Mounting a Coordinator Assault! (Japanese: ヒカリ!コンテストデビュー!!, Hepburn: Dawn! Contest Debut!!) is the 11th episode of Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl, and Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl of Pokémon the Series: Diamond and Pearl.
Dawn's mother Johanna has sent her a special outfit to wear for her first Pokémon Contest, which is just a day away! While Dawn tries on out her new Contest outfit, she meets another Coordinator, Zoey, who has a Glameow. Then Dawn is due for some friendly training with Ash and Pikachu, and Dawn's Piplup looks good until Ash's Aipom interrupts the battle to show off its moves. It seems that Aipom doesn't want to watch a Contest, it wants to be in one! So for Aipom's sake, Ash decides he'll enter the Contest too.
As Ash soon finds out, not only do Coordinators in Sinnoh like to dress up for their Contests, they use some special effects as well. In Sinnoh Pokémon Contests, each Pokémon's Poké Ball is put into a Ball Capsule and decorated with seals that create quite a showy entrance! Ash and Dawn aren't the only ones hoping to make a big entrance in the Jubelife Contest; Team Rocket is around, and Jessie has her sights set on a big victory while James and Meowth have settled on starting a seal-selling scam.
As the Contest begins, Dawn is backstage trying to fix her hair. Zoey shows up to help her out and as the two Coordinators talk, Dawn learns that Zoey already has her first Contest Ribbon. Zoey also has a Misdreavus which she shows off in the first round with some spectacular moves. Jessie borrows James' Carnivine to make her Sinnoh debut as Jessilina, and Ash and Dawn pull off their first round appeals without a hitch. All four Coordinators—well, three Coordinators and one Trainer—will move on to the next round![1]
Episode plot[]
Dawn has her new outfit for the Contests - a pink dress. She tells that the Sinnoh Coordinators always dress up for the Contests. She contacts her mom and thanks her for making the dress. Johanna is pleased, but tells Dawn to check if there was a choker. Suddenly, they see a Glameow. Johanna sees that it is that choker that she sent and is hanging on Glameow's tail. A girl comes and tells that the choker is Dawn's, as currently there is nobody, except Dawn, who is dressed to have one. Dawn gets the choker on and shows it to her mom, but sees that the girl disappeared. She is confident to win, but Johanna tells her to focus. Brock and Ash tell mom they will support Dawn and Johanna will watch her from the TV.
Before the Contest, Dawn and Ash have a training battle. Pikachu starts with Quick Attack and Piplup counters it with BubbleBeam. Pikachu uses Iron Tail and both Pokémon go down. Piplup goes to peck and its beak becomes longer, as it and Dawn practiced that move. It charges and Pikachu goes to counter by using Iron Tail, but Aipom comes and uses Focus Punch to hit it. Aipom uses Double Team and then Swift to make a star formation. Brock tells Ash Aipom wants to compete in the Contest, so Dawn proposes Ash compete in this Contest with Aipom. Ash is surprised, though Dawn tells they could be rivals and it would be a lot of fun. With Aipom's and Pikachu's willingness, Ash is convinced. Ash wants to start practicing, but Brock reminds him he needs the Sinnoh Contest entry. Dawn also forgot about this, so they go to register.
The receptionist asks to see their pass, but they do not have one. So, Dawn and Ash put their Pokédexes in slots and with the info transcribed, Ash and Dawn receive their passes. Also, she gives ribbon cases, a ball capsule and a seal. Ash and Brock do not know what the seal and the capsule is for, so Dawn explains Pokemon make a grand entrance in the contests and demonstrates. She puts a Poké Ball in the capsule and the seal on it and releases Piplup with a dramatic release. Ash and Brock are impressed by the entry. Meanwhile, Jessie displays herself as Jessilina in her new outfit. James, who is only saddened, has no money left, as Jessie bought the dress and a beauty treatment. Jessie wants to borrow Carnivine for this Contest. She sees Carnivine with a lot of seals and yells one needs to place the seal on the ball capsule, not the Pokémon itself. James has an idea - while Jessie competes, James and Meowth could sell the fake seals.
During the night, Dawn wakes up and goes on the balcony of the Pokémon Center and sends Piplup and Buneary. Dawn has a lot on her mind about the Contest and sees the ribbon her mom gave for luck. She also thinks how she will represent Buneary and Piplup tomorrow. In the morning, James and Meowth sell the seal. Also, they see the beginning of the Contest. While the announcer tells about the Contests, Brock tells Ash Dawn is nowhere to find. Dawn is making her hair and the girl from before helps her. Dawn introduces herself, while the girl is Zoey. Zoey knows Dawn is a starter, as she has that nervousness. Zoey shows her the ribbon case, with one ribbon inside. Zoey made her hair and tells her they will see each other in finals, making Dawn nervous.
The announcer shows the judges - Mr. Sukizo, Nurse Joy and Raoul Contesta. Also, the announcer is Marian. Ash and Dawn return and Dawn does not see Zoey. However, Zoey is the first Coordinator and sends Misdreavus. Misdreavus uses Double Team the Confuse Ray to send the illusions away. Next, it uses Shock Wave to display its power. After some performances, it is Jessilina (aka Jessie)'s turn. The boy James and Meowth sold the seal complains . Also, it is not him, but a group of people, so James and Meowth run away. Jessie sends Carnivine and releases some giant lollipops. Carnivine uses Bullet Seed to destroy them and bites Jessie's head. Next is Ash and sends Aipom. Aipom uses Swift to turn the starts to glitter. Next, she uses Double Team, then Focus Punch and spins. With this, she destroys the illusions. Dawn is amazed with Ash's confidence saying he looks right at home on stage
Next is Dawn, Ash wishes her well. Brock, Zoey and Ash support her in this first Contest. Dawn sends Piplup, who emerges from bubbles. Using Bubble Beam, it combines the bubbles. Then it uses Peck to pierce the bubbles really fast. Ash and Brock are amazed by the performance. She falls down, as she was nervous. Zoey gives her a hand to get her up. Mirian is about to announce the Contestants who will go to next round.
- The title is a rewording of the phrase Mounting A Coordinated Assault.
- James breaks the fourth wall in this episode.
- ^ (n.d.) . "Mounting a Coordinator Assault! | Pokémon TV (". From The Official Pokémon Website | Archived from the original on January 30, 2024.