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Pokémon Wiki

Challenger!! (Japanese: チャレンジャ!!, HepburnCharenja!!) is the seventh opening theme song of the Japanese Pokémon anime series.

OP text[]


♪ この(ほし)不思議(ふしぎ)()(もの)ポケットモンスター・・・ちぢめてポケモン!(いま)少年(しょうねん)サトシとポケモンたちの出会(であ)いと冒険(ぼうけん)(たたか)いの物語(ものがたり)がはじまる! ♪


♪ The mysterious creatures of this plant The incredible world... of "Pokémon"! Now, the story about a boy, Ash Ketchum, and Pokémon Their meetings, adventures, and battles Are about to begin! ♪



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()くっきゃない やるっきゃない ()けっこない ()まない 最後(さいご)まで ひとりじゃない さみしくない まだまだ ワクワク冒険(ぼうけん) ()わらい・・・

キラリ朝日(あさひ) キナギタウン 今日(きょう)元気(げんき)か? ピカチュウ やる() 元気(げんき) リュックにつめて オレは今日(きょう)も (ちか)うよ

ピンチとチャンス ウラ・オモテ (つよ)さ やさしさ まぶしい笑顔(えがお) (むね)のMAPで ()つけるぜ

もっと もっと (たか)く めざせ オレはチャレンジャー!!

()くっきゃない やるっきゃない ()けっこない ()まない いつだって (ささ)えたい (まも)りたい (きみ)(きず)ついた(とき)

()りむかない うつむかない へこたれない あきらめない (しん)じてる あせらない あわてない いつも はるかな(ゆめ) めざして・・・ ♪

Full Version[]

()くっきゃない やるっきゃない ()けっこない ()まない 最後(さいご)まで ひとりじゃない さみしくない まだまだ ワクワク冒険(ぼうけん) ()わらい・・・

キラリ朝日(あさひ) キナギタウン 今日(きょう)元気(げんき)か? ピカチュウ やる() 元気(げんき) リュックにつめて オレは今日(きょう)も (ちか)うよ

ピンチとチャンス ウラ・オモテ (つよ)さ やさしさ まぶしい笑顔(えがお) (むね)のMAPで ()つけるぜ

もっと もっと (たか)く めざせ オレはチャレンジャー!!

()くっきゃない やるっきゃない ()けっこない ()まない いつだって (ささ)えたい (まも)りたい (きみ)(きず)ついた(とき)

()りむかない うつむかない へこたれない あきらめない (しん)じてる あせらない あわてない いつも はるかな(ゆめ) めざして・・・

()()夕日(ゆうひ) (そら)()める まだ()らない ポケモン (つか)れた(あし) (ある)()せば 一歩(いっぽ) (ゆめ)(ちか)いよ

ポロリ(なみだ) しょっぱいけれど (なが)した(かず)だけ(つよ)くなる キズも(いた)みも (わす)れるけれど 大事(だいじ)なメモリー ()えはしない

ゴロンと寝転(ねころ)んで()る (そら)()両手(りょうて)いっぱい (ひろ)げよう 明日(あした)へと (かぜ)はふいてく

勇気(ゆうき)(とびら) ()ける(かぎ)は いつも(ぼく)らの ()(ちゅう)さ でこぼこ砂利道(ざりみち) ()()ばして ()くぜ みんなついてこい!

もっと もっと(あつ)()えろ オレはチャレンジャー!!

()くっきゃない やるっきゃない ()けっこない ()まない いつだって (ささ)えたい (まも)りたい (きみ)(きず)ついた(とき)

()りむかない うつむかない へこたれない あきらめない (しん)じてる あせらない あわてない いつも はるかな(ゆめ) めざして・・・ ♪


TV Size[]

♪ I have to go, I have to do it I can't lose, I can't stop, not until the end I'm not alone, I'm not lonely, still a way to go This exciting adventure isn't over

The sparkling sun rises over in Pacifidlog Town Are you feeling good today, Pikachu? I'll pack up my eagerness and energy Today, too, I swear!

Pinches and chances are different sides of a coin Winning and losing depends on me Strength, kindness, dazzling smiles With my heart's map, I'll look for them

Higher and higher Aim for it - I'm a challenger!!

I have to go, I have to do it I can't lose, I can't stop, at any time I want to help, I want to protect you during painful times

I can't turn around, I can't lie down I can't get depressed, I can't give up, I believe I won't rush, I won't get confused, I always Aim for that distant dream... ♪

Full Version[]

♪ I have to go, I have to do it I can't lose, I can't stop, not until the end I'm not alone, I'm not lonely, still a way to go This exciting adventure isn't over

The sparkling sun rises over in Pacifidlog Town Are you feeling good today, Pikachu? I'll pack up my eagerness and energy Today, too, I swear!

Pinches and chances are different sides of a coin Winning and losing depends on me Strength, kindness, dazzling smiles With my heart's map, I'll look for them

Higher and higher Aim for it - I'm a challenger!!

I have to go, I have to do it I can't lose, I can't stop, at any time I want to help, I want to protect you during painful times

I can't turn around, I can't lie down I can't get depressed, I can't give up, I believe I won't rush, I won't get confused, I always Aim for that distant dream...

The sunset dyes the sky red There are Pokémon I don't yet know If I keep walking on my tired feet I'll be a step closer to my dream

There are salty tears on my cheeks, but Shedding them will make me strong I'll forget my pain and scraches But not my important memories

I lie on the ground and look at the sky I want to spread my hands wide The wind blows to tomorrow

Courage is the key that opens doors We always had it in our hands Let's jump past this bumpy gravel road Let's go! After me!

Hotter and hotter I'm a challenger!

I have to go, I have to do it I can't lose, I can't stop, at any time I want to help, I want to protect you during painful times

I can't turn around, I can't lie down I can't get depressed, I can't give up, I believe I won't rush, I won't get confused, I always Aim for that distant dream... ♪
