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Pokémon Wiki
For other variants of Leavanny belonging to Burgh, see Burgh's Leavanny.
0009Blastoise Red and Green
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This Leavanny is bug/grass-type Pokémon owned by Burgh.


Burgh used his Leavanny to battle against Black's Galvantula after Burgh switched his Dwebble out for Leavanny.[1] Both Leavanny and Galvantula attacked each other and Leavanny was able to dodge Galvantula's attack while Galvantula was hit by Leavanny's attack. Leavanny then used Leaf Blade, which knocked out Galvantula, but Leavanny was knocked out as well by the poison that was in the silk.[2]

When Burgh was released from Team Plasma's castle, he sent Leavanny to battle the Team Plasma sages at the Pokémon League. Leavanny used Struggle Bug to attack the Team Plasma forces.[3]

Known moves[]

0009Blastoise Red and Green
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See also[]

