Is it supposed to be a booger or just a generic germ?
TRUBBISH! Trash/pollution monsters are one of my favorite things to see in any media. And they're also just super silly guys.
My favorite flavor, The purple one.
There is a HUGE difference from actual calenders and "marketing calendars".
Personally I think Garchomp, Metagross, and Tyranitar are the least deserving. They were already monstrous Pokemon to begin with and I don't think they need an entire Mega Evo just to say that.
Oh boy I can't wait for Christmas, I hope there aren't any peculiar creatures out today!..
The festive Hallucegenia:
Is this because racoons wash their hands before eating? Very cute mons
I got this, Corvisquire KABOOM!
Non-legendary 👍
Do the categories have to be in order of how they were listed? If not I'll say the main inspiration is a Flea