Scream Tail first met Coral when she accidentally stepped on its tail while searching for Roy and his Crocalor inside Area Zero, getting it upset in the process. Before the two of them could battle, however, Scream Tail ended up teaming up with Coral and her Glalie to stop a wild Great Tusk. During the battle, Scream Tail bonded with Coral, despite her teasing it over getting damaged by the ancient version of Donphan.
After the battle was over, she also ended up nicknaming it Onipurin (Nickname subject to change once the English dub releases) and accidentally caught Scream Tail after using a Poké Ball to stop it from screaming upon getting it mad again, thus adding it to her team. Its screaming was enough to help Sidian locate where Coral was after she left him behind, and give Liko, Roy and Dot some difficulty in getting to sleep.