If you take a shiny in your box, and swipe 3 in either direction, as long as the ending pokemon after 3 swipes isn't a dynamax, the shiny particles will spawn, but the pokemon does not change to shiny.
(Alolan Raticate vs goomy)
If you take a shiny in your box, and swipe 3 in either direction, as long as the ending pokemon after 3 swipes isn't a dynamax, the shiny particles will spawn, but the pokemon does not change to shiny.
Makes sense
Thats true
Lucky in both ways, I've been hunting for one with perfect Pokedex level and I still haven't found a single one
If it is fully evolved, then it can't evolve, regardless of friendship or not
Oops they went upside down
Heatran, regigigas, cressalia? (and probably Arceus)
In pokemon scarlet, Ditto's text says: "Its transformation ability is perfect. However, if made to laugh, it can't maintain its disguise." I found a ditto, and used tickle on it to see if it would change back to its original form. It didn't. WHY NOT?!? Seems they overlooked a cool feature ngl :/
Nope, good luck, and hope you get it! (P.S. I call dibs) (I can't afford to lose my sanity hunting for it)
PS you called illumise volbeat
I like Mewtwos, lugias, regices, and virizions, lol
3:probably rayquaza
6: mega Charizard x
9:iron valiant
In Space-Time Distortions, almost every single pokemon gets mad at you, even the ones like Eevee and Lickitung. But for some reason, Lickilicky doesn't get mad at me. Is this a glitch, or gamefreak just forgot about it?
Either my shiny alpha pachirisu or my shiny alpha chansey, both from mmos
What was your first shiny and how far in your playthrough were you?
Mine was a buizel, it was the first buizel I ever saw, and the 6th wild pokemon I had seen. I just now realized that i was insanely lucky with the 1/4096 odds
Slaking (lol)