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This Dragonite is a Dragon/Flying-type Pokémon owned by Ash Ketchum and the first Pokémon he caught during his journey around the world with Goh.


Dragonair is a very courageous and determined Pokémon as this was displayed when she saved Ash from falling and she is similar to Clair's Dragonair but its slippery skin is much like Ash's Goodra while it was both a Goomy and a Sliggoo before. She is also caring for its kind including the head Dragonite at Dragonite Island.

Since fully evolving, even compared to the general kind nature of her species, Dragonite is especially caring and compassionate. Much like Ash's Muk, Dragonite developed a habit of hugging people and Pokémon she meets, as seen where she hugged Professor Cerise, to whom she was grateful after Cerise decided to keep Dragonite Island a secret. Her friendly nature is shown to constantly wanting to help out and meet new people. Even more, her undeniably friendly presence has a positive effect on others, as generally, anything that she hugs is overcome by bliss in the interaction. She has also shown to display a maternal nature when it soothed Goh's Sobble when it was upset.

Dragonite also enjoys flying around; in "Raid Battle in the Ruins!", she raced Goh's Beedrill and won, but was so engrossed in it that she sent Pikachu and Ash flying, and when recalled later was visibly disappointed. Dragonite was later shown to have faith in others, as she convinced Ash and Goh to allow all of Goh's Pokémon to solve the food shortage problem themselves.

Dragonite has proven itself to be a very formidable and competent battler, working well with others as seen in her first raid battle in "Raid Battle in the Ruins!", as well as in "A Festival Reunion!" when she was able to defeat Korrina's Mienshao and Mega Lucario without much difficulty. In "Thrash of the Titans", when she met Iris' Dragonite, she was quickly intimidated by his overly hostile attitude; Iris' Dragonite easily overwhelmed her to the point that Ash had to recall it for his Dracovish. Despite taking more heavy damage, Dragonite is able to hold its own against Iris' Haxorous and manages to defeat it with its newly learned Draco Meteor and the latter develops a friendly rivalry with him following its loss.

Despite its large size, Dragonite is a surprisingly a light eater as seen in "Crowning the Chow Crusher", as her hunger was completely satisfied despite having not made it past the first round, nor even the first dish.


Ash Journeys Pokémon and Goh Galar First partner Pokémon

Dragonite with its trainer Ash and teammates Pikachu, Gengar, Lucario, Sirfetch'd and Dracovish, along with Goh and his Galar Starters.


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Dragonite's Teammates[]


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As Dratini[]

As Dragonair was sent out, she instantly devolved to Dratini, and immediately turned into an egg. After the fight was resolved, the egg hatched back into Dratini and rapidly evolved back into Dragonite.[1]

As Dragonair[]

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Having trouble flying as Dragonair

Ash first encountered Dragonite as a Dragonair when he and Goh landed on Dragonite Island after a flock of Dragonite rescued them from a storm. Unlike the other Dragonair on her home island, she had trouble getting off the ground. When Ash saw this, Dragonair accepted his offer to help it learn Dragon Dance and master the use of its wings. With an Electroweb trampoline provided by Pikachu, Dragonair mastered Dragon Dance and became very grateful towards Ash for his help. Dragonair then sensed that one of its Dragonite friends was in trouble and led Ash and Goh to it. It turned out that Team Rocket had captured the head Dragonite, and sent out Wailord to deal with them. One of Wailord's splashes sent Ash flying into the air, and Dragonair tried to save him. However, its skin was too slippery for Ash to hold on to, so it then proceeded to evolve into Dragonite, gaining arms and legs to save Ash from the fall.[2]

As Dragonite[]

Dragonite remains to carry Ash following her evolution as she watches the head Dragonite blasts Team Rocket off with a Hyper Beam. After Team Rocket had been defeated, the head Dragonite commended its friend's rescue efforts and Dragonite expressed her willingness to come with Ash by hugging him, so he caught her. When she later met Professor Cerise, she was delighted to know he promised to keep his homeland a secret and affectionately hugged him, oblivious to Cerise's pain.[2]

At the Cerise Laboratory, Dragonite affectionately greeted Goh's Stantler and Scyther with a warm hug, which startled them in the beginning but eventually they gladly accepted her hug.[3]

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Dragonite battling against a Golurk in the Unova region.

Dragonite was later used to help Ash travel through the sand dunes of the Desert Resort during the trip to the Unova region. She hugged Keira affectionately until being told to stop. She then participated in a Raid Battle against a wild giant Golurk and managed to deliver a finishing blow that allowed Goh to capture it.[4]

Dragonite was later used in assisting Ash and Goh into finding the location of Cubone's missing bone.[5]

Later Dragonite was playing with Darmanitan, Beedrill, Paras, Parasect & Stantler, but crushed Ash.[6]

When Ash introduced his new egg to Dragonite, Dragonite was overjoyed but Ash prevented her from hugging the egg, thus she hugged Pikachu as compensation instead.[7]

Dragonite later helped Ash and Goh investigate the food shortage in the Cerise Laboratory.[8]

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Dragonite battles Korrina's Mega Lucario in a World Coronation Series.

Dragonite was used in Ash's battle against Korrina in the World Coronation Series battle tournament in the Kalos region. Dragonite went up against Korrina's Mienshao and Mega Lucario, where she managed to beat both of them and not only allow Ash to win the Battle Festival but also help advance to the Great Class in the World Coronation Series.[9]

She was later seen crying due to Sobble's tears, and then hugged it to make it stop crying after it was scared by Scyther.[10]

Dragonite was later seen in a fantasy as the narrator explains Ash's winning streak in the World Coronation Series.[11]

Dragonite was later seen as she was flying around the Cerise Laboratory with Goh's other Pokémon.[12]

Dragonite was later seen enjoying lunch with Ash's current team and Alolan team at the Pokémon School.[13]

Dragonite later helped Ash's Riolu in his training in order to win against Bea in a rematch.[14]

Dragonite was later sent out to help Ash, Riolu and Pikachu battle a rampaging Centiskorch after it Gigantamaxed. But despite her best efforts, Gigantamax Centiskorch was far too much to handle. Right when Centiskorch was about to fire a G-Max Centiferno at Ash, Riolu, and Pikachu, Dragonite manages to save them before Leon and his Charizard arrived and defeated it.[15] Dragonite later helped Ash and Leon stop a rampaging Dynamaxed Pangoro and a Gigantamaxed Coalossal from attacking several mine workers.[16] Dragonite was later sent out to take Ash to meet up with Goh and Sonia at Stow-on-Side. But during the flight, Ash and Dragonite spot a strange red beam shooting out into the sky at the Energy Plant near Hammerlocke Stadium. When they went to investigate, they were attacked by the Legendary Pokémon Eternatus and was shot down when Dragonite was hit from its Dynamax Cannon. Ash then recalled Dragonite into its Poké Ball.[17]

Dragonite was then participated in the Pokémon Grand Eating Contest with its trainer Ash. However, they failed to get past the first round due to Dragonite's surprisingly small appetite.[18]

Dragonite was later seen training with Lucario until Farfetch'd stomped its leek into the ground, shocking the others.[19]

Dragonite was later seen in a fantasy as the narrator explains Ash's progress in the World Coronation Series.[20]

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Dragonite battling in its World Coronation Series match against Iris and her Haxorus.

Dragonite was used in Ash's battle against Iris in the World Coronation Series battle in the Unova region, where went up against Iris' Dragonite. Ash's Dragonite struggled to battle against him, which forced Ash to switch Dragonite with Dracovish. Dracovish was able to defeat Iris' Dragonite but lost to Iris's second Pokémon: Haxorus. With Dracovish defeated, Ash sent out his Dragonite again to battle Haxorus. During the battle Ash's Dragonite have shown some support from Iris, who praised her skill, which cause Dragonite to be more spirit and confident. Dragonite then managed to beat Haxorus with a newly learned move Draco Meteor, which not only allowed Ash to win the battle against Iris but also helped advance to the Ultra Class in the World Coronation Series.[21] Dragonite was then seen with the rest of Ash and Goh's Pokémon where they bring food them at Cerise Laboratory, where they also encounter a Morpeko who secretly wonder here and watch it and Goh's Greedent battle over the Pokémon food.[22]

Dragonite along with Gengar were send out to search for Ninetales but no avail, and was seen shivering from the cold due to her Ice-type weakness.[23]

Dragonite along with Flygon both rescued Ash & co. while falling than successfully captured them on their way they encountered Pidgeot and Salamence who were battling and blew them away then Dragonite wanted to battle against them but was recalled.[24]

Dragonite was send out along with the rest of Ash's team to show Bea and had lunch; she was later seen eating alongside Gengar and Bea's Hitmontop.[25]

Dragonite was sent out to head to the Pokémon Center. However, when she got sent out again, Dragonite devolved back into Dragonair while Gengar devolved into Haunter. They were forced to be recalled shortly afterward. She was sent out again as a Dragonair, but devolved again into a Dratini, alongside Haunter who devolved into a Gastly. But not long after, they were both turned into eggs. Moments after the Alternate World Team Rocket was defeated, Ash, his friends, and their Alternate World counterparts, along with some help from Cynthia, Alternate World Professor Rowan, Jessie, James, and Alternate World Nurse Joy, prayed for Dialga and Palkia to stop fighting and pleaded them to turn their Pokémon back to their normal forms. Just then, a bright golden silhouette of Arceus appeared, calmed the temporal and spacial Pokémon down and destroyed the Red Chain that the Alternate World Team Rocket had them binded by. Dialga and Palkia then fixed the damage their fighting caused and returned everyone back to their respective dimensions, while also granting their wish to reverse the devolution effects on all of their Pokémon, returning Dratini all the way back to Dragonite and returning Gastly all the way back to Gengar.[1]

Dragonite, along with Flygon, was later used to help Ren and his Magnemite, Francois, drive a massive herd of Magnemite out of Vermilion City.[26]

Dragonite was seen, alongside Goh's Beedrill, pulled Ash and Goh across the desert moments before Team Rocket crashed in front of them.[27]

Dragonite, along with her other teammates, was later sent out to introduce herself to Ash's former travelling companions, Clemont, and his little sister, Bonnie during the visit in Lumiose City. When she first met Clemont, she affectionately greeted him with a hug. She later was seen training with Clemont's Pokémon and then watched Ash's double practice battle.[28]

Dragonite was later used in a battle against Wallace and his Swampert. However, the outcome of the battle was not seen, indicating whether Dragonite won or lost against Swampert.[29]

Dragonite was later seen training with her teammates in Cerise's Laboratory. She then witnessed Goh's Froakie evolving into Frogadier during a battle with Chloe's Eevee, which inspired Ash to go to Kalos and find his Greninja.[30]

Dragonite was later used as Ash's first Pokémon in his World Coronation Series match against Raihan and his Flygon. Although she fought well, she was ultimately knocked out of the match, resulting in her first ever known loss under Ash's ownership.[31]

Dragonite later reunited with Ash's Alola team when he revisited Alola after helping Lillie reunite with her father, Mohn. She then ate lunch with Ash's Alola Pokémon alongside with its teammates. But when she heard that Ash wants to participate in the Battle Royal, she cheered for its trainer along with most of the Pokémon listening to his conversation.[32]

Dragonite was later seen doing some hard training with its teammates for the upcoming Masters Tournament. By the end of the day, she was later seen resting with them after a long exhausting day of training.[33]

Soon, Dragonite was introduced to most of Ash's Pokémon who are residing in Professor Oak's laboratory in Pallet Town. During the visit, Dragonite trained with Swellow, Staraptor, Unfezant, and Noivern to master its flying abilities. Ash later used Dragonite in a battle against his former rival, Paul, and his Garchomp. During the battle, she attempted to use a Counter Shield-like move against Garchomp so he can defeat the Mach Pokémon. But despite that, Dragonite was eventually defeated. Despite the loss, Ash names the strategy he dubs "Dra-Gonite Meteor" and asked Paul if it was cool. But much to Ash's disdain, all his former rival could say was that it was tacky. Before leaving town, Dragonite later posed with most of Ash's Pokémon for a group photo with its trainer.[34]

When Ash was training his Pokémon for their match against Cynthia, she crash-hugged Ash, causing them to unintentionally run into Cynthia and her Garchomp, where she saw how fast she was after getting massaged by her.[35] Following this, she was the first Pokémon sent by Ash to face her Spiritomb, attempting to use Draco Meteor but was Sucker Punched. While she was able to use the move again and attempted to follow-up with Dragon Claw, she was struck by Hypnosis and fell asleep, allowing Spiritomb to eat her dreams, causing her to faint.[36]

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Role in PJ130, PJ131, PJ132, and PJ135

Known moves[]

Move notes

  1. ^ Dragonite knew this move as a Dragonair, but executed it in 'PJ025: A Festival Reunion!'.

Improvised moves[]


  • Dragonite marks the first time Ash:
    • Has ever caught a Pokémon that one of his traveling companions previously owned; Iris owns a Dragonite herself.
    • Captured a fully evolved Pokémon with an evolutionary line as his first new Pokémon in a new series.
    • Captured a fully evolved Pokémon from an evolutionary line since Noctowl in "Fowl Play!", and thus also the first such capture outside of the original series.
    • Caught a Generation I Pokémon since Snorlax.
    • Caught a Pokémon that knows an attack-boosting status move.
  • Dragonite is currently the only Pseudo-legendary Pokémon in Ash's possession.
  • Dragonite is the first Pokémon to show its evolution prior to its capture since his Krokorok.



  1. ^ In "Bewitch, Battle, and Bewilder!", The announcer referred Dragonite as a "she", confirming her to be female.
  2. ^ Dragonite - Eventdex | Serebii.net

