Grimsley - u prolly gambled away ur life and u look like a piece of garlic bread would kill u
Blue sentret with deformed tail
It's iconic. Where's my cookie?
Gulpin - no, it's definitely a deformed Natu
@BL0XYST1NG3R "Give," huh?
Floragato (whole Sprigatito line is great), Hisuian Lilligant, Serperior
Swampert (my first starter, named him Sploosh), both Zorua (bc seriously, ZORUA), Chien-Pao (snow leopard with sharp pointy swords, what's not to love), Hisuian Lilligant (idk, I like its design), and many, many more
Yeah, shinies do change opinions
Dang right Popplio line's in S.
I agree with all the choices in S except Tepig & Emboar. I like gen 5, but the starters are prolly the worst from any gen (meaning as a whole)
Quick Ball (effective), Dive Ball (pretty), Love Ball (hardly ever use them but nice design)
(I'm revising my character a bit, and adding more detail)
Never done a roleplay before, so here goes nothing!
Name: Despina
Age (13 - 20): 14
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Shippable?: Depends
Sexuality (if applicable): Straight
From rare gallery
Personality (please go into as much detail as possible):
"Don't talk to me. You're wasting your breath."
Despina would rather just stay alone in her room, not seeing anyone. Her parents sent her out of Kanto when she was just born, so she doesn't remember anything of the Titanium City and calls herself a Johtonian. She keeps many secrets, and doesn't like to talk. She's definitely introverted, and trusts no one. She grew up self-sufficient, so why can't she stay that way? But Johto isn't safer than Kanto. In fact, death rates are higher. But you can be yourself, so isn't that what matters? These questions fill Despina's head, driving her to the brink of insanity. She's unstable in large crowds, trying to think of all the outcomes - all the ways she could die - to enjoy herself at parties. She tries to read people's minds, tries to see when they'll start being disappointed in her. If you need to tell someone a secret, go to Despina. She'll keep it in her grave. There's no one in the world she loves, so she can't be tortured. She only feels truly happy riding on the back of her Roaring Moon. Despina wants to find out where she really came from, because she knows it's not Kanto. Even in Johto, there are limitations to who you can and can't be. Or should I from.
She knows in Johto, you're either predator or prey. Despina's a predator, or so she hopes. She's not afraid to manipulate a few "friends" to get what she wants. Despina wants to be at the top, because anything less than that means death. She doesn't need any friends, really. She doesn't want to burden anyone with her endless gruesome possibilities. But Despina can't trust anyone. She once did, and now they're dead.
Backstory: Her parents sent her out of Kanto when she was five, so she doesn't remember anything of the Titanium City and calls herself a Johtonian. Or at least that's what she's been told. But she remembers a yard of dreams and someone named...a letter. But she isn't sure, really. Despina has gone to Paldea, undercover, to catch some rarer pokemon. She stumbled upon a Sprigatito and caught it. She went adventuring in Area Zero and found a Roaring Moon, which she loved since "despina" is the name of a moon. She's gone to Alola, undercover yet again, and found a Popplio. Despina likes to go to Hoenn, where she feels safer even though it's similar to Johto. She found a beached Milotic there, and came to its rescue. Someone was smuggling pokemon from other regions into Johto, but they escaped and Despina found herself an Axew. She knows she's not safe by any means, but at least she has protection.
Pokemon Partner/Team: Partner: Roaring Moon - Team: Meowscarada, Primarina, Milotic, Haxorus
Role (Kantonian Soldier, Kantonian Defector, Johtonian): Johtonian...I think.
Extra: She likes to read. Mostly horror, because that reflects her life.
Never done a roleplay before, so here goes nothing!
Name: Despina
Age (13 - 20): 14
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her
Shippable?: Depends
Sexuality (if applicable): Straight
Appearance: Tall and thin, with black hair that reaches her knees. She doesn't want to stand out much, so she dresses in all black: black leather jacket, black tights. The only spot of color on her outfit is a gold and teal pin that she never talks about, saying it's a family heirloom. She wears long black boots and a large hood, to keep her eyes covered. No one knows their true color.
Personality (please go into as much detail as possible): Despina would rather just stay alone in her room, not seeing anyone. Her parents sent her out of Kanto when she was just born, so she doesn't remember anything of the Titanium City and calls herself a Johtonian. She keeps many secrets, and doesn't like to talk. She's definitely introverted, and trusts no one. She grew up self-sufficient, so why can't she stay that way? But Johto isn't safer than Kanto. In fact, death rates are higher. But you can be yourself, so isn't that what matters? These questions fill Despina's head, driving her to the brink of insanity. She's unstable in large crowds, trying to think of all the outcomes - all the ways she could die - to enjoy herself at parties. She tries to read people's minds, tries to see when they'll start being disappointed in her. If you need to tell someone a secret, go to Despina. She'll keep it in her grave. There's no one in the world she loves, so she can't be tortured. She only feels truly happy riding on the back of her Roaring Moon. Despina wants to find out where she really came from, because she knows it's not Kanto. Even in Johto, there are limitations to who you can and can't be. Or should I from.
Backstory: Her parents sent her out of Kanto when she was five, so she doesn't remember anything of the Titanium City and calls herself a Johtonian. Or at least that's what she's been told. But she remembers a yard of dreams and someone named...a letter. But she isn't sure, really. Despina has gone to Paldea, undercover, to catch some rarer pokemon. She stumbled upon a Sprigatito and caught it. She went adventuring in Area Zero and found a Roaring Moon, which she loved since "despina" is the name of a moon. She's gone to Alola, undercover yet again, and found a Popplio. Despina likes to go to Hoenn, where she feels safer even though it's similar to Johto. She found a beached Milotic there, and came to its rescue. Someone was smuggling pokemon from other regions into Johto, but they escaped and Despina found herself an Axew. She knows she's not safe by any means, but at least she has protection.
Pokemon Partner/Team: Partner: Roaring Moon - Team: Meowscarada, Primarina, Milotic, Haxorus
Role (Kantonian Soldier, Kantonian Defector, Johtonian): Johtonian...I think.
Extra: She likes to read. Mostly horror, because that reflects her life.
Dang right marshadow's in S.
I mean, there are "I played [pokemon game] as Cynthia" videos on Youtube
Cynthia is kind of iconic
Only good thing about gen 4 (in my opinion) is Cynthia
Gen 4 is my least fave gen