Categories relating to chapters of the FireRed & LeafGreen Chapter of Pokémon Adventures.
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FRLG026: Down-for-the-Count Deoxys -
FRLG016: It Takes Patience, Knowledge and a Really Quick Beedrill -
FRLG019: Meet Deoxys, and Deoxys, and Deoxys, and… -
FRLG009: My, My, My Mimic -
FRLG010: A Beastly Cold Reception -
FRLG011: Put Your Beast Foot Forward -
FRLG012: Don't Doubt Deoxys -
FRLG013: Some Things Are Better Left Unown
All items (35)
- FRLG001: The Escape
- FRLG002: Return to Pallet Town
- FRLG003: Now You See Me…
- FRLG004: …Now You Don't
- FRLG005: Old Ultima Puts Them to the Test
- FRLG006: Red and Blue Make Purple Opponents
- FRLG007: Double Dealing with Deoxys
- FRLG008: A Vicious Cycle of Possibilities
- FRLG009: My, My, My Mimic
- FRLG010: A Beastly Cold Reception
- FRLG011: Put Your Beast Foot Forward
- FRLG012: Don't Doubt Deoxys
- FRLG013: Some Things Are Better Left Unown
- FRLG014: Not Exactly Normal
- FRLG015: Going Green
- FRLG016: It Takes Patience, Knowledge and a Really Quick Beedrill
- FRLG017: Red, Green, Blue and Mewtwo Too
- FRLG018: Once More into the Unown
- FRLG019: Meet Deoxys, and Deoxys, and Deoxys, and…
- FRLG020: Secrets from Sneasel
- FRLG021: Give It Your Best, Blastoise
- FRLG022: Surprised by Sneasel
- FRLG023: A Well-Journeyed Jumpluff
- FRLG024: Can Mewtwo Dish It Out with a Spoon?
- FRLG025: Bested by Banette
- FRLG026: Down-for-the-Count Deoxys
- FRLG027: Mewtwo and Mew Too
- FRLG028: Double Down Deoxys
- FRLG029: It's Starting to Make Sense Now
- FRLG030: Mewtwo Comes Through
- FRLG031: Start the Countdown, Starmie
- FRLG032: Distant Relation Deoxys
- FRLG033: Right on Time, Rhydon
- FRLG034: Storming the Forretress
- FRLG035: Phew for Mew