This Lampent is a ghost/fire-type Pokémon owned by Bianca.
As Litwick[]
Bianca used her Litwick in the dark streets of Castelia City. It was on top of Bianca's head to brighten the streets. A Team Plasma grunt, however, approached her and knocked her out, taking the Litwick from her.[1] Amoonguss held Litwick, who was captured by Team Plasma. Upon seeing Bianca, Litwick started crying, as it wanted to return to its trainer. Black's Tep avoided Amoognuss' spores and attacked Amoonguss. The latter was knocked out and Litwick was given back to Bianca.[2]
Bianca ran away from her father with Litwick and Oshawott to Anville Town. There, she encountered White, and the two had their talk. Bianca admitted she had no goal, and showed that her Litwick and Oshawott were not quite strong, as both had very little energy to battle each other.[3] After her encounter with Meloetta, Bianca and Litwick bid it farewell.[4]
As Lampent[]
Two years later, Litwick was revealed to have evolved into Lampent, and was seen floating around Bianca, who spoke with Cheren.[5] It was also present during the choral competition.[6]
Bianca and Lampent were at Fennel's lab when Striaton City was frozen.[7] Later, Bianca had Lampent attempt to break the entrance of the Marine Tube by melting the ice, but failed.[8]
Known moves[]
None of Lampent's moves are known.
- In the games, it was a Munna that was stolen from Bianca at Castelia City. Probably due to Musha, it was replaced with a Litwick in Pokémon Adventures.