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The Concealed Ruins are a dungeon in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky. It is unlocked by completing Aegis Cave in the post game. On the 29th floor, there is locked door and the 30th floor is a treasure chamber with six boxes and a warp tile to leave the dungeon.

Concealed Ruins is located directly next to Aegis Cave on the Wonder Map.


Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0016Pidgey MD Pidgey B1-10 42-44 8.2%
0100Voltorb MD Voltorb B1-15 13-16 6.4%
0261Poochyena MD Poochyena B1-15 15-18 8.2%
0276Taillow MD Taillow B1-15 16-19 6.4%
0294Loudred MD Loudred B1-15 42-45 -10%
0031Nidoqueen MD Nidoqueen B1-29 42-47 -12%
0110Weezing MD Weezing B1-29 42-47 -12%
0197Umbreon MD Umbreon B1-29 45-50 -12%
0198Murkrow MD Murkrow B1-29 22-27 6.4%
0301Delcatty MD Delcatty B8-15 47-49 -12%
0017Pidgeotto MD Pidgeotto B11-20 45-47 -4.5%
0353Shuppet MD Shuppet B16-19 45 6.4%
0101Electrode MD Electrode B16-29 45-47 -4.5%
0262Mightyena MD Mightyena B16-29 45-47 -4.5%
0277Swellow MD Swellow B16-29 45-47 0.5%
0295Exploud MD Exploud B16-29 45-47 0.5%
0243Raikou MD Raikou B20 46 5%
0018Pidgeot MD Pidgeot B21-29 46-47 -10%