I recently received a level 30 shiny deoxyis for a level 41 clefairy! Was the person that gave me this dumb? Is this not as rare as I think it is? I sort of want to know because, 1. I don't want hacked Pokemon on my team, and 2. it felt weird somebody took a clefairy for the deoxyis, mine you, this was in Pokemon brilliant daimond, where I find them pretty easy to get. Not to mention I know there was a shiny deoxyis event on Pokemon go. So that might be why it was given to me. The same happened with a jirachi. I think they took it for one of my many level one older starters like ivysaur and squirtle. Which might have just been them not knowing starters aren't too rare. But I would still love some body to let me know.
(Side note I'm sorry for my first post, somebody was correcting the bad spelling and I understand it was a bad question to ask.)