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After the story is a series of comic strips based on episodes of Pocket Monsters (2019 series). As the name implies, they depict events that occur after the conclusion of each episode. Although not officially stated to be canonical, some of the comic strips make direct references to past episodes, such as Ash's battle against Drake in "Vanity Affair" or the scene in which Ash has Froakie and Pikachu on his shoulders in "Lumiose City Pursuit!", and sometimes reveal or confirm interesting details related to the series, like that Dawn and Chloe Cerise kept in touch after the events of "A Midsummer Night's Light!" or that Cilan is the "Radio Connoisseur" mentioned at the very end of "Radio Lulled the Mischievous Stars!".

Each strip is shown on the official Japanese Twitter page of the series some time after the initial airing of the episodes, and are drawn by Mojacookie.

List of comic strips[]

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Img(s). Text Desc. Ref(s).
PM('19)037 After Story
…… ……
もうちょっかい()すなよ~ (Mou chokkai dasu na yo~, Don't go squabbling now~)


Rabbifoot to Namakobushi,

Nakayoku nareta ka na

Cinderace and Pyukumuku,

Did you get along❓

#アニポケ (だい)37() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 37 - After the Story)
PM('19)038 After Story
普通(ふつう)(いし)、か… (Futsuu no ishi, ka…, Just plain ol' stones, huh…)
ワンパ? (Wanpa?)


Jiyuukenkyuu no tame, Satoshi to Gou ni

Gouin ni kagaku hakubutsukan ni tsurete ika reta Koharu dattakedo…

For independent research

Ash and Goh

It was Chloe who was forcibly taken to the science museum...✨

#アニポケ (だい)38() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 38 - After the Story)
PM('19)039 After Story
ピカ ピッカァ!! (Pika pikkaa!!)
おったこがための真似(まね)か!? (O takogatame no mane ka!?, Oh, you're imitating the Octolock!?)

Otosupasu no tako ga tame ni, kurushinda Pikachu dattakeredo…🎵

Suffered from Grapploct's grip, it was Pikachu, but...

#アニポケ (だい)39() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 39 - After the Story)
PM('19)040 After Story
ピカチュ! (Pikachu!)
サンダーの真似(まね)? (Sandaa no mane?, You're imitating Zapdos?)
オ、オレたちはいいよ!! (O, oretachi wa ii yo!!, W-we're fine, thanks!!)


Pikachu wa Kaminari o ukete genki ippai

Dakedo… Satoshi-tachi ni wa chotto… ne😅

Pikachu is full of energy after receiving Thunder✨

But... Ash is a little...😅

#アニポケ (だい)40() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 40 - After the Story)
PM('19)041 After Story
こんどこそ…こんどこそ… (Kondo koso…kondo koso…, This time...this time...)
オレの(なか)(しん)記録(きろく)達成(たっせい)だピ! (Ore no naka no shin-kiroku tassei da pi!, I'll have achieved my new record!)
アテレコが()をひいてる… (Atereko ga o wo hiiteru…, The dubbing is still having its effect…)

Kojirou wa itatte shinkendesu🔥

James is very serious🔥

#アニポケ (だい)41() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 41 - After the Story)
PM('19)042 After Story
ダンデさんかっこよかったな~ (Dande-san kakko yokatta na~, Leon was pretty cool~)
ピカ~ (Pika~)

Dande no maede wa shinken'na hyoujoudatta, Satoshi to Pikachu dakedo…

It was a serious expression of Leon's, Ash and Pikachu, but...✨

#アニポケ (だい)42() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 42 - After the Story)
PM('19)043 After Story
ダイマックスバンド、ゲットだぜ! (Daimax Bando, getto da ze!, I got a Dynamax Band!)
…… ……

Konkai wa, Daimax Bando o Getto da ze!

This time, get the Dynamax Band!

#アニポケ (だい)43() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 43 - After the Story)
PM('19)045 After Story
すっごかったんだぜ!! ザシアンとザマゼンタがさ! ドーンって(あらわ)れてさ!! (Suggokattan da ze!! Zashian to Zamazenta ga sa! Doon tte arawarete sa!!, It was cool!! Zacian and Zamazenta, they...! Both appeared in a flash and then...!!
こーーーーーんなでっかいモンスターボールでムゲンダイナをゲットしてさ!! Koooooon'na dekkai monsutaa booru de Mugendaina o getto shite sa!!, I caught Eternatus in this huuuuuuge Poké Ball...!!)
へ、へぇ そっか~ (He hee sokka~, H-hmmm...really~)

Sakuragi Kenkyuujo e kaetta 2-jin wa miyage hanashi ga tomaranaii💫

The two who returned to the Cerise Laboratory can't stop talking about souvenirs💫

#アニポケ (だい)45() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 45 - After the Story)
PM('19)046 After Story

Mewtwo to no batoru, otsukaresama💫

Good job on the battle with Mewtwo💫

#アニポケ (だい)46() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 46 - After the Story)
PM('19)047 After Story
ピカピカ ビーカ。ピカ、ビカピーカ! (Pika pika piika. Pika, pika piika!)
ワンパ! (Wanpa!)

Pikachu ga Hoshigarisu no ookui taikai no yousu o repootochuu

Pikachu's report on Skwovet's eating contest✨

#アニポケ (だい)47() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 47 - After the Story)
PM('19)048 After Story
ほぼほぼピカチュウ、よくできてたニャ~ (Hobohobo Pikachuu, yoku dekiteta nya~, We've done a good job with that Practically Pikachu~)
まだ()う? (Mada iu?, You still say that?)


Nyarth wa chotto dake "ii kanji"❗❓

…Go jiai kudasai🙂

Meowth has a "good feeling"❗❓

…Please take care of yourself🙂

#アニポケ (だい)48() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 48 - After the Story)
PM('19)120 After Story
()くよ! イーブイ! (Iku yo! Iibui!, Let's go! Eevee!)
ブブイ! (Bubui!, Vee-vee!)
準備(じゅんび)はいいか? ピカチュウ! (Junbi wa ii ka? Pikachuu!, Are you ready, Pikachu?)
ピカ! (Pika!)



Kanousei wa mugendai

Kyoumi o mottara, atarashii koto ni mo charenji shiyou🌟

To iu koto de, sassoku Satoshi to Pikachu ni Pokemon batoru o idonde mita Koharu to Eievui na nodeshita🌸

Possibilities are endless✨

If you are interested, let's try new thing🌟

So, Chloe and Eevee immediately challenged Ash and Pikachu to a Pokémon battle🌸

#アニポケ (だい)120() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 120 - After the Story)
PM('19)122 After Story
ピッカ! (Pikka!, Pika!)
ピカチュウ、くすぐったいよ! (Pikachuu, kusuguttai yo!, Pikachu, that tickles!)



Shirona ga Gaburias ni massaaji shite ita yousu o mita Pikachu

Satoshi ni massaaji o shitai youdesuga… nakanaka muzukashii youdesu ne

Umaku dekireba, Satoshi mo Gaburias no you ni kirekkire ni naru ka na

Pikachu saw Cynthia massaging Garchomp⚡

It seems that it wants to give Ash a massage, but it seems to be quite difficult✨

If I can do it well, will it be as hard on Ash as it was with Garchomp❓

#アニポケ (だい)122() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 122 - After the Story)
PM('19)125 After Story
サトシ、お(たが)全力(ぜんりょく)でバトルだ! (Satoshi, otagai zenryoku de batoru da!, Ash, we'll both battle with everything we've got!)




Masutaazu Toonamento Semifainaru, de shouri shita Satoshi

"Kesshou de, Dande-san to batoru shitai" sono omoi o mune ni nobori tsumemashita🌟

Tsugi wa kessen de narabitatsu toki❗❗

Dande mo, kono nichi o machiwabite ita youdesu🔥

Masters tournament, Ash won the semifinals✨

"I want to battle Dande-san in the final." That feeling has reached into my heart🌟

Next time when we line up in the decisive battle❗❗ ️

Leon also seems to have been waiting impatiently for this day🔥

#アニポケ (だい)125() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 125 - After the Story)
PM('19)127 After Story
バーン! バーン! (Baan! Baan!, Raace! Raace!)
久々(ひさびさ)再会(さいかい)となったエースバーン と、フォクスライ🔥

ヒバニー、クスネ だったときの(おも)()(はなし)()(あが)がったようですね😊


Hisabisa no saikai to natta Aceburn to, Fokusurai🔥

Hibanny, Kusune datta toki no omoide-hanashi de moriagatta youdesu ne😊

Inteleon mo, Messondatta koro o omotte i tari suru no ka na

Cinderace and Thievul reunited after a long time🔥

Scorbunny, when they were Nickit, it looks like you had a blast talking about memories😊

I wonder if Inteleon is also thinking about the time when it was a Drizzile❓

#アニポケ (だい)127() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 127 - After the Story)
PM('19)132 After Story
サトシ! チャンピオン、おめでとう!! (Satoshi! Chanpion, omedetou!!, Ash, congratulations on becoming Champion!)


Kore made, iron'na basho e, iron'na nakama to, tabi o shite kita Satoshi🌟

Pokemon Waarudo Chanpionshippusu de Chanpion to natta ima, batoru o mitodoketakatsute no nakama-tachi min'na ga shukufuku shite imasu

So far, Ash has traveled to many places with many friends🌟

Now that I've become the champion of the Pokémon World Championships, all my former comrades who watched the battle congratulate me✨

#アニポケ (だい)132() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 132 - After the Story)
PM('19)133 After Story
()えてるといいな (Ae teruto ii na, Nice to meet you)



Gou-tachi ga myuu o tansaku suru ippou, Koharu wa, Hikari to tomoni Dande to Satoshi no batoru o kansen-chuu💥

Futo Gou no koto mo ki ni natta youdesu

Dande no Aceburn ya Inteleon o mite omoide shita no kamo shiremasen💫

While Goh and the others search for Mew, Chloe is watching the battle between Leon and Ash with Dawn💥

It seems that Goh suddenly became interested too✨

Look at Leon's Cinderace and Inteleon, you may have remembered

#アニポケ (だい)133() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 133 - After the Story)
PM('19)134 After Story




Kokoro arata ni Mew o gettosuru Gou no yume wa tsudzuki masu🌟

Satoshi to deai, Pokemon o Getto shi kazukazu no dai bouken o kasanete kimashita.

Kono keiken koso hontou no takaramono desu ne🌈

Korekara mo, mirai wa Gou no te no naka ni

Goh's dream of getting a Mew continues🌟

I met Ash, got Pokémon, and went on many great adventures.

This experience is a real treasure🌈

From now on, the future is in Goh's hands✨

#アニポケ (だい)134() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 134 - After the Story)
PM('19)135 After Story
あの二人(ふたり)本当(ほんとう)()(もの)同士(どうし)だね (Ano futari, hontou ni nita mono doushi da ne, Those two really are alike)
イブブイ! (Ibubui!, Evevee!)

ギクシャクしてしまったサトシとゴウを心配(しんぱい)していたけど、ルギアの(げん)へすぐさま()けていった 2(じん)()て、ちょっと安心(あんしん)したみたい✨


Kyanpuba de sugosu Koharu to Eievui🌸

Gikushaku shite shimatta Satoshi to Gou o shinpai shite itakedo, Lugia no gen e sugusama kakete itta 2-ri o mite, chotto anshin shita mitai

Tashika ni, nitamono doushi ni miemasu yo ne💫

Chloe and Eevee spending time at the campsite🌸

I was worried about Ash and Goh who were awkward, who immediately ran to Lugia. Seeing the two of them made me feel a little relieved✨

They sure do act alike💫

#アニポケ (だい)135() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 135 - After the Story)
PM('19)136 After Story



Sakuragi kenkyuujo menbaa demo, shuugou shashin o satsuei📸

Itsumo yasashiku mimamotte kureta Renji, Kikuna, Sakuragi shochou

Min'nade sugoshita hibi wa, tottemo tanoshii omoidedesu🌟

Even members of the Cerise Laboratory took a group photo📸

Ren, Chrysa, and Professor Cerise, who always looked after me kindly✨

The days we spent together are very happy memories🌟

#アニポケ (だい)136() アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 136 - After the Story)

Pocket Monsters: Aim to Be a Pokémon Master[]

Img(s). Text Desc. Ref(s).
PM('19)139 After Story
イッツ! テイスティング ターイム! (Ittsu! Teisutingu taaimu!, It's! Tasting time!!)



Nobori & Kudari no shin sharyou ohirome ibento ni sanka suru tame Satoshi-tachi to wakareta Dent🚋

Sonogo, Paatonaa no Yanappu to tomoni buji ni ekiben Gettode kita youdesu🍱

Ekiben somurie to shite zonbun ni teisutingu shite ne😋

To participate in the new railcar unveiling event with Ingo & Emmet, Cilan parted from Ash and others🚋

Afterwards, with partner Pansage, it seems that I was able to get the station lunch safely🍱

As an station lunch sommelier, tasting to my heart's content😋

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)140 After Story


ホタチの師匠(ししょう)(?)であるミジュマル も、(なん)だか得意(とくい)げです🌟

Kireina kouri no hotachi o tsukureru you ni natte, yama no Pokemon-tachi tomo nakayoku nareta Tunbear

Satoshi-tachi mo tsukutte moratta hotachi o tsukete, hokorashige ni poozu

Hotachi no shishou(?) dearu Mijumaru mo, nandaka tokuigedesu🌟

I became able to make beautiful ice scallops, Beartic who became friends with the Pokémon in the mountains❄

Put on the scallops Ash and the others made, and proudly pose✨

Scalchop's master(?), Oshawott, somehow proud🌟

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)141 After Story
いかっこよかったな~ あいつ! (I kakkoyokatta na ~ aitsu!, That was cool~ That guy!)



Ima dewa sukkari machi no ninki-sha ni natte ita Zenigame shoubou-dan🍀

Satoshi wa mochiron, Fushigidane, Lizardon, Pikachu mo Zenigame ga dai katsuyaku suru sugata ga mi rarete, ureshikatta youdesu ne🌟

Ouen guzzu de, nari kiri kibun

The Squirtle Squad that has become a popular person in the city now🍀

Ash, of course, but also Bulbasaur, Charizard, and Pikachu were happy to see Squirtle play an big active role🌟

Feeling like you are with support acts❓

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)142 After Story
()ほこいつってつを! たきどこを (No ho ho koitsu ttetsu o! Taki doko o, Where are you walking?)



Pikachu to issho ni hagurete shimatta Nyaasu💥

Rocket-dan ga inai yoru wa yappari samishikatta no ka, mukae ni kitekurete tottemo ureshi-soudeshita

Terekakushi shitemasuga, min'na, nyāsu no kimochi ni kidzuite i soudesu😁

Meowth who got lost with Pikachu💥

Was it a lonely night without Team Rocket? I was so happy that you came to pick me up✨

I'm hiding my embarrassment, but everyone seems to be aware of Meowth's feelings😁

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)143 After Story



Mure no riidaa to shite umi ni modotte itta Lapras🌊

Hisabisa ni saikai shita Satoshi, Pikachu-tachi to no bouken o shimijimi to omoidashite iru youdesu

Kenji, Kasumi-tachi mo issho ni Lapras ni notte, tabi o shite imashita yo ne💫

Lapras, who returned to the sea as the leader of the herd🌊

An adventure with Ash and Pikachu who met again after a long time. It seems that it remembered it deeply✨

Together with Tracey and Misty, you were traveling on Lapras, right💫

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)144 After Story




Nuigurumidatta koro no mochinushi jooi-san to buji ni meguriaeta Juppeta🎶

Chiisai koro ni totta, ano shashin to onaji pouzu de pashari📸

Haato no akusesarii ga yoku niatte imasu ne🌟

Korekara wa, gon chantozutto issho

I was able to safely meet Joy, the owner when I was a stuffed animal Banette🎶

In the same pose as that picture I took when I was little📸

Heart accessories look great on you🌟

From now on, I will always be with Gon-chan✨

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)145 After Story
あんた、嫉妬(しっと)してんの? (Anta, shitto shi ten no?, Are you jealous?)
はらぺこな だけニャ (Hara pekona dake nya, I'm just hungry)

あまりの(なか)()さに、モルペコ が嫉妬(しっと)



Hisabisa no saikai o yorokobu Kojirou to Manene🌟

Amari no naka no yo-sa ni, Morpeko ga shitto

…de wa naku, wa ra peko mo you ni natte iru dakedeshita💦

Min'na issho ni, wa chawacha suru no ga Rocket-dan rashiidesu ne🚀

James and Mime Jr. who are happy to meet again after a long time🌟

Morpeko is jealous of how close they are❓

…It wasn't just that I was hungry💦

It's like Team Rocket when everyone is messing around together🚀

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)
PM('19)146 After Story
ほーら、できたぞ~ (Hoora, dekita zo ~, Ta-da, I made it~)



Ima made, sugata o keshite Satoshi-tachi o mimamotte kita Latias💫

Takeshi ga tsukuru oishi-soona gohan no toki mo jī tto mite ite… zutto tabetakatta no kamo shiremasen

Issho ni tabe rarete, yokattadesu ne😋

Until now, Latias has been invisible and watched over Ash and the others💫

Even when Brock made delicious-looking rice, it stare at it... Maybe I've been wanting to eat it for a long time.

It was nice to be able to eat together😋

#アニポケ アフターストーリー
(#Anipoke After the Story)

Side stories[]

Img(s). Desc. Text Ref(s).
PM('19)121 Side Story
いけ、10まんボルト......zzz (Ike, 10 ma n boruto... ... zzz, Go, use Thunderbolt...zzz)
(ゆめ)(なか)でもバトルしてるんだな (Yume no nakademo batoru shi teru nda na, You're still battling even in your dream)



Satoshi wa nete mo sametemo batoru-chuu

Satoshi no hatenkou ina tatakai-buri wa, 'shougeki batoru' to shite wadai ni natte iru youdesu ne🌟

Aidea no minamoto wa yume torena nodeshou ka…

Ash is in battle, whether he is asleep or awake⚡️

Ash's daring battle style, it seems that it is being talked about as a "shock battle"🌟

Is the source of the idea dream training...❓

#アニポケ (だい)121() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 121 - Side Story)
PM('19)123 Side Story
すごいバトルで()(はな)せないぞ! (Sugoi batoru de me ga hanasenai zo!, It's such an awesome battle I can't even take my eyes off it!)
サトシ...がんばれ...! (Satoshi... ganbare...!, Ash...give it your all...!)
ルキッ! (Ruk!, Grook!)



Shirona VS Satoshi no semifainaru o, issho ni kansen shite iru Gou & Hop🌟

Iki mo tsuka senu batoru tenkai ni hoppu wa me ga kugidzuke👀

Gou wa, Sarunori to issho ni, Satoshi ni eeru o okutte imasu🔥

Cynthia VS Ash semi-final, Goh & Hop are watching together🌟

A breathtaking battle unfolds with Hop's eyes glued👀

Goh, along with Grookey, is going to send an email to Ash🔥

#アニポケ (だい)123() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 123 - Side Story)
PM('19)124 Side Story
す...すげぇ... ...! (Su... Suge~e... ... !, This is...awesome!)
ババーーン! (Bubuuurn!, Raraaace!)
ルッキーー! (Rukkiii!, Grookeyyy!)



Kansen-chuu no Gou no monsutaa booru kara, baan❗ to tobidashita Aceburn🌟

Satoshi no Lucario to Aceburn wa, kenka shinagara mo issho ni sodatta tomodachidesu

Hakunetsu no batoru o, yuujou pawaa de ouenda🔥

From Goh's Poké Ball while watching, Burn❗ and out jumps Cinderace🌟

Ash's Lucario and Cinderace are friends who grew up together, even though they had fights✨

Cheering on the heated battle with the power of friendship🔥

#アニポケ (だい)124() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 124 - Side Story)
PM('19)126 Side Story
ゴウ、()ないのか? (Gou, nenai no ka?, Goh, aren't you gonna go to sleep?)
うん、もうちょっと (Un, mou chotto, Yeah, just a little longer...)



Bottou suruto tomaranai… son'na tokoro mo Gou rashii✨

Satoshi to Pikachu wa nemu-souna jikan dakedo… mousukoshi, kenkyuu… chousa…💡

Mew ni tadoritsuku yume o kanaeru hi made, Gou no tankyuu wa tsudzukimasu❗❗

I can't stop when I'm immersed... such a place seems to be the same for Goh too✨

It's sleepy time for Ash and Pikachu, but... a little more, research… investigation…💡

Until the day when his dream of reaching Mew comes true, Goh's quest continues❗❗

#アニポケ (だい)126() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 126 - Side Story)
PM('19)128 Side Story
ダンデさん、またいつか、オレとバトルしてください! (Dande-san, mata itsuka, ore to batoru shite kudasai!, Leon, please have a battle with me again sometime!)
(つぎ)公式(こうしき)(せん)のスタジアムで (Tsugi wa koushiki-sen no sutajiamu de, Next time will be at the official battle stadium.)
ピカチュウ、ついにこの()()たな (Pikachu, tsui ni kono hi ga kita na, Pikachu, the day has finally come!)
ピカ! (Pika!)



Katsute batoru o shita ano nichi kara, oukiku seichou o hatashita Satoshi

Fainaru to iu saikou no butai de, Dande to no saisen no yakusoku o hatashimasu🔥

Batoru ga chikadzuku chuu… Satoshi wa wakuwaku ga tomaranai yousudesu

Ever since that day when we had a battle, Ash has grown a lot✨

On the best stage of the final, I will fulfill my promise of a rematch with Dande🔥

As the battle draws near... Ash can't stop being excited✨

#アニポケ (だい)128() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 128 - Side Story)
PM('19)129 Side Story
アニキ、絶対(ぜったい)()つよな! (Aniki, zettai katsu yo na!, Big brother, you will win for sure!)
ダンデくん! (Dande-kun!, Leon!)
がんばれ! がんばれ! (Ganbare! Ganbare!, Do your best! Do your best!)
がんばれ! がんばれ! (Ganbare! Ganbare!, Do your best! Do your best!)
ポチャ! ポチャ! (Pocha! Pocha!, Piplup! Piplup!)
ブイ! ブイ! (Bui! Bui!, Vee! Vee!)



Shuuto Sutajiamu de, Dande o ouen suru Hop to Sonia❗❗

Hop, Satoshi o ouen suru Koharu to Hikari

Iki mo tsuka senu batoru tenkai ni, kankyaku seki mo Atsu ku natte iru youdesu🔥

At Wyndon Stadium, Hop and Sonia are supporting Leon❗❗

On the other hand, Chloe and Dawn are cheering for Ash✨

In a breathtaking battle development, it seems that the audience seats are heating up🔥

#アニポケ (だい)129() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 129 - Side Story)
PM('19)130 Side Story
サトシ、がんばれ! (Satoshi, ganbare!, Ash, do your best!)
ガウ ガウ! (Gau gau!)



Corni mo Masters Tournament fainaru o kansen-chuu❗❗

Paatonaa no Lucario to tomoni, Satoshi ni eeru o okutte iru youdesu🔥

Onaji basho de, Saitou-tachi mo batoru o mimamotte imashita ne😊

Korrina is also watching the Masters Tournament Final❗❗

With her partner Lucario, it looks like she's sending an email to Ash🔥

Bea and the others were watching the battle in the same place😊

#アニポケ (だい)130() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 130 - Side Story)
PM('19)131 Side Story
あんた、この状況(じょうきょう)でよく()べてられるわね (Anta, kono joukyou de yoku tabete rareru wa ne, You can eat well in this situation)


モルペコ はそんな状況(じょうきょう)()にせず

Nanto, Shuuto Sutajiamu ni Mugendina ga…

An'un tachikomeru sutajiamu ni, Kansen-chuu no Rocket-dan mo furuete imasuga…

Morpeko wa son'na joukyou mo ki ni sezu

Surprisingly, Eternatus is in Wyndon Stadium...

In the stadium, where the dark clouds are roll in, Team Rocket is trembling while watching the game, but...

Morpeko doesn't seem care about such a situation

#アニポケ (だい)131() サイドストーリー
(#Anipoke Episode 131 - Side Story)
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