Categories relating to chapters of the Ruby & Sapphire Chapter of Pokémon Adventures.
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All items (87)
- R&S001: Creeping Past Cacnea
- R&S002: Making Mirth with Mightyena
- R&S003: Trying to Trounce Torchic
- R&S004: Distracting Dustox
- R&S005: Nixing Nuzleaf
- R&S006: Brushing Past Breloom
- R&S007: Tongue-Tied Kecleon
- R&S008: Lombre Larceny
- R&S009: Mowing Down Ludicolo
- R&S010: Blowing Past Nosepass I
- R&S011: Blowing Past Nosepass II
- R&S012: Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt! I
- R&S013: Stick This in Your Craw, Crawdaunt! II
- R&S014: Guile from Mawile
- R&S015: Mashing Makuhita
- R&S016: Ring Ring Goes Beldum
- R&S017: Heavy Hitting Hariyama
- R&S018: Adding It Up with Plusle & Minun I
- R&S019: Adding It Up with Plusle & Minun II
- R&S020: Tripped Up by Torkoal
- R&S021: Slugging It Out with Slugma I
- R&S022: Slugging It Out with Slugma II
- R&S023: I'm Your Biggest Fan, Donphan
- R&S024: Plugging Past Electrike I
- R&S025: Plugging Past Electrike II
- R&S026: Not So Fetching Feebas
- R&S027: On the Loose and Hyper with Zangoose and Seviper I
- R&S028: On the Loose and Hyper with Zangoose and Seviper II
- R&S029: Hanging Around with Slaking I
- R&S030: Hanging Around with Slaking II
- R&S031: Hanging Around with Slaking III
- R&S032: Bubble Bubble Toil and Azumarill I
- R&S033: Bubble Bubble Toil and Azumarill II
- R&S034: Assaulted by Pelipper I
- R&S035: Assaulted by Pelipper II
- R&S036: Mixing It Up with Magcargo
- R&S037: Mind-Boggling with Medicham
- R&S038: It's Absol-utely a Bad Omen
- R&S039: What Would You Do for a Whismur?
- R&S040: Going to Eleven with Loudred & Exploud I
- R&S041: Going to Eleven with Loudred & Exploud II
- R&S042: Short Shift for Shiftry
- R&S043: I More Than Like You, Luvdisc I
- R&S044: I More Than Like You, Luvdisc II
- R&S045: Tanks, But No Tanks, Anorith and Lileep
- R&S046: I Dare Ya, Altaria… Knock Chic off My Shoulder
- R&S047: I'm Always Grumpig First Thing in the Morning I
- R&S048: I'm Always Grumpig First Thing in the Morning II
- R&S049: You Can Fight Day or Night With Lunatone & Solrock
- R&S050: Walrein and Camerupt
- R&S051: Master Class with Masquerain
- R&S052: Always Keep Whiscash on You for Emergencies
- R&S053: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon I
- R&S054: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon II
- R&S055: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon III
- R&S056: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon IV
- R&S057: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon V
- R&S058: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VI
- R&S059: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VII
- R&S060: Talk About Timing, Treecko
- R&S061: Dreadful Dealing with Dusclops
- R&S062: Very Vexing Volbeat
- R&S063: No Armaldo Is an Island
- R&S064: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon VIII
- R&S065: Bravo, Vibrava
- R&S066: Can I Ninjask You a Question?
- R&S067: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon IX
- R&S068: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon X
- R&S069: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XI
- R&S070: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XII
- R&S071: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIII
- R&S072: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XIV
- R&S073: A Royal Rumble with Regirock, Regice and Registeel I
- R&S074: A Royal Rumble with Regirock, Regice and Registeel II
- R&S075: With a Spoink in Your Step I
- R&S076: With a Spoink in Your Step II
- R&S077: The Beginning of the End with Kyogre & Groudon XV
- R&S078: Rayquaza Redemption I
- R&S079: Rayquaza Redemption II
- R&S080: It All Ends Now I
- R&S081: It All Ends Now II
- R&S082: It All Ends Now III
- R&S083: It All Ends Now IV
- R&S084: It All Ends Now V
- R&S085: It All Ends Now VI
- R&S086: It All Ends Now VII
- R&S087: It All Ends Now VIII