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Pokémon Wiki
Pokémon Wiki
Counter (Poketch) 2


  • Pokétch No: 11
  • Basic Info: "The Counter app can be used to count to 9,999."
  • Computer Info: "The Counter is used for counting things one at a time. Touch the button and count whatever needs counting."
Counter (Poketch) 1


It is obtainable from the man at the counter in the second floor of Veilstone Department Store in Veilstone City.


  • Use to count things.
  • Tap the '+' button to increase the number by 1.
  • Switching Pokétch apps or turning off the game resets the counter to 0.
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List of Pokétch Apps
Digital Watch - Calculator - Memo Pad - Pedometer - Pokémon List
Friendship Checker - Dowsing Machine - Berry Searcher - Day-Care Checker - Pokémon History
Counter - Analog Watch - Marking Map - Link Searcher - Coin Toss
Move Tester - Calendar - Dot Artist - Roulette - Trainer Counter
Kitchen Timer - Color Changer - Matchup Checker - Stopwatch - Alarm Clock