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Best Wishes! (Japanese: ベストウイッシュ!, HepburnBesuto Uisshyu!) is the opening song for Best Wishes!.

OP text[]


♪ この(ほし)不思議(ふしぎ)()(もの)ポケットモンスター・・・ちぢめてポケモン!(いま)少年(しょうねん)サトシとポケモンたちの出会(であ)いと冒険(ぼうけん)(たたか)いの物語(ものがたり)がはじまる! ♪


♪ The mysterious creatures of this plant The incredible world... of "Pokémon"! Now, the story about a boy Ash Ketchum and Pokémon, Their meetings, adventures, and battles Are about to begin! ♪



TV Size[]

♪ はじめての場所(ばしょ) はじめての(かぜ)のにおい mm... はじめてじゃないのは このドキドキ!

新品(しんぴん)のこの地図(ちず) クシャクシャになるころ おれたち ねぇ どこまで(すす)んでるかな?

ここだけの(はなし) 不安(ふあん)ひとつふたつみっつ でも (たの)しみは(かぞ)えきれない!

(みみ)をすませば なつかしい(こえ) 未来(みらい)からの(こえ) いつも(いの)っててくれてる

「きみは だいじょうぶ! Hey! なぜか だいじょうぶ! Hey! みんな だいじょうぶ!」

Yeah-he-he-hey (ある)()そう! Yeah-he-he-hey (はし)っちゃおうか?

ドキドキは すぐに ウズウズに! いてもたっても いられないぜ! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ はじめての場所(ばしょ) はじめての(かぜ)のにおい mm... はじめてじゃないのは このドキドキ! 新品(しんぴん)のこの地図(ちず) クシャクシャになるころ おれたち ねぇ どこまで(すす)んでるかな?

ここだけの(はなし) 不安(ふあん)ひとつふたつみっつ でも (たの)しみは(かぞ)えきれない!

おだやかな(あさ) おだやかな(とき)(なが)れ mm... おだやかじゃないのは このスグアト! 予想外(よそうがい)トラブル ()()をふさがれた おれたち もう どうすりゃいいのさ?

なさけない(はなし) ヒザはふるえ(あせ)はたらり でも (もど)るとか(かんが)えられない!

(みみ)をすませば なつかしい(こえ) 未来(みらい)からの(こえ) いつも(いの)っててくれてる

「きみは だいじょうぶ! Hey! なぜか だいじょうぶ! Hey! みんな だいじょうぶ!」

Yeah-he-he-hey (ある)()そう! Yeah-he-he-hey (はし)っちゃおうか?

ドキドキは すぐに ウズウズに! いてもたっても いられないぜ!

()わらない(どう) ()わらない出会(であ)いの(たび) mm... ()わってほしいは このドキドキ! それでもなんとなく ()づいているのかな おれたち そう (とも)だちのはじまり!

ありがちな(はなし) 最初(さいしょ)どこか(つく)(わら)い...... でも すぐホントの笑顔(えがお)でいっぱい!

(かぜ)(はこ)んで おれのこの(こえ) おれのこの(おも)い はるかな(まち)のあのひとに 「おれは だいじょうぶ! Hey! めっちゃ だいじょうぶ! Hey! 1人(ひとり)じゃないから 仲間(なかま)がいるから だいじょうぶ!」

Yeah-he-he-hey (ある)()そう! Yeah-he-he-hey (はし)っちゃおうか? Yeah-he-he-hey めざすものは Yeah-he-he-hey ずっと(かがや)く! ドキドキは すぐに トキメキに! いてもたっても いられないぜ! ♪


TV Size[]

♪ At a place for the first time the smell of the wind for the first time, mm... But what isn't for the first time is this throbbing of my heart!

When this brand-new map gets all crumpled Hey, I wonder how far we should go?

Keep this between us; I have one or two or three worries But there are countless things I'm looking forward to!

If I listen closely, I hear a nostalgic voice a voice from the future It's always praying for me

"You'll be all right! Hey! Somehow it'll be all right! Hey! Everyone will be all right!"

Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking! Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run? The throbbing of my heart instantly changes to an itching desire! There's just no way I can calm down! ♪

Full Version[]

♪ At a place for the first time The smell of the wind for the first time, mm... But what isn't for the first time Is this throbbing of my heart! When this brand-new map Gets all crumpled Hey, I wonder how far we should go?

Keep this between us; I have one or two or three worries But there are countless things I'm looking forward to!

A calm morning The calm flow of time, mm... But what isn't calm Is what comes right after this! When our path has been cut off By some unexpected trouble Well, now what should we do?

It's pretty pitiful to say My knees are shaking, I'm dripping with sweat But no way am I thinking of going back!

If I listen closely, I hear a nostalgic voice A voice from the future It's always praying for me "You'll be all right! Hey! Somehow it'll be all right! Hey! Everyone will be all right!"

Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking! Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run? The throbbing of my heart instantly changes To an itching desire! There's just no way I can calm down!

An endless road A journey of endless encounters, mm... But what I want to have end Is this flurrying anxiety! Even so, I wonder If we've somehow realized That's right, it's the beginning of a friendship!

This is frequently said At first was a forced smile somewhere...... But soon it will be full of genuine smiles!

Wind, carry my voice Carry my feelings To that person in a distant town "I'll be all right! Hey! I'll be totally all right! Hey! I'm not alone, I have my friends, so I'll be all right!"

Yeah-he-he-hey, let's start walking! Yeah-he-he-hey, should we run? Yeah-he-he-hey, what we're aiming for Yeah-he-he-hey, is always shining! The throbbing of my heart instantly changes To a pounding excitement! There's just no way I can calm down! ♪


In the first episode, every Pokémon except for Pikachu are only shown in their silhouettes. As the series continues and more Pokémon are revealed in the series itself, they are shown in color. By "A Night in the Nacrene City Museum!", all Pokémon shown in the theme were revealed.

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