Pokemon: Legend of the Ancients #1
Pokemon: Legend of the Ancients #2
Pokemon: Legend of the Ancients #3
Pokemon: Legend of the Ancients #4
Pokemon: Legend of the Ancients #5
---------------------------Serena (The next morning)----------------------
Serena slept pretty well, no strange visits from her tenth great grandmother and everything was normal when she woke up. Bonnie was still sleeping so she got dressed, brushed her hair out and grabbed her belt. As soon as she put on the belt she felt more at ease. Knowing that her Pokemon were right beside her made her feel better and more ready to take on any challenge. Soon after she finished adjusting her outfit Bonnie started to stir. She groaned a bit before sitting up and rubbing her eyes.
¨Good morning sleepy head¨ Serena said putting on her fedora
¨Good morning¨ Bonnie said groggily
¨How did you sleep?¨ Bonnie did not respond ¨Bonnie?¨ the girl had fallen back to sleep ¨Bonnie you can´t sleep all day we have things to do¨ Bonnie eventually woke up enough to get herself dressed. Serena did her hair for her. ¨There! All set¨ Serena said with a smile.
¨Thanks Serena It's great!¨
¨As always. Why don´t you head downstairs I´m going to grab a shower then I´ll be down.¨
¨Ok I'll tell ¨Your boyfriend¨ that you will be down in a bit¨
¨Bonnie!¨ Serena blushed with embarrassment. But Bonnie just smiled and ran down the stairs. Once Serena regained her bearings she stepped into the shower. However while this was happening she could not help but think about her dream and the note with the Volcorona and Anneliese. What could it all mean she asked herself. Only one way to find out is to head to the library and see what info she could gather. Serena walked downstairs after she showered to find Ash, Clemont, and Bonnie waiting for her.
¨You ready to go Serena?¨ Ash said smiling
¨To where?¨ Serena replied feeling confused
¨Professor Sycamore called saying we need to head to Anistar ASAP¨
¨Oh… um do you think you guys could go without me i have to take care of something and I don't want to keep the professor waiting.¨
¨You need to take care of something? Clemont seemed confused
¨Yeah it's personal I´m sorry. I´ll catch up with you in a day or so ok?¨
¨If you need to I guess it's fine¨ Clemont said still confused
Serena hand reached down to the pocket containing the Volcarona ¨Thanks for understanding guys¨
¨No problem Serena! We all need some time to ourselves every now and again.