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Cero Island is an anime-exclusive location featured in Getting More Than You Battled For!.


Not much is known about this location, except that there are multiple biomes on it, like swamps and jungles.


After Mew was rumored to be here, Ash and Goh travelled here by boat to find it. Goh caught a Mankey in a jungle, but he and Ash enraged a nearby troop of Mankey and got chased into a marsh where Ash nearly drowned if not for Heracross. They eventually cross the marsh using Caterpie's String Shot, but got ambushed by a Kingler and Krabby, the latter which Goh caught. Goh tries to catch a Gyarados that attacked the boys when they were crossing a river but fails.

This causes them to fall into a waterfall, which knocked them out cold, and when they came around, they met a group of Pokémon and Mewtwo, who was their guardian. After Pikachu, Lucario and Cinderace battle the Genetic Pokémon and lose, Mewtwo teleports the group away, and leaves the island with its group.




Waterfall Area[]
