This category lists the Pokémon that were captured and used by the character Goh.
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Goh's Cinderace -
Eternatus (anime) -
Goh's Inteleon -
Goh's Grookey -
Goh's Suicune -
Goh's Flygon -
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Goh's Mankey
All items (104)
- Goh's Absol
- Goh's Aerodactyl
- Goh's Alcremie
- Goh's Altaria
- Goh's Arctozolt
- Goh's Ariados
- Goh's Beedrill
- Goh's Bellsprout
- Goh's Binacle
- Goh's Boldore
- Goh's Bruxish
- Goh's Bunnelby
- Goh's Butterfree
- Goh's Camerupt
- Goh's Caterpie
- Goh's Chinchou
- Goh's Cinderace
- Goh's Cloyster
- Goh's Corsola
- Goh's Cubone
- Goh's Darmanitan
- Goh's Dewgong
- Goh's Diglett
- Goh's Drowzee
- Goh's Durant
- Goh's Dustox
- Goh's Ekans
- Goh's Exeggutor (Alolan)
- Goh's Exeggutor (Kantonian)
- Goh's Falinks
- Goh's Farfetch'd
- Goh's Ferrothorn
- Goh's Fletchling
- Goh's Floette
- Goh's Flygon
- Goh's Frogadier
- Goh's Geodude (Alolan)
- Goh's Geodude (Kantonian)
- Goh's Golbat
- Goh's Goldeen
- Goh's Golurk
- Goh's Graveler
- Goh's Greedent
- Goh's Grimer
- Goh's Grookey
- Goh's Heracross
- Goh's Hitmonchan
- Goh's Hoothoot
- Goh's Inteleon
- Goh's Kakuna
- Goh's Kingdra
- Goh's Krabby
- Goh's Lilligant
- Goh's Magikarp
- Goh's Mankey
- Goh's Mantyke
- Goh's Metapod
- Goh's Misdreavus
- Goh's Morelull
- Goh's Murkrow
- Goh's Nidoran♀
- Goh's Nidoran♂
- Goh's Oddish
- Goh's Panpour
- Goh's Pansear
- Goh's Paras
- Goh's Parasect
- Goh's Passimian
- Goh's Phantump
- Goh's Pidgeotto
- Goh's Pidgey
- Goh's Pineco
- Goh's Pinsir
- Goh's Poliwag
- Goh's Pyukumuku
- Goh's Raichu
- Goh's Raticate
- Goh's Rattata
- Goh's Regieleki
- Goh's Roggenrola
- Goh's Rotom Phone
- Goh's Sandile
- Goh's Scatterbug
- Goh's Scizor
- Goh's Sentret
- Goh's Sharpedo
- Goh's Shedinja
- Goh's Slowpoke
- Goh's Spearow
- Goh's Stantler
- Goh's Stunfisk
- Goh's Suicune
- Goh's Taillow
- Goh's Tentacool
- Goh's Trapinch
- Goh's Venomoth
- Goh's Venonat
- Goh's Vibrava
- Goh's Voltorb
- Goh's Weedle
- Goh's Wingull