites and shouts to Jenny to get her boat out of range, which she does. Brock then believes that Deoxys is converting the meteorites' energy into its own power, and the side-effect is a strong magnetic field. Meanwhile, with Team Rocket's sub still floating toward Deoxys, Jessie decides to send Yanmega, who goes to attack Deoxys. but Deoxys then stops absorbing energy, dropping the meteorites, changes to Attack Fork and fires Zap Cannon at Yanmega, pushing it to Pikachu's giant boulder to the submarine and causing Team Rocket to blast off.
The meteors fall on the gang, so Deoxys smashes some of them and protects the Mantyke first, and then the heroes from more meteors. With the danger over, it then returns to Normal Forme. Everyone thanks Deoxys, as Jenny's boat returns to the waterfall. Deoxys looks up at the sky creates an aurora that everyone enjoys. It then floats upward and prepare to depart back to space. Corphish, along with Pikachu, Piplup and the Mantyke, express their farewells to Deoxys, who nods in thanks, and it flies away into the sky, disappearing to the aurora and back to space. Ash was surprised that, during all this, Pikachu and Piplup had a chance to be friends with Deoxys.
As the sun sets, Jenny pilots her police boat across the ocean, and she was thinking that maybe the Deoxys goes to the island to use the sunken meteors to re-energize themselves. Brock agrees with her, as he says they and the Deoxys both come from space as well, which Dawn reflects at the fact that there is a Pokémon, like Deoxys, that uses them to receives its power, and that that's so mysterious. Ash adds that Deoxys isn't the one, and that there are many more mysterious Pokémon that exist out in the world, that they have not even come across yet. Still, they are happy to know that they are near Chocovine Town, where they need to be for Dawn's next Contest. And as the adventure comes to an end, the Narrator concludes that helping a Pokémon in need, like Deoxys, can bring other Pokémon even closer together, as is the case with Pikachu and Piplup.
- Professor Oak's Pokémon lecture: Numel
- The Probopass standing still on the island might be a reference to the moai statues of Easter Island.
- Pocket-ering Monster-ing can be heard in the Japanese version.
- This episode is included on the Pikachu's Ice Adventure DVD.
- The dub title may be a reference to the last line of Ballad of Gilligan's Isle, the theme song for Gilligan's Island. That line is Here on Gilligan's Isle.
- This is the second time a Mantyke has looked after a helpless Pokémon. The first time was caring for the Manaphy Egg in Pokémon Ranger and the Temple of the Sea.
- After helping Corphish and the Mantyke, Pikachu, Piplup and their friends get back on Jenny's boat and say goodbye to them. However, that part wasn't actually seen.
- Early in the episode, when Ash and his friends are seen walking through a corridor in the ship, the Poké Ball design on his hat turns blue-green.
- In the episode, the meteorite is referred to as a "meteor", which is incorrect. For an object to be a meteor, it must still be burning up in the atmosphere - once it has landed, it is referred to as a meteorite.
- When this episode was broadcasted in Finland's MTV3, the opening sequence had the instrumental version of Battle Cry playing.
- ^ (n.d.) . "Cheers on Castaways Isle! | Pokémon TV (". From The Official Pokémon Website | Archived from the original on February 1, 2024.