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Pokémon Wiki

The Cyllage City Gym is a Gym located in Cyllage City and the second Gym in the Kalos region.

Upon entering the gym, the player will see a giant stalagmite in the center of the room. At the back are two benches the player can sit on to have a view of a waterfall in the back which also has a rainbow. Here, the player must climb up specific walls to reach the Gym Leader, who resides at the top. There are blue panels on the floors which the player must stand on and get off of to proceed. Along the way, the player must face four trainers before reaching the top. Behind the gym leader is two sets of stairs leading to a climbing wall. Below this are two slides to reach the bottom.

General Information[]

  • Location: Cyllage City
  • Region: Kalos
  • Gym Leader: Grant
  • Badge: Cliff Badge
  • Dominant Type: Type Rock
  • Recommended Type: Type Grass, Type Water, Type Ground, Type SteelType Fighting

Type Dragon, Type Fairy (For Tyrunt)


Trainer Pokémon Level

Rising Star
0557 Dwebble 21
0369 Relicanth 23
Gain: Poké Dollar1380
Trainer Pokémon Level

0524 Roggenrola 24
Gain: Poké Dollar1344
Trainer Pokémon Level
Rising Star(F)XYsprite
Rising Star
0338 Solrock 22
0337 Lunatone 22
Gain: Poké Dollar1320
Trainer Pokémon Level

0111 Rhyhorn 21
0299 Nosepass 21
0095 Onix 21
Gain: Poké Dollar216
Gym Leader Grant
Isshu Pokémon League iconCyllage Gym LeaderIsshu Pokémon League icon
File:CliffBadge.png Cliff Badge Rock TM VI Sprite TM39 (Rock Tomb)
Vs. Grant

0698Amaura VI
 Type Rock Type Ice 
0696Tyrunt VI
 Type Rock Type Dragon 

Lv. 25 Lv. 25

Ability: Refrigerate Ability: Strong Jaw

Item: None Item: None

Rock Tomb Bite - - - -
Aurora Beam Stomp - - - -
Take Down Rock Tomb - - - -
Thunder Wave - - - -


Item Games Location/Method
  Tyranitarite X After climbing through the wall closest to the entrance and then climb the wall on the right side, in the dead end (requires an upgraded Mega Ring, 8:00-8:59 PM)
  Aggronite Y After climbing through the wall closest to the entrance and then climb the wall on the right side, in the dead end (requires an upgraded Mega Ring, 8:00-8:59 PM)


  • The Cyllage City Gym is the second gym built inside a cave. The first was the Icirrus City Gym in Black and White.
    • It is also the first Rock-type Gym that is not the first Gym in its region.
  • Unlike in anime version, this gym doesn't feature an elevator.