Tysm @Legendary Super Saiyan Fennekin
And ty about my art, normally people think my art sucks and thats what i thought normally
Well ok..
Hmm maybe i should stick to the pokemon card collection
So are you saying my arts are bad
Bc i did those on a laptop..
U know how hard that is!!!
Like on my sketch book im really good but my camera broke so i have to use my phone
I'm saying its weird that your always qualifying so yea I'm just a little ehh abut that
Ok so this is strange but kierra is always being voted in like, are you sure your not just voting him only? like i worked four hours on my project when i should have done my homework
Turtle cult
Me over here who can't get a single shiny and just lost a shiny kluaf
I have on my team
Rose( meowscrada)
Stuff marsh(wigglytuff)
Btw my wigglytuff knows flamethrower
Oh fluff i lost..
Ima go replay pokemon x
Omg my friend just got one
Oh fuff
;done for team a
Everyone revenge for babby woba fett
Rayquaza must be a sacrifice for baby wwobba fett
Oh sorry
Emy why s baby woobe fettt in there
I will avenge him