Hobbies: Golf, tennis, playing, training his power, and running.
Likes: Pikachu, Running, Explosives, Magic (he's not a Muggle unlike most trainers), and Zaniness.
Hates:Bullies, People denying Pikachu power, the word "slow", FNAF Wiki, Roblox, and FORTNITE
Friends: Pikachu, Ash, and Red
Enemies: (none unless you count all bullies)
Feats: Escaped a banned universe, reached God (and then was called a pest and pushed down to his planet), destroyed all demons (except the keeper of darkness), and made his own planet to live on.
Universes he's been to: Harry Potter, Sonic, Pokemon, Joey Squad Heroes (his home), Regular Earth, and Mario
That's all I can think of, aside from his team.