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Battle Frontier (Japanese: バトルフロンティア, HepburnBatoru Furonteia) is the ninth opening theme song of the Japanese Pokémon anime series.

OP text[]


♪ この(ほし)不思議(ふしぎ)()(もの)ポケットモンスター・・・ちぢめてポケモン!(いま)少年(しょうねん)サトシとポケモンたちの出会(であ)いと冒険(ぼうけん)(たたか)いの物語(ものがたり)がはじまる! ♪


♪ The mysterious creatures of this plant The incredible world... of "Pokémon"! Now, the story about a boy, Ash Ketchum, and Pokémon Their meetings, adventures, and battles Are about to begin! ♪



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(ひか)る 大地(だいち)()永遠(とわ)の バトル(ちか)笑顔(えがお) ちょっぴり(なみだ) みんな (わす)れないよ

(おも)いは 距離(きょり)()()(いま) (きみ)(とど)く きっと

ウイエー!! GANGAN (すす)め (かぜ)()って GANGAN ()くぜ 最後(さいご)まで 完全(かんぜん)燃焼(ねんしょう) YES, I'm OK!! ウイエー!! DONDON パワー ()()がって DONDON 勇気(ゆうき)()いてくる (かぎ)りない (ちから)(しん)じよう ♪

Full Version[]

(ひか)る 大地(だいち)()永遠(とわ)の バトル(ちか)笑顔(えがお) ちょっぴり(なみだ) みんな (わす)れないよ

(おも)いは 距離(きょり)()()(いま) (きみ)(とど)く きっと

ウイエー!! GANGAN (すす)め (かぜ)()って GANGAN ()くぜ 最後(さいご)まで 完全(かんぜん)燃焼(ねんしょう) YES, I'm OK!! ウイエー!! DONDON パワー ()()がって DONDON 勇気(ゆうき)()いてくる (かぎ)りない (ちから)(しん)じよう

つなぐ()があるから そうさここまで()(つよ)さ それはやさしさ (すこ)しずつわかったよ

(おも)いは 距離(きょり)()()(いま) (ぼく)(むす)ぶ もっと

ウイエー!! ZENZEN ヘッチャラ 大丈夫(だいじょうぶ) ZENZEN 心配(しんぱい)いらないさ 完全(かんぜん)無欠(むけつ)だ Are you OK? ウイエー!! SOZORYOKU 無限大(ぶげんだい) SOSO (ぼく)らいい調子(ちょうし) (かぎ)りないチャンスをつかもう

ウイエー!! GANGAN (すす)め (かぜ)()って GANGAN ()くぜ 最後(さいご)まで 完全(かんぜん)燃焼(ねんしょう) YES, I'm OK!!

ウイエー!! DONDON 作戦(さくせん) ひらめいて DONDON 攻撃(こうげき) ()まらない 完全(かんぜん)無欠(むけつ)だ Are you OK?

ウイエー!! GUNGUN パワー ()()がって GUNGUN 勇気(ゆうき)()いてくる (かがや)くゴールを()()けろ ♪


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♪ Standing on the shining land... I vow to battle eternally I smile... with some tears I won't forget any of you

My feelings leap the distance And reach you even now, I'm certain

Oh yeah!! Intensely move ahead, and cut through the wind Intensely I'm going, all the way to the end Perfect combustion - YES, I'm OK!!

Oh yeah!! Steadily my power rises Steadily my courage boils over Let's believe in unlimited strength ♪

Full Version[]

♪ Standing on the shining land... I vow to battle eternally I smile... with some tears I won't forget any of you

My feelings leap the distance And reach you even now, I'm certain

Oh yeah!! Intensely move ahead, and cut through the wind Intensely I'm going, all the way to the end Perfect combustion - YES, I'm OK!!

Oh yeah!! Steadily my power rises Steadily my courage boils over Let's believe in unlimited strength

Because we're holding hands Yes, that's why we've come so far Strength is kindness I've come to understand that little by little

My feelings leap over time And now we'll be connected more!

Oh yeah!! Nothing will ever go wrong Nothing will ever worry me Everything is perfect, are you OK?

Oh yeah!! My imagination's forever strong We're all in high spirits! Let's catch our unlimited chances!

Oh yeah!! Intensely move ahead, and cut through the wind Intensely I'm going, all the way to the end Perfect combustion - YES, I'm OK!!

Oh yeah!! Our strategy dazzles everyone Never letting the attacks stop Everything is perfect, are you OK?

Oh yeah!! Steadily my power rises Steadily my courage boils over Run through the dazzling goal! ♪
