In this new region there a gym leader who is tired of working at a aquarium that gets barely any traction ME
Team: Barbarcle, Frillish, Tentacool
The theme of the gym is an aquarium with water type pokemon galore and I work there for minium wage of a gym leader
Frillish (M)
Water absorb (Ability)
Eviolite (Item)
Toxic, Hex, Surf and Recover (Moves)
Barbacle (M)
Sniper (Ability)
Lansat Berry (Item)
Shell Smash, Substitute, Cross Chop and Liquidation (moves)
Tentacool (F)
Clear Body (Ability)
Leftovers (Item)
Rapid Spin, Toxic Spikes, Knock off and Acid Armour (Moves)
Whst I look like is probably a skinny straight out of college 24-25 year old with a hoodies with the aquarium logo, along with a water stone somewhere on the hoodie, while i have the fountain like crystal that appears on tera water pokemon tattooed on my ankle or forearm probably messy/shaggy dark brown hair. my skin is a deep rich tan lets say. Thats it for looks (if someone wants to draw this oc then I would really like that) and my personality is probably very open to feelings, and ideas and quick to anger
I will have “Guess that pokemon” that are exclusively water types to make the gym interesting like how I do them here on the wiki.
Thats it. This post took a while to make but I hope I didnt miss anything ? What type should I do next?