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Pokémon Wiki
For the trainer class, see Commander (Trainer class).

Commander (Japanese: しれいとう) is an Ability introduced in Generation IX.


Generation IX When the Pokémon enters a battle, it goes inside the mouth of an ally Dondozo if one is on the field. The Pokémon then issues commands from there.


This ability is exclusive to Tatsugiri. It will only activate in Double Battles and requires both Tatsugiri and Dondozo to be on the field. Tatsugiri will automatically jump into Dondozo's mouth, increasing all of its stats by two stages. The player will be unable to use Tatsugiri's moves and it cannot be attacked by the opponent; all attacks and most abilities that target it will miss/fail. However, it can still take damage from status effects (e.g poison) and faint in this case. Tatsugiri cannot be swapped or forced out in Dondozo's mouth. If Dondozo faints, then Tatsugiri will jump out to fight as a normal Pokémon.


PokémonTypeFirst AbilitySecond AbilityHidden Ability
0978Tatsugiri Pokémon HOMETatsugiriType Dragon HOME Dragon / Type Water HOME WaterCommanderStorm Drain
