So I was playing Pokemon Moon, as I do, and I was working on raising my Pichu's friendship level
I got him to 5 hearts of affection in the Pokemon Care thing, so I decided to feed him a Rare Candy
And yet, no Pikachu. Anyone know what this is?
Yeah, he evolved today :)
Just one step closer to my favorite Pokemon of all time
The Kanto arcs were good. That set technically had two different arcs, including the Yellow one
Well that's confusing...
Then what's the point of it even being there?
So I was playing Pokemon Moon, as I do, and I was working on raising my Pichu's friendship level
I got him to 5 hearts of affection in the Pokemon Care thing, so I decided to feed him a Rare Candy
And yet, no Pikachu. Anyone know what this is?
I think there is a Sword and Shield manga
Well that clears it up
I really hope it doesn't change to Psychic ;-;
I don't think they've changed a Pokemon's type since the Fairy type was introduced
Very much. There are much darker tones in the manga compared to the games and anime. Lots of angst too
The manga tends to outshine the games, at times.
For any arc, not just X and Y
I read a little of the XY arc. It's actually pretty good, better than the games
I actually quite liked it, especially the Gold Silver and Crystal arc.
I got an entire box set of that arc of the manga as a birthday present once, and I still read them all to this day.
Gold x Silver will forever be the only toxic yaoi I like
Acerola, easy.
My freaky lil ghosty girl :D
All the Alolan forms should have
An Alolan Exeggutor exclusive z-move would be so cool :O
Which one? Pikachu technically has two
I guess Mew getting a z-move and not Mewtwo was cause Mewtwo got two whole Megas, so it balances out.
But considering Mew is the second ancestor to all Pokemon, it makes sense for it to have such a cool z-move
Light That Burns The Sky is such a metal name for a move
Like damn Necrozma, I know you're THE third legend of the games, but chill
I just made the post
Now, we are doing the z-moves only one Pokemon can use, like Stoked Sparksurfer or Let's Snuggle Forever.
Naturally, being my favorite Pokemon, Alolan Raichu's exclusive z-move is my number one favorite as well.
It may not be the flashiest thing Arceus has graced us with, but it's from my silly little pancake guy, so I ain't complaining