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Pokémon Wiki

Cleavon Schpielbunk (Japanese: ヒート南野 Heat Minamino) is a character appearing in Pokémon: Indigo League.


Pokémon the Series: The Beginning[]

Cleavon is participating in the Golden Growlithe Award at the Flea Collar Film Festival, and in the first, he found Ash, Brock and Misty, and decided to have them and their Pokémon join the movie, Pokémon in Love. He also had a motto similar to Team Rocket’s.

Cleavon won the awards, but Ash and his friends were disappointed, mostly because they weren't in it — they were cut out. Cleavon explained that it was only a Pokémon-starring movie.

The story was about a Wigglytuff and a Psyduck falling in love with each other.


On hand[]

