A very long time ago, I promised I’d make a new Pokémon Pixilart. Unfortunately, I got extremely busy and I finished it late. I’m glad to say it’s finally done though. Enjoy!
A very long time ago, I promised I’d make a new Pokémon Pixilart. Unfortunately, I got extremely busy and I finished it late. I’m glad to say it’s finally done though. Enjoy!
You can legally hack games onto your 3ds xl now, so it’s pretty easy to get every Pokémon game. If you actually purchased all those though, then congratulations, and you’ve earned my respect.
Dang SB addict I’m trying to keep a low profile lol.
The Tate and Eliza battle ticks me off. I'm glad you included that in the list.
Haunter because shiny Haunter sucks. Blue tongue doesn't equal good shiny.
My first shiny was a Shiny Elctabuzz I caught in Let's Go. Yeah yeah I know Let's Go gets the "easy game" treatment so I don't have the shiny hunter pass yet, but I still remember this first shiny well. I'd just gotten the Shiny Charm after collaborating with my younger brother to catch all 151 Kanto Pokemon. I got all except Mew (yes I got an extra which was Meltan). Once I got my certificate and the Shiny Charm, I thought about what shiny I wanted to hunt first. After some thinking, I went with Voltorb, which has a nice royal blue shiny. Instead, after hours of combo-ing, I stumbled upon a shiny Electabuzz instead. To my surprise, Let's Go combos increased shiny odds for all Pokemon, so that's how I ended up finding the goofy orange fella. I did eventually get shiny Voltorb. After that, I caught a bunch of other cool shinies by abusing catch combo odds, with my favorite being a shiny Charmander I caught in the Rock Tunnel a few days ago which I evolved into shiny Charizard.
Of course I can't just say Sun and Moon is better without giving some reasons, so here ya go:
Sun and Moon was my first Pokemon game (yes I'm a bit biased).
Trials were a unique idea and were a breath of fresh air from gyms. I'm probably the first to say that, but I genuinely liked trials.
Sun and Moon has a good story that I feel has been overshadowed by complaints about the game's long cutscenes and sequences.
The Ultra Beasts are really fun. Each one has so much personality in their design, making them distinct from one another. I think Ultra Beasts were a good replacement for the usual cookie-cutter extra legendaries that most other games get.
The many villains in Sun and Moon are really interesting, especially Team Skull (which is a whole other great thing in of itself that I'll get to later). Also, if you ever play Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon, you'll find out that the main villain is a Pokemon and not a group of people.
There are a bunch of interesting Pokemon that came out of the Alola region, and some interesting shinies too. If you like catching Pokemon and want a game with a diverse group of them, Sun and Moon is your best bet.
Sun and Moon has Team Skull. I need not say more. Nah just kidding I'll elaborate. Team Skull isn't even a group of people with an evil agenda. They are a gang in Alola that doesn't really do anything but act menacing and occasionally commit crimes. The grunts from this team are just called "grunts." No special name. They may have generic designs, but what sets them apart from other characters is that sometimes they break the fourth wall through their dialogue, which I always thought was really funny and charming. Their leader, Guzma, is one heck of a character with probably the best team leader battle theme of any game (I'll get to the music later too).
The game looks beautiful even though its graphics are pretty limited. Every area has a different feel to it which you just don't get with most Pokemon games anymore. Every time I booted up this game, going to an area and catching Pokemon always felt like an adventure and it was all because of the unique areas.
The music is top notch. Each song fits the mood its scene or area is trying to convey. I don't even know how to explain it, so you'll just have to experience the music yourself.
That's about all I wanted to say. Sun and Moon has often been criticized for its gameplay issues like long cutscenes, removal of gyms, Hau being a lame rival, etc., but I think that's what made it such a good game. It wasn't trying to be perfect. That might just be my nostalgia talking but try out the game yourself, and I'm sure you won't be disappointed.
NO I MEANT TO PICK SUN AND MOON (dppt is still good but Sun and Moon is better).
I have some explaining to do.
Ok since I made this on mobile and the screen was very small some Pokemon were moved to the wrong spots:
Articuno is actually a pretty lame shiny but it will be relatively high since it has the better change among its other two legendary bird counterparts (don't like shiny Zapdos because it has a boring change and shiny Moltres looks like raw chicken). I will change shiny Articuno from S tier to B tier because I like its snowy colors despite them not being all that noticeable.
Zygarde 10% is in the wrong tier. It should be in S tier with the other forms, but something got messed up while I was moving it.
As for the strange choices I made that need to be touched up on, here's my reasons:
Volcanion is low because even though its shiny colors are significantly different compared to its regular design, it looks really weird. I feel like there are so many cooler shinies the devs could've given Volcanion, but instead they chose a weird mix of colors and an obnoxiously bright yellow.
Hoopa unbound is one flat yellow color, and a really ugly one at that. It almost reminds me of one of the most dreadful shinies ever: the disgusting yellow mustard looking shiny Mismagius.
Darkrai is in S tier because even though it has a subtle change, I think the purple tone it gets on its body fits with its ghost typing really well. Its eyes also go from blue to an eerie green color that I am a huge fan of.
This is my opinion and I don’t expect anyone to agree, but if you do agree with this list let me know.
I tried to have the least bias I could while making this. I’m actually shiny hunting Arceus right now but I hesitated to put him in S tier because even though I think hunting him is fun, his shiny isn’t the best. It does look cool, but I would prefer it be gold over its lemon color.
I don’t know if that’s true or not but I do side with that idea. Black and white interlock on the Yin and Yang symbol.
You’d need both games to complete the Pokédex and get the Shiny Charm so I suggest playing the second version if you want to complete X and Y. Other than that, if you’re not seeking completion, playing the other version is pointless.
Nah I’m pretty sure Reshiram is green.
I’ve never even attempted to get Missing No. before, though there is one glitch Pokémon I tried to get in my virtual console copy of Pokémon Yellow: the level 100 Gengar in Viridian Forest.
I would be surprised if people didn’t like Starly. Having a Starly is pretty much necessary in the Sinnoh games since it evolves into Staraptor, a relatively powerful Pokémon.
I have a Staraptor on my champion team in BDSP, and it is easily one of my favorite Pokémon from the Sinnoh region. Design-wise, it’s pretty intimidating and edgy in a fun way. It also looks cool in the Pokémon anime and I remember seeing it in an opening as a little kid.
Here’s random Pokémon facts I find interesting that maybe you didn’t know. I didn’t know any of these until doing a bit of research. Enjoy.
Struggle is the only typeless move that every Pokémon can use.
This one is pretty self-explanatory. Some moves are deemed typeless when they don’t have any weaknesses, resistances, or strengths. Struggle just so happens to be a typeless move (listed as Normal type), and every Pokémon knows it.
Bulbasaur was formerly used as a placeholder for nonexistent Pokémon.
From what I know, this is mostly apparent in generation VI, though there are instances of this happening in previous generations. Basically, if you hack a game and try to fight a Pokémon that doesn’t exist or you try to encounter a wild Pokémon without any partners in your party, the missing Pokémon will be replaced with a Bulbasaur. An example of this would be when you use hacks in X and Y to encounter a Pokémon without picking a starter. Since you don’t have any Pokémon in your party, you gain a placeholder shiny Bulbasaur with the highest possible level and HP (with the drawback being that it can’t be used to fight). This glitch also applies to ORAS and is found with the same method. Curiously, both shiny glitch Bulbasaurs from these games are named “Pikachu” in Japanese.
I’m not entirely sure if Bulbasaur is still a placeholder Pokémon in later games, but I doubt it.
Corrupted Pokémon can be brought back.
If you frequently used hacks in your Gen 3 games (like Action Replay), then you are probably familiar with the “Bad Egg.” This is a placeholder that usually replaces Pokémon who’ve been hacked and/or corrupted. Bad Eggs are permanent, and once your Pokémon has been changed to one, it can’t be brought back.
Or so I thought…
There are actually methods that allow a you to revert a Bad Egg back to the Pokémon it originally was, but you’d need a massive amount of tech knowledge.
Quick summary of this video if you didn’t feel like watching all the way through: basically a guy loses his 15-year-old Blastoise as a kid after using an Action Replay and turning it into a Bad Egg, and years later, he asks a couple of tech savvy guys if they know how to bring it back. They successfully do with the help of an anonymous person who calls himself “Gary.”
Shaymin is still obtainable in BDSP.
Right after checking the title of this fact, I know you’re probably already booting up your copy of Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl trying to debunk it. Well you’re partially right.
You can’t get Shaymin on a completely updated copy of Brilliant Diamond or Shining Pearl, but you can get one on outdated copies of those games via a glitch.
This video does most of the explaining for me, so if you want to know the details like how this glitch works or how to perform it, watch this: https://youtu.be/TpuiMas8SpY?si=5FgS2NR-ZCe0qPV3
The uploader has confirmed that this glitch still works as of February, 2024.
There are some pros and cons to this glitch:
The Shaymin you get from this glitch is legal and can be transferred and traded between games.
This glitch is harmless and you won’t break your game or corrupt your Switch trying to do it.
You can shiny hunt the Shaymin you find.
It can cost a good amount of money to do this glitch.
It can be difficult to perform this glitch and small mistakes could end up making you have to start all over again.
The method for this glitch doesn’t also work for Darkrai, so you can only get Shaymin.
If you missed the Shaymin event in BDSP and you still want one, this glitch is your best bet.
Some shiny-locked legendaries’ shiny forms can be found in Sword and Shield.
You may or may not know this, but some of the legendaries who were shiny-locked in previous generations can be shiny when they appear in Crown Tundra. An example of this would be Necrozma, a personal favorite Pokémon of mine. It was shiny-locked in the first two generations it appeared in (Sun and Moon and USUM), however you can get the shiny version of it in Crown Tundra.
Meltan is one of the few mainline Pokémon exclusive to Pokémon GO.
If you played through the Let’s Go games and have Pokémon GO installed on your phone, you probably caught Meltan. If you didn’t know already though, Meltan is a Pokémon GO exclusive Pokémon that you can only obtain by connecting your copy of Let’s Go to the Pokémon GO app.
When you connect your Let’s Go game to the app, you receive a mystery gift that spawns a bunch of Meltan for a limited time. Surprisingly, these Meltan also have a chance to be shiny.
Unfortunately as of right now, you can only catch a shiny Meltan in Pokémon GO. Meltan, Melmetal, and their shiny forms will probably stay Pokémon GO exclusives permanently.
That just about concludes my random facts. If you didn’t know one of these, let me know. I’d also like to hear some other largely unknown facts from you guys that I didn’t touch up on in this post.
Thanks for reading!
That’s exactly what I was thinking.
Aight I think it’s settled. Genesect got the most votes as of right now and it just keeps going up.
Nvm the tie has been broken. People are in favor of red Genesect. I don’t care which of these gets voted tbh though because all of them are equally cool.
Wow there’s already a three-way tie. You’d think at least one would have more votes…