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Black & White: Plasma Blast (Japanese: メガロキャノン, HepburnMegaro Cannon) is the tenth TCG expansion set of the Black and White series. It was released on 15 March 2013 in Japan and 14 August 2013 in the US. This expansion set contains 86 cards in Japanese and 105 cards in English.


Challenges ring out, Pokémon duel, and the battle for Unova enters the next chapter in the Pokémon TCG: Black & White—Plasma Blast expansion! With Virizion-EX by your side, you must lead the counterattack against the failing forces of Team Plasma as they mount their last stand behind the twinned might of Team Plasma Dialga-EX and Palkia-EX! Victory is within your grasp, when suddenly you face your greatest test...the mighty and mysterious Genesect-EX takes the battlefield, supported by devastating ACE SPEC cards that give it additional attacks! Trainers, it's time to break the ice!

Card list[]

Name Type Rarity
1 Surskit Grass Energy Common
2 Masquerain Grass Energy Rare
3 Lileep Grass Energy Uncommon
4 Cradily Grass Energy Rare
5 Tropius Grass Energy Uncommon
6 Karrablast Grass Energy Common
7 Shelmet Grass Energy Common
8 Accelgor Grass Energy Rare
9 Virizion-EX Grass Energy Rare Holo EX
10 Genesect Grass Energy Rare
11 Genesect-EX Grass Energy Rare Holo EX
12 Larvesta Fire Energy Common
13 Volcarona Fire Energy Rare
14 Squirtle Water Energy Common
15 Wartortle Water Energy Uncommon
16 Blastoise Water Energy Rare Holo
17 Lapras Water Energy Common
18 Remoraid Water Energy Common
19 Octillery Water Energy Uncommon
20 Suicune Water Energy Rare
21 Snorunt Water Energy Common
22 Glalie Water Energy Uncommon
23 Froslass Water Energy Rare
24 Relicanth Water Energy Uncommon
25 Snover Water Energy Common
26 Abomasnow Water Energy Uncommon
27 Tirtouga Water Energy Uncommon
28 Carracosta Water Energy Rare
29 Ducklett Water Energy Common
30 Kyurem-EX Water Energy Rare Holo EX
31 Tynamo Lightning Energy Common
32 Eelektrik Lightning Energy Uncommon
33 Eelektross Lightning Energy Rare Holo
34 Drifloon Psychic Energy Common
35 Drifblim Psychic Energy Rare
36 Uxie Psychic Energy Rare
37 Mesprit Psychic Energy Rare Holo
38 Azelf Psychic Energy Rare
39 Munna Psychic Energy Common
40 Musharna Psychic Energy Uncommon
41 Sigilyph Psychic Energy Rare Holo
42 Solosis Psychic Energy Common
43 Duosion Psychic Energy Uncommon
44 Reuniclus Psychic Energy Rare
45 Golett Psychic Energy Common
46 Golurk Psychic Energy Rare Holo
47 Machop Fighting Energy Common
48 Machoke Fighting Energy Uncommon
49 Machamp Fighting Energy Rare Holo
50 Machamp Fighting Energy Rare
51 Throh Fighting Energy Common
52 Sawk Fighting Energy Common
53 Archen Fighting Energy Uncommon
54 Archeops Fighting Energy Rare Holo
55 Houndour Darkness Energy Common
56 Houndoom Darkness Energy Rare Holo
57 Aron Metal Energy Common
58 Lairon Metal Energy Uncommon
59 Aggron Metal Energy Rare
60 Jirachi-EX Metal Energy Rare Holo EX
61 Escavalier Metal Energy Rare
62 Bagon Dragon Energy Common
63 Shelgon Dragon Energy Uncommon
64 Salamence Dragon Energy Rare Holo
65 Dialga-EX Dragon Energy Rare Holo EX
66 Palkia-EX Dragon Energy Rare Holo EX
67 Axew Dragon Energy Common
68 Fraxure Dragon Energy Uncommon
69 Haxorus Dragon Energy Rare Holo
70 Druddigon Dragon Energy Common
71 Kangaskhan Colorless Energy Common
72 Porygon Colorless Energy Common
73 Porygon2 Colorless Energy Uncommon
74 Porygon-Z Colorless Energy Rare Holo
75 Teddiursa Colorless Energy Common
76 Ursaring Colorless Energy Uncommon
77 Chatot Colorless Energy Uncommon
78 Caitlin Supporter Uncommon
79 Cover Fossil Fighting Energy Uncommon
80 Energy Retrieval Fighting Energy Uncommon
81 Iris Supporter Uncommon
82 Plume Fossil Item Uncommon
83 Pokémon Catcher Item Uncommon
84 Professor Juniper Supporter Uncommon
85 Rare Candy Item Uncommon
86 Reverse Trigger Item Uncommon
87 Root Fossil Lileep Item Uncommon
88 Silver Bangle Item Uncommon
89 Silver Mirror Item Uncommon
90 Ultra Ball Item Uncommon
91 Plasma Energy Energy Uncommon
92 G Booster Item Rare Ace
93 G Scope Item Rare Ace
94 Master Ball Item Rare Ace
95 Scooped Up Cyclone Item Rare Ace
96 Virizion-EX Grass Energy Ultra Rare
97 Genesect-EX Grass Energy Ultra Rare
98 Jirachi-EX Metal Energy Ultra Rare
99 Dialga-EX Dragon Energy Ultra Rare
100 Palkia-EX Dragon Energy Ultra Rare
101 Iris Supporter Rare Secret
102 Exeggcute Grass Energy Rare Secret
103 Virizion Grass Energy Rare Secret
104 Dusknoir Psychic Energy Rare Secret
105 Rare Candy Item Rare Secret