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Bottomless Sea is one of the seven treasures dungeons in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time, Darkness, and Sky. It has 50 floors and at the end of the dungeon the player must face Kyogre. If Kyogre is defeated, the Player is awarded a Aqua-Monica and has a chance to recruit Kyogre. The dungeons cannot be unlocked through normal means and can only be unlocked with Wonder Mail, Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection, or from a Pokémon in Spinda's Café in Explorers of Sky.

Bottomless Sea is located in a whirlpool inside the ocean on the Wonder Map.


Bottomless Sea[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0130Gyarados MD Gyarados B1-25 42-47 -4.5%
0223Remoraid MD Remoraid B1-25 26-31 8.2%
0230Kingdra MD Kingdra B1-25 44-49 -12%
0320Wailmer MD Wailmer B1-25 11-16 4%
0366Clamperl MD Clamperl B1-25 15-20 8.2%
0456Finneon MD Finneon B1-25 11-16 8.2%
0073Tentacruel MD Tentacruel B1-49 43-51 -4.5%
0080Slowbro MD Slowbro B1-49 43-51 -12%
0116Horsea MD Horsea B1-49 43-51 8.2%
0117Seadra MD Seadra B1-49 43-51 -10%
0121Starmie MD Starmie B1-49 43-51 -4.5%
0199Slowking MD Slowking B1-49 43-51 -12%
0211Qwilfish MD Qwilfish B1-49 43-51 6.9%
0224Octillery MD Octillery B1-49 43-51 -12%
0131Lapras MD Lapras B21-25 46-47 6.7%
0321Wailord MD Wailord B26 48 -12%

Bottomless Sea Depths[]

Pokémon Floors Lv. Recruit rate
0382Kyogre MD Kyogre Depths 49 50%


  • From the Seven Treasure dungeons, this one appears to possess the highest spawn rate. For both normal Pokémon and Monster Houses.
  • Octillery will be your main trouble on this one with a moveset consisting of a lot of long range attack meaning it cycles through it instead of walking if you're in it's line of attack.
  • Bringing a Pokémon like Pikachu will help a lot if it knows Discharge to deal with Monster Houses.