Also im prob not gonna be too active bc im on hp and wof wiki A LOT but uh anyways yay
Ok uh 2427 replies WOW-
Anyways hehe
Also im prob not gonna be too active bc im on hp and wof wiki A LOT but uh anyways yay
THe laVENdeR TOwN synDRomE ooooOOOOOOoo spOOkY
32 Votes in Poll
You should do Tennessee! It’s an interesting state of the USA and it’s fun to use the wildlife as inspiration for pokemon!
She’s a friend of mine, she’s from canada btw. Centre = center.
He is so cute!
46 Votes in Poll
Why does it sorta look like something i saw in one of my nightmares
Chikorita, togepi, and gengar
Ditto must win
I’m new. You can call me my username, TRAAAAINS, or my online name, Buddy. My pronouns are they/she but i mainly use they/them. I will be posting mainly drawings and polls but a couple other things. Speaking of pokemon, my favorite pokemon are arcanine and ninetails! I’m excited to dive into this community!