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Canal Ruins is a location in Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs. It is located on Sophian Island.


The Canal Ruins are a set of ruins south of Sophian Road that are split into two areas. The first area is set around a series of rivers and rain constantly showers over the area. The second area is an underwater lake where an involith Monument lies at the bottom.

The Player and Partner first reach the ruins search of the rug weaver, Weber, and discover the Pinchers are battling Suicune. During the search for the Pinchers, the Rangers discover the underwater lake and the Player enters it to continue the search. Inside the lake, they find Pinchers going after the involith and pursue them. However, the Pinchers manage to escape with the seal to Articuno's nest and when everyone returns above ground where the Pincher sic an enraged Suicune on the Rangers to cover their escape. After Suicune is captured and its Ranger Sign is recorded, the Rangers find Weber stuck on an isolated island and rescue him with Suicune's aid.

During the Quest, The Sad Suicune, the Player restores the damaged involith after receiving the stolen seal from a reformed Red Eyes. After the involith is restored, Suicune makes an appearance to thank the Player.


On land[]

Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Poké Assist Field Move
PR Raichu Sprite Raichu PA Electric GS Electric SOA Recharge 4 Recharge 4
PR Sentret Sprite Sentret PA Normal GS Normal SOA Tackle 1 Tackle 1
PR Vaporeon Sprite Vaporeon PA Water GS Water SOA Soak 2 Soak 2
PR Ledian Sprite Ledian PA Bug GS Bug SOA Crush 3 Crush 3
PR Vileplume Sprite Vileplume PA Grass GS Grass SOA Cut 3 Cut 3
PR Grotle Sprite Grotle PA Grass GS Grass SOA Tackle 3 Tackle 3
PR Forretress Sprite Forretress PA Normal GS Normal SOA Tackle 3 Tackle 3
PR Politoed Sprite Politoed PA Water GS Water SOA Soak 3 Soak 3
PR Cleffa Sprite Cleffa PA Normal GS Normal SOA Tackle 1 Tackle 1
PR Girafarig Sprite Girafarig PA Psychic GS Psychic SOA Tackle 1 Tackle 1
PR Dodrio Sprite Dodrio PA Normal GS Normal SOA Tackle 3 Tackle 3
PR Lombre Sprite Lombre PA Grass GS Grass SOA Cut 3 Cut 3
PR Ludicolo Sprite Ludicolo PA Grass GS Grass SOA Cut 4 Cut 4
PR Lickilicky Sprite Lickilicky PA Normal GS Normal SOA Crush 3 Crush 3
PR Heracross Sprite Heracross PA Normal GS Normal SOA Tackle 3 Tackle 3

*Heracross appears in the Post-Game


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Poké Assist Field Move
PR Suicune Sprite Suicune PA Water GS Water SOA None None


Wild Pokémon
Pokémon Poké Assist Field Move
PR Lanturn Sprite Lanturn PA Recharge GS Recharge SOA Recharge 3 Recharge 3
PR Huntail Sprite Huntail PA Water GS Water SOA Crush 3 Crush 3
PR Gorebyss Sprite Gorebyss PA Water GS Water SOA Cut 2 Cut 2
PR Seadra Sprite Seadra PA Water GS Water SOA Crush 2 Crush 2
PR Finneon Sprite Finneon PA Water GS Water SOA Cut 1 Cut 1
PR Relicanth Sprite Relicanth PA Water GS Water SOA Crush 2 Crush 2
PR Phione Sprite Phione PA Water GS Water SOA Cut 2 Cut 2

*Phione appears in the Post-Game


Language Name
English Canal Ruins
Spanish Ruinas del Canal
Italian Rovine del canale
French Ruines du canal
German Altes Aquädukt
Japanese カナルのいせき