Categories relating to chapters of the Red, Green & Blue Chapter of Pokémon Adventures.
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RGB001: A Glimpse of the Glow -
RGB015: Wartortle Wars -
RGB011: Buzz Off, Electabuzz! -
RGB007: Raging Rhydon -
RGB014: That Awful Arbok! -
RGB002: Bulbasaur, Come Home! -
RGB008: Suddenly Starmie -
RGB013: Sigh for Psyduck
All items (40)
- RGB001: A Glimpse of the Glow
- RGB002: Bulbasaur, Come Home!
- RGB003: The Secret of Kangaskhan
- RGB004: Wanted: Pikachu!
- RGB005: Onix Is On!
- RGB006: Gyarados Splashes In!
- RGB007: Raging Rhydon
- RGB008: Suddenly Starmie
- RGB009: …But Fearow Itself!
- RGB010: Danger: High Voltorb
- RGB011: Buzz Off, Electabuzz!
- RGB012: Wake Up―You're Snorlax!
- RGB013: Sigh for Psyduck
- RGB014: That Awful Arbok!
- RGB015: Wartortle Wars
- RGB016: Tauros the Tyrant
- RGB017: The Jynx Jinx
- RGB018: A Tale of Ninetales
- RGB019: Blame It on Eevee
- RGB020: Meanwhile… Vileplume!
- RGB021: Long Live the Nidoking!
- RGB022: A Hollow Victreebel
- RGB023: Make Way for Magmar!
- RGB024: What a Dragonite
- RGB025: You Know… Articuno!
- RGB026: Holy Moltres
- RGB027: Kalling Kadabra
- RGB028: Peace of Mime
- RGB029: Go for the Golbat
- RGB030: Zap! Zap! Zapdos!
- RGB031: The Art of Articuno
- RGB032: A Little Kadabra'll do it
- RGB033: The Winged Legends
- RGB034: And Mewtwo Too!?
- RGB035: And Mewtwo… Three!
- RGB036: Drat That Dratini!
- RGB037: Golly, Golem!
- RGB038: Long Live the Nidoqueen?!
- RGB039: Just a Spearow Carrier
- RGB040: A Charizard… and a Champion